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Everything posted by RaceGirl

  1. This is my honorary Paw Paw. We love him and his wife beyond words. They are truly WONDERFUL people. Their daughter is one of my closest friends. This entire family has hearts the size of Texas. Jay was one of the sweetest people I have ever known. He would do anything to help someone out. I know his family will miss him immensely.
  2. http://www.paulding.com/forum/index.php?sh...p;#entry2841391 We'll be there at around 5 ish. Lil RaceGirl is performing at 5:30. Hope to see you there.
  3. You are correct K- she'll be singing on Saturday at 5:30.
  4. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED this series. Lil RaceGirl and I tiVo it every week. It's our Sunday afternoon thing to do together. She was devastated that it turned out to be Henry. She and I both cried when Abby speared him. I hate that it got cancelled, but really, where else could they go with it after that ending? I'll miss the show and sincerely hope the writers give us something comparably exciting to watch next season.
  5. It is very sad. Especially if you knew all of the circumstances and struggles this sweet little angel's parents have endured. Y'all PLEASE pray for them to find peace and comfort.
  6. I can't bring myself to watch it anymore everr since Brock Lesnar took down Randy Couture. I personally didn't think Lesnar should have even been in contention for the title with only 3 bouts under his belt. So I'm still a little bitter.
  7. That sounds like something I would do. Of course I have been told I don't play well with others!
  8. As with most 70's bands, ARS is no longer all original members. I think the only original member now is Dean Daughtry (if he's even still with them) Steve Stone is a good guitarist, but I've never met / seen him sober. As for the band starting late, we TRIED to go to this event, but once I saw the parking lots and the traffic, I u-turned and headed home. We saw what I believed to be the band's bus stuck in all of that traffic so that may have played a part in their tardiness.
  9. Awwwww Thanks so much y'all for keeping him in your thoughts and prayers. His mom was scheduled to have surgery at a different hospital this week and his dad tore his Tommy John ligament. They have REALLY had a rough go of it. I'm working on an idea for his first birthday cake now, so I hope to have pics to share with y'all soon. Thanks again - I really do BELIEVE the prayers work.
  10. I asked this question on here a couple of weeks ago. None of the people I called were really of any help. Let me know if you find one because I have a 205 lb black and white picture box that's really ticking me off!
  11. I believe it is Becketts that distributes "catalogs" indicating a card's worth. They may have a website. Be very careful because there are many factors in determining which card is yours. i.e. 1st run, gold foil, rookie yada yada. Good Luck!
  12. I can't help with the pain med thing, but I do highly recommend endometrial ablation as a "cure" It beats a hystorectomy for sure. She can't do it though if she wants to have kids. I hope she gets relief soon. I can certainly empathize.
  13. I think I'm gonna start out with the lemon juice trick. I don't think that would be too harsh. Heck back in your day, you probably even put it directly on your hair to try to lighten it in the sun. I know most of the older people in my life tried that at some point or another. Seems like I even remember some stories of people putting peroxide directly on their heads too.
  14. Wow! How exciting for you. Congratulations!
  15. Well, even though she is a child, she is not a "little" girl. She spent her own $45 to buy this swimsuit at Kohl's and I was trying to help her save it. It's really hard to find a suit for her because she is only 13, but has an adult female body. There are only a few styles I will allow her to wear that are still somewhat "trendy" We spent days trying to find this one. As for the chemical thing, obviously I would run it through a "standard" wash after I (hopefully) get the little black dots out.
  16. mildew out of a bathing suit. Lil RaceGirl left hers all wadded up and now it has those lil black specks on it. Is there a secret to getting em outta there?
  17. Hey K - I don't know about now, but when I lived in PC, I found Capt. Anderson's to be highly overrated.(and overpriced) I also would not recommend Mako's (if it's even still there) The Treasure Ship is a tourist trap. I'm not sure about Saltwater Grill. I always recommend Angelo's (somewhat pricey but very worth it), Montego Bay is nasty(I got food poisoning last time we ate there). Hammerhead Fred's - blehh - For a great "local" vibe and pretty decent food, try Pineapple Willie's (willie is a chick btw) or if you are in the mood for "not" seafood, go into town on 23rd and check out Hou
  18. We have some pcommers that live there! I hope they are ok. OMG - now I am freaking out!
  19. Awwwwww - you are so sweet. I can't believe Wade isn't gonna do it, but I understand why (bigger fish and all that ) Smooches Dah-Ling!
  20. OMG!!!! JB - you are in soooooo much trouble. I can't believe RaceHubby was at your house all day today and you didn't say anything! Lil RaceGirl has 2 gigs Saturday, so we probably won't be able to make it to MacFarlane's - but I hope y'all have a great time!
  21. They always have some AWESOME live music. This year will be no exception. Lil RaceGirl will be performing on Saturday, July 18th at 5:30 pm. This is a great WHOLESOME thing to do with your family. I hope to see a bunch of y'all there.
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