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Joe Sixpack

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Everything posted by Joe Sixpack

  1. That's just what I did Subby. I plunked down in a chair in the garage and watched the rain fall and fall . . . After an 8 year drought - it's a beautiful thing . . .
  2. Dollars to donuts the tree was on the phone at the time . . .
  3. Doesn't Brown's Pools have them? They are listed as dealers . . .
  4. I stand corrected - yet again . . .
  5. A chat forum wouldn't fly on pcom. It would need a constant moderator, and I don't believe they have the means nor the desire to police it 24/7 . . . It would be a matter of hours before someone pissed in someone's Cheerios . . .
  6. From what I understand, if there is not a car on the far side of the tracks, between the track and the stop line, it will not trip the left turn signal. I could be wrong, and the "honker" was just as ill advised as I, but I cross the tracks and sit at the stop line. There is ample room. If that left turn light doesn't trigger, there would be a lot of unhappy people.
  7. I've taken out their hot wings a few times. Always good at a more than fair price. I hope they stick around a while, that spot has been unlucky for restaurants . . .
  8. Subby - I just replaced my Murray today. It's about 7 years old, 40" cut, with a 12.5 BS motor. The motor runs great, though the solenoid is dead. I've been starting it by jumping the circuit with a screwdriver for two years or so now. The tires leak and the muffler is non-existent, but otherwise a good little mower in the right hands (not mine). I'll take $100 for it if you're interested. PM me.
  9. Makes you wonder who she was thinking of when she said it was dirty . . . Bluet
  10. A new phone . . . For the love of God people, pay attention . . .
  11. Even I miss you akat . . .
  12. I tried the trifocals a while back, but I never cared for them. It was a long two years before I switched back to bifocals.
  13. I'm liking the new look Pubby. PCom was due for a face lift . . .
  14. It was a great game, but the Tigers were my American league team. Oh well, I guess I'll cheer for my usual post season team . . . Who ever is against the Yankees . . .
  15. This is the bridge over Gothard Creek on 92 at the Douglas/Paulding line . . .
  16. If one of those days is December 21st, I'm fine with it. Three days won't kill me . . .
  17. I don't blame her a bit for calling 911 to verify that they were indeed officers, but once that was confirmed, she should have complied . . .
  18. You have a first/second person conflict in the first paragraph (I v you)
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