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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. They forgot - "Money is the root of evil", which means "Women = Evil".
  2. If these suggestions are confusing - as they would be to many folks - I would suggest calling one of the commerce members here who do computer support.
  3. Delete stuff you don't need anymore. -- Seriously, start by right clicking on your recycle bin and select the 'empty recycle bin' option.
  4. RFP means they're thinking about it and asking for companies to provide a price for the services. There's a big difference between outsourcing to a company that's set up to prepare and deliver thousands of school lunches daily and outsourcing to Walmart.
  5. There are a lot of school districts that contract out the bus runs.
  6. Because the Feds fund a lot of school lunches, and subsidize most of them, they have a lot of rules. I highly doubt the rules would allow walmart to provide them. Even so, Walmart doesn't have the in-store resources to do the work to provide thousands of lunches every day.
  7. I'm wondering if she was getting some requests already, so hired the group in question to manage the requests.
  8. You may have first amendment rights to free speech, but you also have to face the consequences of what you say. Sometimes those consequences are being asked to leave.
  9. Look up the phone number for the bank listed on the check. Call and ask them if it's a valid account and if there is enough in the account to cover the check.
  10. I had hoped to be there with my woodcrafts, but something has come up and I won't be able to. :(
  11. I find it interesting they qualified it with 'In the NASA data set.' Their datas ets have been shown to be incorrect in the past.
  12. Exactly. I understand both Russia and China are drilling, or planning to drill in the Gulf. What do people think will happen if they have a problem like this one. Will they pay to clean it up?
  13. I remember 25 or so years ago talking to a woman complaining about a big bill she had gotten from Georgia Power for 6 month or a year's worth of service. She had moved into Georgia, and paid her 'Atlanta Gas Light' bill monthly, assuming it was for both gas and electric. She was never billed by Georgia Power until she got the huge catch-up bill.
  14. Try pressing the FN key and F2 key at the same time. This should reenable wifi on Asus laptops.
  15. What kind of computer is it? Some have a physical switch to turn off the wireless. Dell places it on the right edge, and if it's moved all the was forward, it's off. Other brands may have it somewhere else or not have one at all.
  16. IIRC,windows always shows 5 bars, white = no signal and green = signal, so all green would be excellent, all white would be no signal. Move closer to your wireless access point and see what happens.
  17. Thanks for the reminder. I switched on the TV to the nasa channel.
  18. Call their customer service an ask. It could be as simple as a setting wrong in the description of the new phone you're trying to get.
  19. Business men (and women) are being told they make too much money and are being threatened with government determining how much they should be paid. Why shouldn't actors and athletes be treated the same?
  20. Floyd does have a level 2 trama center (the same as level 1 without the research dept.)
  21. A kid needs to sneak in before class and put a jolly rancher in everyone's desk. See if the school gives the entire class detention.
  22. You can rent prior seasons on DVD. The show is well worth it. I still say the last episode has Jack waking up from a nighmare and shows him going off to a boring job.
  23. My guess is AT&T will get the glitch fixed pretty quick, which makes it a non-story.
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