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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. Mass transit's time is past. It would be better to focus on something more practical like inventing matter transport devices and do away with the need for cars and buses altogether.
  2. So come up with a practical solution. Asking people to spend time waiting on commuter buses isn't it.
  3. Anything but practical. How many shuttle busses would we need to transport all the commuters in Paulding County to the bus station at the time they need to be there? How much time do you anticipate folks spend waiting in their neighborhood for the right shuttlebus, then how much time on bus while they drive around picking up other passengers, then waiting for their bus/train at the station, then waiting for the right shuttle bus at the other end? Then the same in reverse for the commute home? Let's say you commute to Rome every day. How many buses will be making the Rome to Dalla
  4. Good luck. There are indeed jobs out there. The problem is, if you're in the 'top 10' that means at least 9 others are being interviewed for this one job. One will get it and Nine will still be looking.
  5. Until someone comes up with a practical alternative, we're stuck with cars. Current mass transit, including monorail are not practical because you have to get to the bus/train station.
  6. Kmart is still in the 70's. They've tried to update their stores, but can't seem to break out of the old mold. Target has the best attitude. They aren't trying to compete for the Walmart customer. All Lowes and Home Depot had to do was stay open to 9:00. Before they came along, I can't count the times I tried to go to hardware stores/lumber yards only to find they closed at 7:00. The mom and pops were the same way. They wanted to close at 7:00 or 8:00, and couldn't compete with Walmart that would stay open 24 hours.
  7. This is not rocket science. It's the way gift cards are set up and it's in the agreements that are agreed to then the card is purchased. Unlike store gift cards, merchants can not do inquiries on Visa / Master Card / Amex gift card balances. They can do a split transaction but must know the amount to split it at. The cashier needs you to tell them the right amount and they will enter it. If you told them 150.00, it would have been declined because that was more than the available balance. It is very easy to find your balance and keep track of it. As far as gasoline purchases - it i
  8. I agree. There are too many things lumped into the category of 'sex offender' and many are relatively minor. The problem is folks immediately assume 'child molester' even if all the person did was grab a boob. I've heard about cases about a boy who's girlfriend's parents thought went a little too far (even if their little daring was willing, or even the initiator) so they decide to file a complaint to put a 'scare' in the young man. What they didn't realize is they couldn't be able to stop the process, even if they never had any intention of following through. Their future son in law i
  9. If you can't find anything in Dallas, County Line UMC takes 18 month olds into it's MMO program - http://www.countylineumc.org/school/aboutschool.html
  10. Actually, you may want to send a polite suggestion sooner rather than later. If they haven't gotten enough requests for something like this before chorus begins, it might be too late.
  11. Talk to the Learning Bridge folks about this. My guess is the 'no drop ins' is because they won't know from day to day how many to staff. If they were to assume 20 drop ins, and get 40 on one day and 5 on another, they'd always be scrambling for help or paying extra folks needlessly. Because chorus is the same day each week, they might be open to exploring the opportunity of 'drop ins' tied to after school programs.
  12. From the article: So there are 655 units, and none are open. These 25,000 folks are getting their name on a waiting list hoping their name will come to the top of the list sometime in their lifetime.
  13. Little bump so the morning parents will see.
  14. At minimum, I would ask for an accounting of the funds. If the beer was provided, at minimum the $ from all beer sales should go to the charity.
  15. I was asked to pass on that County Line UMC has a few openings for each age group in both it's preschool and MMO programs. If you are interested in putting your child in one of these very good programs, here is the web site with more information: www.countylineumc.org/school/aboutschool.html Hurry before someone else takes the last spot! The location is about 1/2 mile from the intersection of 92 and Due West.
  16. My wife is a preschool teacher so I ran this by her. When you talk to the teacher find out how many other kids are getting the 'sad face.' If it's a large percentage, don't be too hard on him because the teacher is most likely setting her standards on the high side. She's got a bunch of 5 year olds who are in school for the first time and one of the first things she needs to teach is classroom discipline. Also, find out exactly what he's doing to earn the sad face so you can better fit the punishment to the crime. It's going to take a little time for kids to get used to the stric
  17. All this treatment is is a formulation of bacteria that is 'friendly' to dogs and cats. It will probably take 10 years of testing and trials before the FDA approves it for human use. Then the lawyers will begin lining up hoping for minor adverse reactions.
  18. There was a study a little while back that showed being underweight was more unhealthy than being overweight.
  19. Are you saying if we had $1000.00 tax bill last year it will now be $1140.00?
  20. Go back and read what you wrote: "If we keep voting out the incumbents for the next 10 elections. . ." This is a case where you need to be careful to say what you mean.
  21. If we keep voting out the incumbents regardless of what good or bad they did in office, the only message we're sending is "You're going to be voted out anyway so who cares what the voters think." Instead, look at what decisions they made and why they made those decisions and decide from there.
  22. Where do you get average? AYP = Adequate Yearly Progress Also - I don't think there's a test for anything higher. A school either makes it or they don't.
  23. Where was it? Y'all haven't seen anything unless you had the opportunity to see one of the old GoodYear blimps. They were about 4 times as big as the ones flying around today.
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