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Everything posted by RaceGirl

  1. Nothing in this world hurts quite like a bruised or a cracked coccyx. Bad thing is, there's nothing they can do for it except pain meds and a donut pillow.
  2. Awwwww! Thank you honey. I knew I needed to go, I just didn't know how I could afford it. Thanks to the pcommers I now have a plethera of resources to choose from. I'll let ya know what they say. I hope I am wrong and I just "over reacted" to some fibrous tissue.
  3. It was me. I got some great info from Mrs. G - so I called and made an "prelim" appointment for Friday. If they think I need to after that, then I'll follow up and get the booby squisher done. Thanks to everyone for all of the info. PCommers ROCK!
  4. Try Barnsley Gardens. Spa is awesome.
  5. YOU GO PAUL!!!!! Congrats! I was just talking with Ginger about y'all last week. Hope you and Callie are doing well (and little Titus, too!) Maybe I'll see ya at the book signing. Take Care ~W~
  6. OMG!!!! Don't even friggin get me started on this BS!!!!! How can you be offended, unless the term illegal alien actually applies to you? And - FWIW, if that term applies to you, you should have no right to complain about it. I am SICK TO FRIGGIN DEATH of everyone whining and complaining about somebody's pansy @ss little feelings getting hurt. If you'd like to read this message in another language besides ENGLISH, feel free to move to a country that speaks it!
  7. Yeah - I keep hoping they'll lower the price on a Matt Ryan jersey so us "regular" folks can afford one!
  8. Yeah - no joke! Try turning left out of the school at about 8 or so in the mornings! It's a total nightmare. One day I actually sat there for 9 full minutes before I could get out.
  9. Until last year I had private health insurance. I went yearly for exams and regularly perform self breast exams. This is definitely something different. I was thinking along the same lines, but it may be a while before I can get private insurance again. I had it basically all my life, but I had to drop it last year due to financial difficulties. I can't see any immediate increase in my income about to happen, so i don't know that waiting until I have insurance again is a viable option.
  10. This was a very helpful link. Thanks!
  11. you don't have insurance or money to go to the doc?
  12. I think your website should have a scrolling ticker that says "unlimited free red velvet cakes and chocolate eclairs for RaceGirl"
  13. I was really talking more about the unsportsmanlike conduct call earlier. I wasn't thinking about it from a coach's perspective. You make a valid point.
  14. Yeah- to me the officials have ruined the game of football.
  15. WOW!!!!! How about that dang Matt Ryan?!?!?!?!?!?
  16. Whoooooowheeeeeeee you got that right!
  17. Yeah - almost as funny as Singletary having to burn a timeout because Hill thought it was time to go get some gatoraid on the sidelines!
  18. This has been one of the best games I have watched this year. Almost makes up for the LSU loss last night. OMG!!!!!! Intercepted, fumbled, recovered, fumbled then recovered again!!!!! GEEZE - they are gonna give me a coronary!!!!!!
  19. Sorry we missed it Subby, but we had to go hang out with Blackberry Smoke last night! Ran into Casey too. I think we may be coming out to see y'all next weekend.
  20. Somebody better bring some adult diapers. You know....... Just in case.........
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