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Everything posted by JerryLovedLSU

  1. I have IT. Always seems to rear IT's head when the kids go back to school.
  2. Welcome back (whoever you are).
  3. Start generating some revenue and you might see some more love.
  4. I'm not really sure I get what band members and parents want? I don't think anybody questions their dedication and hard work.
  5. A Richard Marcinko book that I picked up for $6
  6. The best thing you should do is carry high UM and Med Pay. With UM (which is not only UNinsured, but also UNDERinsured motorist) you can basically use your own policy to get the money that the other guy's low limits won't cover. Med pay gives you money for your injuries above and beyond what your health insurance (if you have it) covers. Med pay will pay the full price of whatever treatment was performed up to whatever limit you choose. For instance, if you go to the emergency room and rack up a $6000 bill (but you only have to pay a $150 co-pay) you get the $6000. Carrying stat
  7. My 20th is on the 27th and I'll be there. This will be the first one I have gone to. Good friend is coming in from MN and I haven;t seen him since the summer of '91. Hell, even my wife is excited and she doesn't know any of these people. Any reason to party is a good reason.
  8. I'm probably one of those overly courteous drivers, but it's more a product of me always leaving with enough time to make it where I'm going. Maybe I do it in hopes that everyone will be courteous. I might even do it to get under the skin of the multitudes of raging ahole drivers.
  9. I'm fairly convinced that deep down inside, most men don't want to have to screw with their hair.
  10. There are two types of men in the world: 1. Men who shave their head 2. Men who's wives won't let them shave their head
  11. What's the significance of people walking down the road with a backpack on in relation to crime? It's more a fact of when you try to paint them as potential criminals just for walking down the street.
  12. You talking about the flat rigging (used to be white or yellow) or the thin round green one (550 cord)?
  13. Surplus store on 41 near the south loop. The other place described in the other post is in a complex behind the Coke plant, it's a pretty decent store as well, not as big as Hodges.
  14. Pretty sure Hodges sells it.
  15. I'm sure there is something I can't think of, but metro ATL is fairly homogeneous.
  16. I just call things like I see 'em. You may not see them the same way, and I'm cool with that.
  17. Of course we're all the exception and not the rule.
  18. When they started taxing you for it. Might as well get something for your money.
  19. I do too and their kids are freakier than a two headed goat.
  20. Well, it's usually some pretty freaky people who homeschool, so....
  21. You can homeschool without actually having to do anything with the pesky kids. It's a win win.
  22. It takes a strong woman to admit it. :gadsenflag357.jpg:
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