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The Sound Guy

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Everything posted by The Sound Guy

  1. I never said that the government should solve all the problems in the world, I'm talking about traffic regulation. I noted that the combination of tying the hands of local law enforcement at the same time you add a lot more drivers on a road (many young and impatient themselves) is asking for trouble. People were speeding on DBRaceway long before the school was there. Let's face it, human nature being what it is, unless it hurts, some people will ignore any law, so, making it hurt is crucial to getting them to follow the law. However, the GA code also limits the speeding fines that
  2. Not unless they are on your bumper and clock you using the speedometer of their car. Ga Code:40-14-8 Lexis Code Search This is another one of those half baked laws that gets passed by the idiots in the gold dome. They had a issue with speed traps by non-GSP authorities, where a driver would be ticketed for doing 1 or 2 MPH over the limit and have a large fine put against the driver. So they pass this law, which becomes the "Automatic Speed Limit Extension Act", so that only the GSP can actually enforce the limit as written. So the counties drop the limits by 10 MPH to
  3. Raising the speed limit (and especially as they added a bunch of new high school aged drivers going to/from class) was not the brightest thing the county DOT has ever done IMHO. Yes, the occasional driver that actually DID 35 MPH was an irritant at times and the idiots that tried to pass on that road should have been buried under the jail, but increasing the limit to 45 MPH, just increases the average speeds (which were already way the heck over 45 MPH) and makes the accidents that do happen much more likely to cause severe damage and death. Adding 20+ MPH to a head on collision is not minor
  4. Well, if they are "flying" down the road, then I doubt they are doing 25. Like gun control, sounds like you need enforcement of current law more than changing a law they will continue to ignore. I second the video recommendation, show you need enforcement on a couple of week nights a month to slow them down. Squeaky wheel, grease, etc., etc. As far as the "Children at Play" signs, many governments consider them pretty useless: Westlake Village CA
  5. Family member who is an agent told us that while inventory is low, sales and pricing is sometimes hanging up because of the appraisals. It all depends on who you are borrowing the money from. Many lenders have told their appraisers to be conservative in their values. If you find a buyer that has lots of cash, they can afford to pay over the appraisal, but someone with minimal cash is not going to be able to.
  6. It's obvious, the sum total of all intelligence on the planet is a constant... but the population is increasing....
  7. Plenty of them. Ban all Guns now TIme to ban guns completely Turn 'Em all in - Feinstein Open your eyes.
  8. I think it should be a law that congress should not be able to pass a new law without revoking one existing law. We have too many laws already.
  9. That's been true since the very beginning of this board. And I highly recommend avoiding satire at all costs. TBAR's first atttempt way back when taught me that lesson. I want my old P.Com Back
  10. I need to look into that....
  11. Woman was doing 120 MPH in a top heavy SUV? She's lucky to be alive.
  12. Depends on the outside temps for us. We have heavy insulation, so I set it where ever I need to get it to run and dehumidify. My wife and I cannot sleep if it's very humid. That will be anywhere from 76 to 70 as needed.
  13. That could be bad news. I know my PC is slaved to some system within the company network that tells it what I can and can't change, even if I am an admin user. I have not found a way to override that yet. (I'm XP)
  14. Note to self: Spray 40 gallons of poison around house tonight.
  15. Looks like the big wave is evaporating... I'd like that, I need to till the garden and spray some weed killer this weekend....
  16. Why wouldn't it be hot when it's easy money and if the person wasn't stupid and overdid it with 5000 returns, I doubt he would be caught. The IRS and State tax offices are broken.
  17. ^^ x2. Something is screwed up in the stack somewhere. Start--> Control Panel Double click on "Network Connections" Click on Local Area Connection Click the disable button at the bottom. Restart Windows Do the same steps as the above, but click "Enable" to restart the adapter. Maybe that will kick start it.
  18. Starting about two weeks ago, my wife had a severe cold, then within 3-4 days I got it. Scratchy throat, then congestion, coughing etc. Got over it in about 4-5 days. Just a spring cold, but they really really suck. Tell Papi to hang in there!
  19. If you have rebooted and still have the issue then: Run the IPCONFIG command on both PCs: Open a command window. (Start-->Run enter "CMD.exe" - No quotes) At the prompt, type "IPCONFIG" and hit return (No quotes again) Should get something like this: Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection: Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . : Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : Make sure you have an address and gateway. Both PCs add
  20. Or the didn't put the handle back on correctly and damaged the tiller or hurt themselves and blamed the vendor.
  21. Glad to see an easy to use way to safely get rid of old drugs. Throwing them in the trash or flushing them into our water system didn't seem to be a good way to get rid of them. Thanks to the PCSO!
  22. Our experience was 12 years ago, so don't know how much things have changed. My overall comment is that is a royal pain in the rear to build, but I think can be worth it in the end IF you have a specific floor plan you want but cannot find. My recommendation would be: Ask for lots of references for the builder. TALK to as many as you can. Make sure he's legit. We had a friends at church find a builder who ran through all their funds and left them with a half finished house with only about 25% of the materials paid for. It was a disaster. Plan on having NO personal time for the
  23. What they did was look at step 3 of the "Percentage Method for Employee Withholding" in the GA Employer's Tax guide - Revised November 2012. (I guess it took them 4 months to read it.) Instruction 3 seems to indicate that you only get one of the Dependent Allowance in Column 7. HOWEVER if you look in the Notes for Table E at the bottom of the table, it plainly says: (my bold) But whoever read it at ADP and wrote the letter to our company didn't bother to read that and changed the tables to be a max of your two exemptions and a single allowance. <sigh> They just
  24. OK, was able to figure out most of it. It's partly because the State of Georgia can't make a tax guide that is simply written and easy to understand and partly because someone at ADP didn't read the footnote at the bottom of Table E before changing all their payroll tables. So ADP has decided if you claim more than three allowances, because other deductions reduce your taxes, you are only allowed one deduction worth on your paycheck. Dang. Just Dang. The joys of outsourcing your payroll. They company just paid for two hours of my rather expensive (relatively) time to figure
  25. Well, payroll says that GA law changed this April 1st to cause it, they are trying to get details. If it raises everyone's taxes by 30% I'm amazed we didn't hear about it in the news.
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