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Everything posted by JerryLovedLSU

  1. 44 years old, that sucks. RIP to the Overweight Lover
  2. Just because Bama fans aren't used to having calls go against them in games played in the state of Alabama doesn't make it a blown call.
  3. Mine "seperated" when I was 15 but never got divorced. Lived in seperate houses (my dad actually lived with another woman) but spent every weekend (day) together. When my mom got sick, dad took care of her and took her to every doctor visit and was by her side when she passed. It was odd, but it worked for them and that's all that mattered to me. At some point you have to realize that you only have two parents and two choices. You can stay mad at them for something they never wanted, or you can move past it and love them.
  4. You don't have to go to the main page when you visit, just set one of the forums as your favorite.
  5. You must have missed 21 trying to take out TM7's knees in the first quarter near the sideline. I'd say payback was served.
  6. Only the smart people watch Fox News. That's a new angle. FWIW, the only time I turn on the news is when something really big has happened and CNN smokes all of them when the big stories break.
  7. Our biggest problem is that our subdivision is kind of small (about 60 houses) and a lot of folks have been here since it was first built in 94. Not too many small kids here, so we don't get to go all out.
  8. None of the above. TV "news" is pretty useless.
  9. Heh, now all the enviornmentalists come out of the woodwork.
  10. Kind of gives me an idea. Maybe Cobb can make all the roads that come in from Paulding toll roads so we get something from all the folks who don't want progress in their own county but benefit from it in other counties. Macland and the new Windy Hill extension would be a good start.
  11. Even the most polite kids rarely have many filters. Sometimes you juat gotta laugh it off and keep on moving.
  12. Had a lot of good times at the skating rink and pool. Didn't know the family, but condolences none the less.
  13. It's all good and well until it's YOU who gets offended.
  14. Who keeps you from saying Merry Christmas?
  15. Pretty sure there was some shady dealings that I read of concerning that outfit.
  16. Started under Bush, continued under Obama. This crap is sickening. Any country that has enough food that they can burn it should never have a single hungry person.
  17. And how does a city get the word out to everybody on when they want you to trick or treat? Do the put flyers in everbody's mailbox or put up tons of flashing signs on the side of the road?
  18. I think your average American is able to see through the BS of extremists, regardless of what they are spouting. People want to protest, that's their right. It doesn't mean I have to pay them any attention nor does it change my opinion about my community, because let's be honest, not many of us are "these" people. It's kind of dumb to judge an entire nation on a minute faction.
  19. No, the video has been taken off of Youtube.
  20. That's the American spirit!! Might as well cash in while the "patriots" are still feeling it.
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