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Everything posted by RaceGirl

  1. A friend lives on that road. She just called to say there are several police cars and a K9 unit. Funny, she called me and said "hey - go on pcom and tell me what's going on"
  2. I have heard about this place, but everytime we get down to Rockmart to try it they aren't open.
  3. I may want the Kasey shirt for ~L~ I need to see how big it is. and you may as well just set that shrub shirt on fire or line Lucy Lu's litter box with it!
  4. Blackberry Smoke!!!!!!! These guys JAM!
  5. 8 Seconds The Quick and The Dead Where The Redfern Grows and a bunch that were already mentioned here
  6. This really sucks for Ralph and Sue. (her parents) Kim was an only child. Ralph and I talked for hours one day about this whole thing. It really devastated he and Sue. I think they should let Ralph handle it himself! FWIW - Jack's brother is an odd duck too. It must have run in their family.
  7. My mom is eligible for, has applied for and been approved for the school tax exemption due to her age. However, she received a notice with her tax bill stating that she will still have to pay school tax due to budgets or some yada yada bullcrap. Now her taxes are more than they have ever been!
  8. Well stated. I think alot of people don't realize that the Dr. also gets "kickbacks" from the pharmaceutical companies. It may not be in a monetary form, but I have witnessed first hand the "gifts" a certain local doctor receives from his rep.
  9. Granted, the youtube links I posted would appear to be "slanted" The statistics I cited were from the CDC.
  10. RaceHubby is 46 years old and he just got his very first tattoo last weekend. It took 3 hours, but it looks GREAT!!!!! I'm gearing up to go get an add-on to one of mine.
  11. We LOVE LOVE LOVE cruises. We go on about 1 per year. Carnival has some really awesome ships. Great variety of food and entertainment options. We have seen some really cool places that we might not have gone to otherwise. I highly reccommend cruising for couples or families.
  12. Yes - but you should also know this - 1 to 2 people out of 1 million have an allergic reaction to the flu vaccine. Guess what? I am one of those. I got a flu shot last year and spent the evening in the ER with an allergic reaction. It was pretty rough. (and no - I'm not allergic to eggs) Since Lil RG has my genes I have to consider that she could have a reaction similar to mine. I have adverse reactions to a lot of meds that others don't. I have to be very careful about what I take. If it should keep you awake, it knocks me out. If it should knock you out, it jacks me up for days.
  13. Yeah, after what I have seen on some of these videos, there's NO WAY IN HELL I would let L get this vaccine. I never got the shots and miraculously have never had cervical cancer. In fact, I don't personally know anyone who has ever been stricken with cervical cancer. Think I'm gonna take my chances. If let her get that vaccine and she ended up dead or in a permanent vegetative state, I would never be able to forgive myself. I know each parent has to do what they feel is right, but I just can't bring myself to let them give her this vaccine.
  14. Pcom lunches are one of the things I have really missed since I have been back in school. Maybe one of these weeks it'll be on a Friday and I can make it.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2z6RK2uTWc...feature=related
  16. Ah! Okay - now it makes sense. I knew there were no new posts, so I wondered how they could get moved back up to page 1.
  17. I keep seeing polls surface on page 1 from back in March. What causes this?
  18. You obviously don't know her. While she is a huge Skynyrd fan, she would never bring you home just because your name is FreeBird! And whomever she does bring is welcome, as long as they can get past all the firearms! BTW - why are you picking on me today? Isn't someone else further up your crawl?
  19. Believe me, I panic about that too. In fact, I never rest easy or feel 100% comfortable any time she is not with me. She's an only child and I have terrible seperation anxiety. I had horrid nightmares about the innumerable things that could happen to her. I just don't think I could live with myself if I allowed her to get the vaccine and it resulted in a tragedy.
  20. So, A got the Gardisil? (BTW - she must be older than Lil RG if she got her learners permit today - but aren't they in the same grade?) Lil RG just turned 14 a little over a month ago.
  21. She doesn't take advil. My concerns are moreso with the number of deaths, disabilities, paralysis, blindness etc. etc. etc.
  22. Excuse me?!?!?!? That's hip-neck to you - (since I'm part hippie part redneck!)
  23. Lil RaceGirl had a pediatric appointment yesterday. She had to get a couple of "booster" vaccinations which I was fine with. They offered her a flu vaccine which I declined for her since I had an allergic reaction to this vaccine last year. They offered her the Gardisil vaccine which I vehemently refused to allow. Then they offered her a Menactra vaccine for meningitis. I was not familiar at all with this vaccine, so I opted to forego it yesterday with the understanding that I would research it first and "get back with" the Dr. at the next appointment. Meanwhile, I did a little sear
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