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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. I don't have any detailed info about costs, etc, but my grandson is in scouts and I believe they meet once a week. To find a local pack, go to the scout web site: http://www.scouting.org and click on 'get involved.' Put your address in and they will give a list who to call locally.
  2. Sounds good, but your subject is a little unclear on the date and time. It says "All You Can Eat Breakfast 8-7 8-8" Does that mean Saturday, Aug 7 from 8am to 8pm, or Saturday Aug 7 and Sunday Aug 8? Any other time of the year it probably would be clear, except for this weekend.
  3. That number is tied to a telecommunications provider in Omaha. With phone over ip (internet) those calls could be coming out of Atlanta and the calls still be routed through Omaha because depending on who the intermediate companies are. I guess to be safe, those contracting for political calls need to build a 'local area code' clause into their contract. Then it won't matter where the calls originate, as long as they show up with a local area code.
  4. markdavd

    open house

    I agree - also, don't use it as a socialization time. Don't go visit old teachers and take time they should be spending with new students. Don't block the halls catching up with old friends. Do what you need to and leave. And at the high school - double check their schedule, make sure the kid knows where the classes are, find out any other info you might need (like bus info, etc.) and get out. They'll get the paperwork and supply list the first day. If people had done what they had to and no more, the crowds wouldn't been anywhere near as bad.
  5. If we can get FAA approval, a dragstrip would be great! Or maybe a test track for when Harley Davidson moves their plant here. I'm still glad we got the money from the feds instead of it going somewhere else.
  6. In case it's coming from one of the banner ads, if you get the warning, let pubby know what ad is at the top of the screen. I'm using Firefox and Trend Micro AV and haven't had any problems.
  7. I imagine they keep a record of your agreement, so they know who's been using their bandwidth. In theory, that could include the unique MAC address from your wireless adapter.
  8. No, but stealing some else's might. When traveling, I've been known to use an open connection to check email, etc. - I don't see that as being a deadbeat. If I were sitting at home using my neighbor's signal instead of paying for my own, that would make me a deadbeat.
  9. You have a limited amount of bandwidth, so anyone using your connection will be using part of that bandwidth. More importantly, passwords are needed for security. If someone can get onto your router, they can probably get into you computers via that connection. Secondly, if someone were to do something illegal over your connection (steal music, send spam emails, upload viruses, credit card fraud, etc), it would be traced back to you and you would have no way of knowing who actually did it and it would be hard for you to prove it wasn't you.
  10. Say "Aren't you they guy I keep seeing warnings about on the internet?"
  11. Maybe have some fun with the guy . . . Say "I don't know who told you that about my family but it's WRONG!" Another idea - Not only ask to see his ID, but write down any identifying information it contains. (Not do necessarily do anything with other than turn the tables and have his personal information.) Ask the same about anyone who is with him. If it's not a government issued ID, tell him you want to call the company and see if he's legit. Remember - anyone with a printer can come up with a valid looking ID. - If you have the time, take up an hour of his time, th
  12. They're not going to give one free search per year, or free if you're checking on your own property? I wonder how many searches are done by companies pulling data for marketing purposes. I would think these fees are targeted at these companies.
  13. The gift card sounds like a good idea, but unless there are lawyers and waivers involved, it may actually be a bad idea. In court, they could say Lowe's knew they were in the wrong and offered a gift card to 'bribe' the customer into not suing. Also, there are some who would not think twice about 'injuring' themselves if they know they will be rewarded with a gift card.
  14. He said no sales person offered to help with the T's, but you don't say if he asked for help. Lowe's has buttons on each and every aisle you can push to get help.
  15. There's a point where you have to take responsibility for your own actions. If you are loading wood on a cart and got a splinter, who's fault is it? Anyone dealing with wood knows splinters are possible. The same way, if you're opening a box with sharp metal pieces in it, you can expect to get cut if you're not careful. If he had bought the whole box and cut himself opening it at home, who's fault is it?
  16. So far so good. The instructions say it needs to be near a window (within 2 feet) to access the GPS system. Mine is a lot more than 2 feet with no problems. It also says not to put it next to other wireless transmission devices. I put mine right next to my wireless router - again with no apparent problems. I set it up in the most convenient location close to the center of the house to see if it worked, figuring it wouldn't configure itself and I'd have to move it. I was pleasantly surprised when it had no problems whatsoever. BTW - the rebate is only if you get the monthly unlimit
  17. The more I read, the more I believe Islam is less a religion and more a political ideology under the guise of religion.
  18. They would have to put in backup generators with sufficient capacity to run most of the building, including the projectors - not cheap.
  19. The Publix at Lost Mountain carried gyro kits - It had cooked pre-sliced meat, Pita and the cucumber/yogurt sauce. They were very good and easy to make. We found out yesterday they are not carrying them anymore.
  20. I wish they would do something about people who get involved in conversations with passengers and insist on looking at the person they're talking to instead of the road. I know mom said that's the polite way to have a conversation, but I think (hope) she'd make an exception for someone who's driving.
  21. Ours was right at 300 this month and 240 last month. It's high, but if you didn't have AC and someone offered to cool your house for $10.00 per day, how many would jump at the chance?
  22. Exactly. Oil is a natural substance and nature has a better way of dealing with it than we do.
  23. Even Time magazine is asking questions. The BP Spill: Has the Damage Been Exaggerated?
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