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Everything posted by RaceGirl

  1. My former Kitty, Roadie (rip) had a thing for green jello. No other kind, just the green kind. And my maltese loves lettuce, too. What's up with that?
  2. That's cool. A friend of mine wrote one of her songs.
  3. I have 2 really sweet fur babies, but I tell ALL children to approach them with caution. Lil RaceGirl has ALWAYS been told not to "love on" an animal we don't know. You never can tell what may make them feel threatened. Many animals don't trust children. I hope the child is okay. Maybe the mom will see this for what it is, an accident, and all will end well.
  4. Oh honey - I'm glad you put that last line in there. I was about to jump on you with both feet!
  5. I do the same thing! All of my drawers and cabinets have a variety of baskets and bins. RaceHubby just laughs at me about my baskets. We've decided that I am truly a "basket case" and with my affinity for pocketbooks y'all can add "bag lady" to that as well!
  6. I love her! Especially when she talks about her hubby "left brain" They play her clips alot on Blue Collar Radio (sirius / xm)
  7. <br /><br /><br /> Umm- that was uncalled for. Most times I can agree with your style of humor, bit this was a little much. You may not care for Wade's style, but he definitely has pipes. FTR - He's been asked to perform that song at multiple "big time" events and venues and at most of those, was so well received, he's been asked to come back REPEATEDLY. I agree with LPPT - you should know not to be hateful to / about someone's child. You wouldn't appreciate it and I know Karen doesn't either. You seem like an ok dude to me (not that my opinion matters to you) but
  8. If you are talking about the Food Lion, I think I have one.
  9. My BIL lives in Marietta. He just got over a bout with the Swine Flu / H1N1 - whatever you call it.
  10. Thanks! I'm thinking now that she may file in AL since that's where they lived most of the time. Of course I'm keeping an eye on the papers in AL, FL and LA since they had places in all 3. Did I mention my brain hurts?!?!?!?
  11. Some valid points have been made here. My biggest concern about cremation has always been of a religious nature. I have always heard when the rapture occurs, your body will rise up to reunite with your soul. If your body is burned, how can that happen? Then again, I've also heard that when you die, GOD has a brand new body just waiting for your soul in Heaven. I agree with the less expensive idea for sure. Anyone who knows me knows how frugal I am. I also know the pains of being the only one who drives over an hour to place flowers on a grave. Yall have given me a lot to ponder.
  12. I don't know how to do the poll thingy, so I'll just ask the question. I hope some of the "resident pastors" will chime in on this one too. I've talked with friends about it, but I still have mixed feelings. What do my pcom peeps think?
  13. Thank you honey bunny. I did some research on my own today. I think now I know what I have to do. I just hate that I have to break out my inner bitch to get it done. I was trying not to make this whole thing ugly, but sometimes it can't be avoided.
  14. You have hit the proverbial nail on the head there! Before I got to the hospital (he was on life support in icu in Tallahassee) she told the doctors / nurses that she was his wife. She also listed herself as "his loving wife" in the obituary she submitted to the paper. SHE had him cremated and SHE told the funeral director she was his wife. I tlaked to the funeral director today so I could get a copy of the death certificate and he told me she still hasn't picked up his "remains" The same remains that she thinks we (my brothers and I ) are not entitled to. The whole thing is going
  15. Well since he died last Friday, that wouldn't be an option.
  16. I think my father's shady @$$ girlfriend is going to try to take control of my father's estate behind our backs. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do to find out if she has done this?
  17. With K - that would be 1/2 sweet and 1/2 unsweet! Not Sports Source. She doesn't drink adult beverages.
  18. Do you have a copy of "To Kill a Mockingbird"? My daughter needs it for school.
  19. If you are talking about the one in the red dress with the guitar, that is Layla Southern. (Lil RaceGirl) That pretty little girl in the other video is JohnBoy Automotive's daughter Kelsi. It's on here silly!
  20. Thanks K - It's been a major shock to me. At least I can say I was with him til the very end. I thank GOD I could be there holding his hand when he drew his last breath.
  21. When Lil RaceGirl was younger, we used to tell her this was the cloud factory!
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