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Everything posted by JerryLovedLSU

  1. "A job" and "the job I think i deserve" are two different things.
  2. The list of what? You want a list of random people who attend protests and what I think of how successful they are?
  3. I'll ask again- what are you using as a basis for your assumption?
  4. What makes it even funnier is to see righties who accused white Obama voters for years of "white guilt" jump on the Cain wagon. There was even a billboard proclaiming "If you voted for Obama to prove you're not a racist, you'll have to vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot" Now who is it trying to prove they're not racists?
  5. I don't know any of them, therefore I don't feel qualified to comment on how successful they are.
  6. Based on what? The way they dress?
  7. I don't know what the involvement level was when they removed vo-tech from schools, but it almost seems like a no brainer to put it back. Not every kid plans on going to college (or can afford it). Better to try and direct that time and effort on teaching them a skill.
  8. The 9-9-9 plan is laughable. If you want a 9% VAT on top of your 9% tax brackect, on top of your state taxes knock yourself out. That plan will increase the price of everything.
  9. It's the person who is offended that lives in the past? That doesn't make much sense to me.
  10. It's all fun and games until it's you who gets offended. There's some things you just have to be smart enough not to bring up when you are a public figure. Hitler and rape are pretty high up on the list. Does it offend me- no. Does it offend SOMEBODY- yes. It's not my place to try to tell America what they should and shouldn't be offended by. The anti-PC crowd will get offended when they are likened to terrorists, so none of this holds much weight to me.
  11. I'd venture to say their employees already came from there.
  12. There is a set of trails behind the Pitner Rd dog park that go back a long ways. VERY hilly if you like that sort of thing.
  13. You ever noticed when somebody asks like a A vs. B question, C-Z always get thrown into the responses? The next Pcom step is for someone to tell us all about the burgers in their hometown.
  14. I don't trust Wall Street any more than the government, so it's a crap shoot either way.
  15. Probably the best game you will see between two crappy teams.
  16. She wants her 15 minutes and folks seem to be willing to give them to her. Ignore these folks and they typically go away.
  17. Happens to our family every time the kids go back to school.
  18. Graduated with this dude and saw him at our 20th reunion Saturday.
  19. My parent's old house (it's mine now) is vacant and a tree came through the roof in June. It's vacant and I just started getting the repairs done. I worry every single day that something bad is gonna happen to it, it's near the area you guys are talking about. Soon as it's ready we will TRY to sell it.
  20. It's good for you to come out with this because from reading this site, it's wonder that kids do ANYTHING wrong.
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