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Everything posted by RaceGirl

  1. I have a Skynyrd Christmas cd and a Travis Tritt Christmas cd that I look forward to every year! It's amazing how something so simple can put you in the best mood!
  2. I'm soooooooo stoked! I told RaceHubby earlier today that it's time to put away the Halloween decor and break out the Christmas decor. I know it's crazy to decorate for Christmas this early, but I would rather do it when it's a nice pretty day outside. I already know it's gonna be cold on the day I take the Christmas stuff down, so I may as well put it up on a warm day.
  3. OH!Maybe I read it wrong, but I thought Mark said last week that they were back to all ages, but then it's adults only after 9 or 10 pm.
  4. I thought I read on the old board that MacFarlane's had gone back to all ages. If that's the case, there would be no smoking. Not sure, but I think that's what I read. Y'all may want to pm Brandon to ask.
  5. I always get mine at WalMart. It's in the area where the spices are, right with the vanilla extract.
  6. This was the first year Lil RaceGirl didn't go trick or treating. She's a freshman in high school now, so I understand the age thing, but it was kind of sad for me to witness the end of that tradition. FWIW, when she was a trick or treater she ALWAYS said "trick or treat" and followed it with a big "thank you" I only had to tell her this when she was very young. After that, she knew to do it with no prompting.
  7. It was sooooooooo cheesy. Did ya notice how all 3 of her "voices" used the same phrasing and quotes? I felt so bad for the Bert show because they were so apologetic. It wasn't their fault that lady was a fraud.
  8. WOW!!!! I wouldn't think Steve would have enough money to support her wig habit!
  9. Exactly what I was thinking. You put it so eloquently though.
  10. Gonna get RaceHubby some locking keys for a few of his guitars. They're kinda pricey, so I'll probably only get him enough for his Les Paul guitars this go around.
  11. Hey Pea ~ Sorry to read about Hugh. You know you can call me.
  12. I second that! I LOVE my Sirius / XM radio. Especially Blue Collar Comedy.
  13. They replaced Greg Vaughan (Mr. Yummy) with the original Lucky, Johnathan Jackson. I hated it when he left the show, but I've gotten "accustomed" to Greg Vaughan in the role. I hate it when they do that!
  14. Oh Well! I told the truth. I don't know what happened and I'm nosy so I want to know. I don't want to get people all fired up, but I do wanna know the scoop.
  15. Oooh Oooh! I got one. I'll never take anyone seriously that claims to be a devout Christian, yet slurps up the mimosas early in the a.m. while spewing intolerance for "the gays"
  16. Is in her 50's at Town Center Mall with pigtails and wearing a pink and gray plaid "Britney Spears" style mini skirt!
  17. I had this battle on here a couple of weeks ago. FWIW- I chose not to let my daughter get the vaccine.
  18. Ah - yes - LPPT - always the voice of reason.
  19. Give em to me. Lil RaceGirl LOVES them and since they are seasonal we don't get them as much as she would like.
  20. Welllll, we would, but our little entertainer isn't old enough. Maybe you could try to incorporate a "kid's night" kinda thing in the future.
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