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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. You can check with West Ridge Church. I believe they have work set aside for those needing to perform community service.
  2. markdavd


    I don't know if this is it or not, but I've seen them stage like that if a large funeral is scheduled to pass by so they can be in place to block the intersections.
  3. I'd ask for proof of 2 years of statements being sent, then ask why it wasn't sent to collections by now.
  4. Talk with their office manager and ask why they never sent you a bill and monthly statements, or otherwise did anything to let you know there was an amount owed. Demand paperwork showing the bill was never paid.
  5. 'Top kill' stops gulf oil leak for now, official says Officials are cautionary but say drilling fluid has blocked oil and gas temporarily. Engineers plan to begin pumping in cement and then will seal the well. Complete story here: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-oil-spill-top-kill-20100528,0,5782115.story I hope it is contained. Next, we need to learn from the mistakes made, put together better safety measures and start drilling to get that monster oil field. It could go a long way to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. If we don't do it, Russia and Chi
  6. They talked with him when he was about 1/2 done, and said they would talk with him later, but they never did.
  7. Well, they ended the show without going back to Vito's.
  8. Put it on now, there's only a few minutes of xtra left.
  9. They've done 2 more segments during Good Day Xtra, and promise one more.
  10. It also looks like they wanted 4 segments. That means they wanted to film them making the food. Then the food on the table before anyone starts eating. Next was them in the middle of eating. They said they'll be back later to see if they finished -- The one guy already threw in the fork, but the other said he's going to finish his 'breakfast.'
  11. Let's see -- You're trying to do your job, you're nervous because you're live on TV, you have people talking in your ear, cameras in your face, strangers in your kitchen and your assistant makes a mistake. It would take almost anyone at least a few seconds to recover their composure.
  12. Is this time/date accurate? I've been watching but haven't heard them say anything about it.
  13. I half expected him to be hauled off by the Russians in a set-up for the movie they say they're planning.
  14. You go to the new courthouse / county offices. You should have gotten a notice telling you how much it would be.
  15. I thought they were pretty good, although I should say I listened to the audio books rather than reading them.
  16. This is one where I think the movie has a lot more meaning if you've read the book. The Time Travelers Wife was the same way.
  17. I really hate that I can't make it with my woodcrafts.
  18. On the news last night, it looked like the car was in the far back corner of the parking lot. If it had been in the middle of the lot, I imagine someone would have noticed sooner. If it had been near the front, someone would have seen the driver in his seat, turned on their turn signal, and waited all day for that spot.
  19. Obvious question, but have you tried different DVDs?
  20. Are you saying the same folks who want it to be a no kill shelter want to KILL rats, mice and snakes? Isn't that hypocritical?
  21. If the toys are solid plastic or rubber, they probably could be cleaned and sterilized. If they are hollow, they need to be tossed.
  22. I've always wondered - if Bob is so good, why does he work as a temp rather than have a full time job? I say hire Bob and get rid of Nerlman.
  23. They'll reopen after the place is cleaned up and the renovations are done. I think I read elsewhere here they will be closed about 2 weeks.
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