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Everything posted by RaceGirl

  1. Villa Rica doesn't do it anymore. We go to Carrollton now. Super quick and easy there and believe it or not, the people there are sooooooo friendly.
  2. Awwwwwww - I'm sorry hunny bunny. We'll be sending good thoughts and wishes for your mommy. Let me know if you need me to do anything.
  3. That's a good one too. When I lived in PC, I spent alot of time at the jetties. They have the "shuttle" boat that takes you across to Shell Island too. Years ago, a man had carved a mermaid into a piece of marble on the side of the jetties. I don't know if you can still see it or not, but it was really cool "back in the day"
  4. Oh I forgot about this one. In Blairsville, GA, just down from Vogel State Park, there is a campground called Goose Creek. It's privately owned by a sweet little old man ( I beleve his name is Keith). They have a trout pond on site and an awesome log cabin style office with a pool table and stuff like that. It has a groovy little rustic feel to it. (stuffed bears and the like) As I mentioned, Vogel is just right down the street so you could buzz over there for swimming and paddle boating etc.
  5. So the next time he comes to your hood, follow him around in your car. While he's standing at the potential "victim's" door, roll down your window and shout "DON'T FALL FOR IT" or "IT'S A SCAM" if you do this enough - he'll get the hint.
  6. Oh HELL to the NO! He'd be picking out buckshot for a week. Do not EVEN pretend to know me or my child. Y'all would be reading about me in the paper (or on here!)
  7. Call the school board and ask them. If you speak to him directly (as it appears you have) ask him for his supervisor's name or the name of a contact person at the school board. Tell him this will put all of your suspicious neighbors minds at ease. If he is legit, he'll have no problem sharing the info. If he's not, he'll know he's not "getting one over on you". Then make a flyer to put out for your neighbors "warning" them. He'll get the hint and get gone to "greener pastures"
  8. Hmmmmmm - Selling books? That just doesn't sound right. You do have a gun, right? There are some shady characters that live out that way.
  9. Gulf Shores State Park is a great place to camp. They have the beach, fishing and a little amusement park right down the road with a water park, rides and go carts. We go to "race" the go carts every year. Of course I always win. If you are into the camping idea, here are a couple of good resources to find campgrounds all over the US www.Recreation.gov and www.ReserveAmerica.com Good Luck and have fun!
  10. Yeah John Boy is a jam up guy!
  11. Yeah - good luck with that. If you plan to go anywhere on Allatoona, it's too late. I have been trying to get a campsite for a week now, but they're all booked so far in advance. You can try www.reserveamerica.com or www.recreation.gov but as of this am they still had no vacancies at any of the Army Corp of Engineer campgrounds. Don't be fooled by the sites that say "available" or "walk up only" unless you are willing to pay for 14 days, you won't get those either.
  12. Part 1 is tonight. Part 2 is Thursday night.
  13. I'm sure I've told this one on here before, but it's too cute. When Lil RaceGirl was 4 yrs old, she was asking for yet another item at the grocery store. This time I decided to tell her "no". She then proceeded to stomp her foot, place her hands on her hips and very loudly she said..... "Well! Apparently you don't understand! Let me reitterate!" I let her get the whatever it was!
  14. CC- that won't work for me. Thanks for trying though.
  15. There are sooooooo many things you can do with terra cotta pots. My mom got the little teenie ones and made a whole bird village complete with lil bluebirds. At Christmas time she made "toy soldiers" and snowmen. The ideas are endless. Of course my mom is like the SUPER CRAFTER EXTRAORDINAIRE!
  16. Thank You Dah-Ling! BTW - I guess I need to talk to you Monday. It's time for my annual audit again dangit!
  17. You mean my purty black n white picture box?
  18. My camcorder is not usb compatible. I can "burn" my videos to a dvd with my dvd burner, but they come out in an IFO format. Youtube doesn't support this format and I have no idea how to convert it to a wmv or other acceptable format. HELP ME! I have oodles of videos I want to upload but I can't.
  19. That reminds me - I should have added this one: That Drum is such a gentleman, I bet he even takes the dishes outta the sink before he pees in it.
  20. Sooooo..... Tow doesn't play well with others!
  21. I can't stand ignorance in a man, and I won't tolerate it. I'm your huckleberry. You're a daisy if ya do. Call the po po ho - call the po po Who is Vera Wang? Do she do nails, cause I need to get my nails did You know you ain't supposed to be smokin that stuff when you on that lithium
  22. As soon as I saw this thread, you are the 1st person I thought of (besides Denise of course) I was very saddened for the family, but also very worried for your dear sweet hubby. Along with the prayers I am sending up for Ashton's family, I'll also be praying for your hubby.
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