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Mrs. C

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Everything posted by Mrs. C

  1. Amicalola Falls, Banning Mills, Dillard, Dalonega.
  2. Then and than. I see these misused a lot lately.
  3. We have to remember that the local TV stations serve more than just the immediate area. They broadcast well into middle GA, so if I lived south of Atlanta, I'd want to know what was heading my way. It's over here, but just now hitting the Atlanta airport area (which is effectively closed right now). DD's flight which was to arrive at 5:00 won't come in now until much later.
  4. The Weather Channel doesn't give enough local info. I like the constant coverage and knowing where the storm is going. I like WSB's radar and tracking, too.
  5. You can't blame it on hormones forever. Sounds like you're pushing someone out the door whether physically or mentally. Stop and smell the roses.
  6. I know you said Dallas, but the Tommy Nobis Center in Marietta accepts cars. Great organization.
  7. Try the Hiram Coffee House in Old Town Hiram. Helena opens for private special occasions/events. Great food, great people!
  8. Actually rainbows are round. Usually you can only see them if you are above the clouds in an airplane. My DD is an airline pilot who has seen several round rainbows and actually flew through one. You can see many photos of round rainbows if you google it.
  9. Most of us AU fans are still in shock over this. Glad there has been an arrest made and hope that justice prevails! WAR EAGLE!!
  10. Pineapple juice will act as a tenderizer, and gives the meat a good taste, too.
  11. Wishing your mother well, and you all have a Merry Christmas when you are able to celebrate with her! ETA: I know Santa has you all on the Good List!
  12. I like this! Could it become the new county logo?
  13. Good luck, Surepip! I had an undiagnosed congenital heart problem, only discovered when I had a face-to-face with a park bench cemented into the sidewalk while on a trip to Michigan in October. I'm now the owner of a pacemaker/defibrillator which was implanted there as they 'strongly advised' before I came home. BTW, I'm 66. I'm sure you'll be just fine!
  14. We used Odor-Ban. I think we bought it at Sam's, but is probably available other places. Hope it works for you 'ovah thayah'.
  15. We live along this stretch and it is amazing to me how people throw trash out along this road. We live about a mile from a convenience store which gives 'trashers' just enough time to throw their trash from their biscuit, cigarettes, cups, napkins, dirty diapers, whatever. Littering fines should be about $5000 - maybe that would help! Our house is quite a ways off the road, and we even had someone come into our driveway, back into our turn-around place and dump their trash there! Hello! Did that mailbox and gate not give you a hint that you were on someone's private property? Good thing
  16. BOO! HISS!! When I'm Governor, Christmas will be year-round. And, the Governor's Mansion will have a tree up and lit all the time. Those of you who don't like it can move to another state or another country where Christmas is not allowed. Complaints will be fined a ridiculous amount, and the money will be used to buy gifts for those deserving. Vote for me for Governor!
  17. No! Leave them up. Marietta has white lights in the trees around the square, and other places do, too. I have had the outdoor lights around my deck, which now need replacing and I'm thinking of using the Christmas lights to replace them.
  18. Maybe they are waiting on a loved one who has been away to return and celebrate Christmas. This was quite common during the early Gulf wars - many left their trees and decorations up until their soldiers returned home, and proudly kept those lights burning. It was quite comforting when those lights went out and the decorations came down - we knew a soldier had returned. Maybe someone has been ill, or had an accident, and is unable to get around right now. Maybe you could check your heart and check on your neighbor and offer to help them with what may be a challenge for them right now.
  19. Take her to the tea room in Powder Springs for lunch, then maybe a manicure/pedicure. Take her to an art class at Sips 'n Strokes (they furnish everything except what you want to eat/drink, and you take a painting that you painted home with you that night). I'm over that age and I love these things. Nothing like spending time with your daughter.
  20. I would think a scout troop, school, kindergarten, senior citizens home, could use those for some fun crafts. Or someone who makes jewelry could use them for displaying their jewelry at crafts shows.
  21. Years ago before the Proactive days, my teenage son and his girlfriend both had acne. The two decided on their own to eliminate soft drinks from their diets. I noticed that they only drank water when out with us, but really didn't know why and didn't ask. Within 2 weeks, both their complexions had completely cleared up. I mentioned to my son one morning that his face had really cleared up. He said he and his gf had started drinking only water and that did the trick for them.
  22. Savannah, Charleston, Ashville, the Keys, Cades Cove, etc. etc.
  23. If I'm dressing up for a Valentine's dinner, I don't want it to be something messy like spaghetti or BBQ. How about ham, green bean casserole, roasted little potatoes, salad with strawberries (cut in half they look like hearts), heart-shaped cookies, etc. Of course, your menu will depend on the age group, too.
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