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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. Can you compare the KWH between last year and this? That's what really shows the usage.
  2. What they're saying is if you take a random sample of 25 people who got sick from restaurant food, 1 will be from guacamole or salsa.
  3. Seriously, I'm surprised someone hasn't called me on it, but i think it does need to be discussed.
  4. When they are released, make sure you study them in detail before jumping to conclusions. Many times, there is a small demographic that pulls the entire school's score down. (i.e. Special Ed, Underprivileged, etc.) If your child isn't in one of these groups, there probably isn't a big need to worry.
  5. Can't make out anything. I think the camera focused on the rain on the raindrops because everything past that is blurred. So what are we supposed to see?
  6. I'm sorry to hear this. We weren't able to get out there very often, but the food was good!
  7. If it's telling you to take I-20 west, it is indeed taking you around the world. If it's I-20 East, it's not. Sorry - I couldn't resist. Seriously, I've never been, but I suggest using Google maps as a comparison and see if they both close.
  8. What if there are storms like last night?
  9. That's the first time I've seen the location posted. You would do well to add it to your signature.
  10. Radio Shack and Readers Digest are both on the list. I would say these are both signs of a changing world and would be in trouble no matter who is in the White House and Congress. I'm surprised Radio Shack isn't gone already. The were great when they were the only place to get certain electronics and parts, etc. Today they're competing against all of the internet shops and also bigger retail stores (i.e. Wal*mart, Best Buy, etc.) I don't see how their small retail stores can generate the revenue needed to cover the overhead. Their only hope would be to close most of the brick and mor
  11. Exactly. They were able to identify that there was a problem before they took off. Even the best PM can't totally prevent mechanical problems, even in the best engines.
  12. If you get a new inkjet, make sure you get one where each color has it's own cartridge. Too many printers still use a single color cartridge which means you have to replace it as soon as one color runs out wasting the other colors.
  13. Unless you really need portable, I'd go with the flatbed.
  14. I guess if they carried every part that might need to be replaced for everything they sell, their inventory would need to be 100x as big as it is. If you bought items from a local plumbing supply store, would you expect them to carry every part that might need to be replaced? Does the manufacturer even offer the parts for retailers to carry?
  15. Warehouse of Hope is open 3 days a week: http://www.warehouseofhope.org/index_files/services.htm
  16. What kind of light does it have? It could be the light making it warm. Search the manufactures web site for faqs - it might be answered there.
  17. For some reason, someone decided the Posts should be in Hard To Read Screaming HEADLINES Rather than something reader friendly. Vague topic headlines and difficult to read posts, and you're asking why?
  18. At least identify the threads with something more than 'Look Here' and 'Go In' so folks know they're about the game.
  19. I almost didn't open this - thinking Pubby was giving away his clothes now. Two things - First y'all need to identify the pubby bucks threads somehow, maybe putting something in the second line of the title. Second - Where in the world is Pat's apparel. I see nothing to tell us where the store is. If they're a commerce member, give a link where we can find out that kind of thing.
  20. First, you are the one who asked the why we weren't playing, so I'm trying to give an honest answer. -- Maybe there was a comprehensive list of the participating stores and prizes posted in one of the many threads. After seeing the first thread you posted about the new game with a cutesy name y'all were planning that would require tracking down a New Era, I've mostly been ignoring the threads because of a lack of interest. If a list of stores / savings published, it went unseen. When I stop for gas, I pay at the pump. I have no interest in going in and waiting in line behind
  21. I usually don't shop at convenience stores, and the vague promise of a 1 in ?0,000 chance of winning a little cash and saving at unnamed stores where I may or may not frequent doesn't entice me into going out of my way to get a paper.
  22. Maybe she was admiring his artwork. I don't understand why someone who spends the time and money on ink on their skin get bent out of shape when someone wants to admire it.
  23. I guess it partly depends on how many amendments they will be forced to file later. If waiting until the deadline provides more accurate reporting, then great. If filing quickly ends up having errors and omissions to be corrected later, what good is it? What if the amendments involve last minute donations by the 'big money' you're talking about? Obviously, filing quickly and accurately would be the best, but isn't always possible. Maybe they're just holding out until the last minute to aggravate certain folks.
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