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Everything posted by flossy

  1. how sad, my daughter is 12 and I cannot imagine losing her!
  2. Yes, I had to testify in both trials concerning the life insurance. She sat there cold hearted and stoic through both trials. I knew her when she worked in 911 and when her husband died, I had a feeling that she killed him, but it wasn't proven until after her boyfriend died the same way her husband did. The first trial, she wasn't in custody and was free to roam around the court building, I was hiding from her! The second trial, she was in custody and couldn't roam... It was creepy testifying with her sitting there with no expression on her face.
  3. I agree, the world is much better off without her. I do feel sorry for her children though.
  4. I was about to post this. I had to testify in both of her trials.
  5. VIPER gets no extra money.. SWAT members, Field Training Officers, Motor Officers, Bomb Squad and Dive Team members are the only ones that get extra money.
  6. No extra money for those guys, they make the same as everyone else.
  7. Mencia for sure! I haven't laughed so hard in my life as I did watching him!
  8. My husband thinks she's "hot". I personally don't see it!
  9. gosh, i forgot about these too!!!!! We put bells on our shoes at christmast time and drove our teachers crazy!!!
  10. I had forgotten about the I am Loved pin.. I had one of those, most of the time it was upside down!!
  11. I'm the on on the far left good lord, it posted sideways!
  12. I can't post a pic,but mine was a red 1974 Ford Mustang with a white roof that would FLY!!!!
  13. I always kept peppermint candy with me and when I started feeling the nausea, i would pop one in my mouth.. it worked for me. Oh yeah, saltines in your purse, so you can eat them when you feel ookie too!
  14. Thanks for these. We will have many to choose from!
  15. My daughter and I are looking for a place to volunteer once a month. I know that there are several groups that are on Pcom, but for the life of me I cannot remember them. I know that there is some type of community food bank, but cannot remember what else. If you know of an organization, please post here so we can have an idea of what we can do for our community.
  16. It's not that bad in hotter months, she wears shorts under her skirt, but the cold months, oh my... They are allowing pants this year, which is a first ever for her school.
  17. we send our daughter to a christian school also, they are very conservative in their beliefs and up until this year the girls couldn't wear pants to school, only skirts. They do have homecoming and they have a homecoming court. As far as prom, it isn't called "prom", it is called the Jr/Sr Gala and they get dressed up and have a big party. These kids are good kids and have a great time together. We have been very pleased with our choice to send her to christian school, even though it is very hard financially it is worth it.
  18. Good Lord, i'm glad you and your family are OK
  19. Sorry, try it now.. It is worth the read!
  20. You have to read this whole thing... it hurts I'm laughing so hard... http://www.kevmo.net/2010/07/07/missing-missy-perhaps-the-best-email-forward-of-all-time/
  21. The Ragsdale Inn. One of the owners, Jackie is AMAZING. Their food is awesome and it is a beatiful venue.
  22. I have so many in my years of directing and singing at weddings that it would take me forever to list them all, but here are 2 of my favorites: 1. One bride lost her shoe coming down the aisle, got upset and started crying and then when she got up on the platform of the church to be with her groom, she then decided she didn't want to get married anymore and ran off the side of the platform to the back of the church her father and mother running after carrying her shoe that she had lost. Well, if that wasn't bad enough, the minister then went off the stage and the sound guys didn't turn h
  23. don't ask for the phone number to a business on here when you can look it up on the internet? Don't ask what day Trick or Treating will be!
  24. not in paulding, but Zorba's in either Rockmart or Cedartown (i always get these two towns confused)
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