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Everything posted by RaceGirl

  1. The plane crash to which you are referring occurred on October 20,1977. In that crash, Ronnie Van Zant, Steve Gaines, Cassie Gaines, Dean Kilpatrick and the pilots all died. Billy Powell, Artimus Pyle, Leon Wilkeson, Gary Rossington, Allen Collins, Jo Jo Billingsley and Leslie Hawkins all survived. Years later Allen Collins died followed by the deaths of Leon Wilkeson, and Billy Powell. Some of the "replacement" members of the band have died also. Such as Hughie Thomasson and Ean Evans. So, to answer your question, more original members survived the crash than not.
  2. Small correction. Bob Burns is commonly credited with being the first drummer for Skynyrd, but technically it was Rickey Medlocke. Rickey also sang White Dove when they recorded it. Rickey left the band and later formed the band Blackfoot with Greg T and Charlie Hargrett. Rickey has since rejoined Skynyrd as a PHENOMENAL guitarist and also plays mandolin quite well (think Made in the Shade) While many may say "it ain't the same Skynyrd" they are still a top notch group of musicians. Michael Cartellone (formerly of Damn Yankees) is one hell of a drummer. While I am not a huge fan of
  3. ALL Skynyrd is good - but I prefer the tunes that never get airplay. Steve Gaines was always my fave guitarist for the band, so I LOVE I Never Dreamed and I Ain't The One. I always loved how Leon would change hats between songs. Like one time when they did On The Hunt and Leon put on his safari hat!
  4. Oh Subby - RaceHubby just read online they got some guy named (Ithink it's Bobby) Keys to play the keys for them. I told you on day one when BP passed that you needed to step in. Maybe this guy is just a temp. Good Luck!
  5. Tona~ This means we are related! I knew I liked you for a reason. RaceHubby and I will be at the funeral home later today. Maybe we'll see you there.
  6. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE correct the spelling in the title of this thread. I don't usually burn people about spelling on here, but this is Skynyrd we are talking about.
  7. Lil RaceGirl ate there Friday night with her friend and her friend's family. They waited about 30 minutes to be seated, then waited another forty minutes to get their food. Then they only brought out the food for 2 of the people at the table. Lil RaceGirl and the others at the table had to wait another twenty minutes to get their food. The manager "graciously" took $5 off their tab, which was no big thing since they would have gotten the $5 off anyway with the promotion. They were offering $5 off your tab if you spent $30 or more. She said the food was decent, but the experience was a pa
  8. somehow mine got changed to 150% so everything wasd GIANT. Thanks for the tip, now it's normal again.
  9. Jonny Lang - Red Light Allison Krauss - The Lucky One Both were on the radio at 2 different "pivotal" moments in my life.
  10. Yep - and if you can get all of your neighbors to agree to sign a petition for it, you then have to get them to agree to a SPECIAL ASSESSMENT TAX. Unless it has changed, this Special tax is added to each homeowner's property tax bill.
  11. She was at Paulding Meadows this am. I saw her and she was a ball of energy.
  12. I'm already on the paired donor registry list. I have done my evaluation at Piedmont's transplant center. I'm not a match for my friend, so we put our names on the Paired Donor list in hopes that we can "trade" my kidney for one that is a match to my friend.
  13. The commercial cracks me up. "Noah went under the arch. And Sigfried and Roy was there too. They brought the 2 lions. Then them lions scratched Eve on her chest. Girl read ya bible!"
  14. I'll second that! Her garlic bread dip is out of this world!
  15. My dentist told me that somewhere around 65 % of women have nightmares about their teeth. If your wisdom teeth are causing you pain, do something about it. If you are comfortable (physically) let it go. From what I've seen of your pic, your smile is beautiful. Be glad you don't have 6 wisdom teeth to get pulled like I did.
  16. Trend Micro PC Cillin. (it's like penicillin for your pc)
  17. I have a friend who will NEVER be able to work in a medical setting due to her unstable (diagnosed) mental status. Medix knew that, but they were glad to "give" her a loan for an education she can't use. When she was unable to obtain employment after school, she was also unable to pay back the loan. Of course they came after her for the money. I would go to school somewhere that offers the hope scholarship. If a school can't / won't accept scholarships /grants, I would go to one that does. I'm currently taking classes at Georgia Northwestern. They offer education for a variety of medi
  18. I'm conflicted. I want to see it, yet I'm afraid to get hooked on it! I'm still wondering how in the hell they are gonna have Sidney on the show when she died. (think David Charvet) Makes no sense to me.
  19. Good Luck with that. Pediatric dentists for SN kids are hard to find in these parts. If you do find one, I'd love to know who it is.
  20. CC - what is the point for forcing the children to watch it? Lil RaceGirl opted not to watch it. I have no problems with that. Just as I would not have minded if she had chosen to watch it. They are individuals with their own minds. I don't know that your boys actions warrant a punishment any more harsh than a "talking to" about how you feel. Bear in mind that "talking to" should also be a listening session on your end. He may have a legit reason that would not have sounded "cool enough" in front of his buddies. Go easy on the boy, he hasn't really done anything wrong. JMO
  21. I think I'd have to explain to them all about how you plan to call the state's insurance commissioner right after you get off the phone with all of the local news outlets. Hell, call Jim Strickland and see what he thinks.
  22. Weeeelllllllll - I hate to say I told ya so...... but I did tell ya so!
  23. WHY!?! WHY!?! WHY!?! Would you EVER leave Montana for Paulding County? Don't get me wrong, I love it here, (for now) but my dream is to one day retire to Montana.
  24. Sierra, I have been keeping up with it! You guys are funny. Sorry about yesterday. I misinterpreted. I didn't think y'all were doing it this weekend since it was a holiday weekend. PM me and we'll work out the details. TTFN
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