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Coppertop's Pop

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Everything posted by Coppertop's Pop

  1. In 2009 my son was a student at PCHS and was expelled for a Level 1 offense, taken to jail and charged with a felony. My son had perfect attendance, band, beta club, honors, etc, but the principal still expelled him because of "POLICY". While I think that was harsh, unnecessary and unreasonable, I feel like those kids who vandalized EPHS with spray paint and did approximately $40,000 damage should at a minimum receive the same punishment (Expulsion as well as the criminal charges). Many kids have been expelled for offenses much less than this. I called a clerk at the school and was t
  2. That's got to be a joke! $40,000 in damages and NO EXPULSIONS? I call BS on that one! Kids at other schools have been faced expulsions over a lot less than $40,000 in damages. This destruction of Gov't property is a LEVEL 1 offense. trust me, some kids will be expelled and made an example of!
  3. The girl who snitched will probably lose a lot of friends over this. Word has it she's being harassed at school and even got so upset she checked out of school early because several classmates were talking junk to her.
  4. My teenaged son got locked up for possession of a pocket knife at school (a felony weapons charge). How many folks have a knife in their truck? Eventually we had lobbied the state legislature folks and got the zero tolerance law changed, but it took a lot of money and a lot of time. Further, the court system is SLOW as Christmas. While he was waiting to go to court, he got turned down from several job offers. Stuff like Food Lion, Six Flags, etc. Piddly minimum wage stuff was turning him down until the outstanding charges were taken care of. He lost his drivers license until he turned 18. He e
  5. The kids who get kicked out of school and are under 18 WILL lose their driving license until they turn 18. (I'm speaking from experience). Also, I would never recommend talking to the po-po without a lawyer, regardless if they are guilty or innocent. The kids will probably get a fine, probation,restitution, etc if thay have a lawyer. If they don't have a lawyer, they could spend several months in jail, have a felony stay on their record and get screwed on job applications and college choices. It's cheeper in the long run to hire a lawyer and for goodness sakes, Students, don't be snitchin
  6. My suggestion is for each student's family to hire a lawyer to represent them in court. Don't try to go up to the courthouse and "explain" things. Judge Beavers will certainly do his version of "explaining things" Getting the charges reduced or even exponged is a very important step. Even if you have to borrow the cash, HIRE A LAWYER! Also, the school will definitely expel a few kids for the rest of the school year. Don't even try to appeal their decision. The disciplinary hearings are a complete joke and you'll leave there disgusted. Your biggest concern should be getting the criminal ch
  7. According to the AJC The Paulding Northwest Atlanta Airport west of Dallas is closed until further notice. Airport manager Blake Swafford told the AJC that 80 percent of the 23 aircraft at the airport were destroyed. "Basically, everything is damaged," he said.
  8. Not much wind, no rain, a lot of lightning to the north of me. I live near Ingles/Captain D's in Dallas.. All is quiet here.
  9. What road is Southern Trace Subdiivision on? I have a power generator if needed.... i/m
  10. Why isn't Obama one of the choices in the poll?
  11. I bought a pork roast from here a couple weeks ago and it was AWESOME! You guys are the best!
  12. Every legal case is different, but I would always hire an attorney when going to court. We've used Gary Walker out of Marietta. Mr. Walker was very expensive, but worth every penny in my view. And please please please, NEVER speak to the police without a lawyer. Even if you're guilty as sin, the cops can't interrogate you if you ask for a lawyer. Good luck in your search.
  13. That's the best come-back I've heard in this whole thread!
  14. Teens often do stuff that parents don't find out about until it's already done and they get caught. It doesn't mean the parents are bad, it means teens thought they knew more than their folks did. A lot of us have done things and "gotten away" with it. It's all part of growing up. Trust me when I say, kids who get into the most, often have more common sense and real life experience than kids who've never broken a rule. How many preacher's daughters have gotten pregnant as teens? It doesn't mean their parents were bad now does it? Brag on you kids all day long, but believe me when I say they ar
  15. I have boys and they've done just about everything you can imagine at school....from cussing, fighting, possessing pictures of nekked chicks, burning rubber in the parking lot, possessing knives, and the list could go on. Boys do stupid stuff sometimes. What can I say, they're boys. I used to get mad and red faced. Last time I got the call from the principal's office, I just said ummm ok. whatever. We've faced OSS, expulsions, a trip to the big house, court, etc. It's all a pain in the neck, but at least they're not getting drunk or high like I did when I went to Wills. One more thing,
  16. Don't you just love trying to talk some common sense into the school administrators? You can raise Cain and appeal til the cows come home and it'll do no good. Been there, done that.
  17. It's January and I have several flowers already blooming in my yard. I also saw some yellow jackets buzzing around my back porch. It's way to early for that. The high temperature is supposed to get up to 68 degrees one day this week. Are we going to get hit hard in February or March? I think we need a couple of hard freezes or the skeeters will eat us alive in the Spring and Summer.
  18. When I broke my leg, every time my heart beat, my leg throbbed in pain and no amount of ice or pain killers worked. My poor wife had to hear my whining for two solid months. I hope I never have another broken bone (and so does my wife).
  19. I went there today and the chicken was excellent...I had a burger, and it wasn't all that great. Next time,. I'll stick with the chicken though.
  20. Cobb County Chief Deputy Coker has stirred up a hornets nets by stating employees in her office are doing well. “I think our job is to motivate people with more than money,” she said. “Be glad you have a job. http://mdjonline.com/view/full_story/17307854/article-Department-heads-express-frustration-with-no-pay-raises?instance=home_news_bullets Many department heads express frustration with no pay raises, yet the elected officials imply disgruntled employees can BE QUIET and BE HAPPY or BE GONE! Furloughs and lack of merit pay increases will cause customer service to hit rock
  21. It looks like most of this mornings storms will cross closer to Douglasville than Dallas. I just looked at the radar and I do hear some thunder rumbling off in the distance. It's near Buchanan and appears to be along Hwy 78. http://www.weather.com/weather/map/30132?mapdest=Doppler_Radar_600_Mile:ATL
  22. Seriously? ...it's 6 a.m. It's too early for this We must be having some bad weather on the way.
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