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The Sound Guy

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Everything posted by The Sound Guy

  1. Dang, talk about a slanted story, nothing about the crime the alleged perp did, nothing about who he did it to and how THEY are doing, just a "Hey the cops kills somebody else after he grabbed the cops gun" story. Nothing on how the cops risked life and limb trying to catch a running suspect rather than let him get away. The Atlanta Urinal Constipation, faking news one story at a time.
  2. Latest thing I could find was an RFQ for engineering services dated last summer. I guess they are engineering something about it? And from 8 months ago, the eco nuts and water nuts are ready to come out of the woodwork: Oh yea, that Cherokee darter... really useful... whatever it is. I still say during the rainy season the corps should open the dam wide open send it all downstream instead of overfilling the lake and tell Alabama "Here's your water you wanted, don't bother to thank us, it's ok. BTW we suggest you figure out a way to hold on to it for when you need it
  3. Its a hard call. With the reality of the economy, I've been temped to pull back out. In fact, I was out for a early bit of the rise because I didn't trust it. The Fed's pumping of the market and the rise pulling in investment buyers that are looking for ANY return better than 0.1% on their money is keeping the rally going. If the Fed stops suddenly, look out for the drop. However, pulling out early into the money market funds with the low rates that the pumping are created make your returns less than inflation. I'm not sure we can win.
  4. We used ODA also, they did a good job.
  5. Ok thought this was funny: Thies: D.C. Government Doesn't Pay a "Living Wage"
  6. Yea, but the defense team of Dewey, Cheatem and Howe has this one in the bag.
  7. I just don't understand the whole lawsuit thing. Myself, and everyone I've talked to felt that the news station was the one that looked like idiots for letting this get out, not the airline, even if you *could* argue the airline was the target of the joke. The lawsuit on the other hand DOES make the airline look like idiots, concentrating on a stupid news report rather than the fact that their 3 pilots flew a perfectly good airplane into the water/ground. Better to have let this on slide IMHO.... PS. The scariest part of this crash to me is how similar this is to the A
  8. So, looking forward, what happens if his parents sue Zimmerman in Civil Court? As the OJ case showed, the level of proof needed is reduced, plus they can choose a wider variety of actions to accuse Zimmerman of. If they go through with it, the civil suit will be interesting. I'm thinking that if they sue for causing his death, pointing out that if Zimmerman had not confronted him, the incident would not have taken place, then I think Zimmerman loses and will owe them the rest of his life. Thoughts?
  9. goober for peanut Goober jelly My daughter, 19, freaks out at the word Wiener when discussing a hot dog. So I go around singing "I wish I was an Oscar Myer Wiener, that is what truely want to beeeeee"
  10. I'm still aghast at the idea of a Chief Information Officer that doesn't understand how a computer virus works and is too stupid to ask someone who knows what the proper response would be. I agree Subby, the job had to be a reward from someone else in the govt to some unqualified goober.
  11. And this is the same government that people want making major decisions in our health care. Right. Had this been a private company, the guy would be out on the street so fast he'd cause a sonic boom. That response is so stupid, I'm sure he'll be promoted in this administration. Dang. Just Dang.
  12. Yes. This would be funded from the SPLOST, which is not the E-SPLOST, nor the Tax reducing LOST. This SPLOST was voted on in 2010, and the proceeds were to be split between the PCDOT, PCPSD, and PCP&RD, up to 95 million dollars. 50% - Transportation projects 18.5% - Public Safety 17.5% - Parks and Rec 1.2% - Fiber Optic boondoggle Note that the county does NOT get all the proceeds. Dallas gets 7.2%, Hiram gets 5.64% to spend as they want to. (Is the courthouse in Dallas city limits?) The actual Parks and Rec funding wording is: ( Retyped from the BOC minutes 4-
  13. Don't know about wise, but definitely happier.
  14. Further information on the "mandatory" sentencing laws that partially caused this: Advancing back towards the husband when she was safe made it a crime. Mandatory sentencing took over from there and made it a 20 year sentence. The judge had no choice, the law tied the judge's hands. Mandatory punishment, be it school rules, or sentencing laws, take the ability to apply common sense away from the Principle/School Board/ Judge and are one of the stupid ideas that "sound good" but cause disasters that our society keeps putting into place to cure a problem that was not nearly as b
  15. And the above explains why I am much happier with you on ignore. Bye, bye.
  16. I'm talking about human reactions, not if it's right one way or the other. If the best job I can get is one that just makes me enough that I lose all my govt benefits, then what am I going to do? Stay at home and get paid or work and get paid the same amount (less clothing expenses, transport, etc). Duh, they are not going to work unless it benefits them greatly! However, the Liberals keep upping the "safety net" plans to the point they screw up the economy taking away any incentive to work at a job that doesn't pay "skilled" wages. yet many of these people have no skills! It
  17. Agreed that SNAP needs to be a separate bill. It has nothing to do with farming.
  18. Of course they do! Any any employer who is smart is going to do the same. How many employees do you think they could find if they paid just OVER the limit for SNAP and the employees would lose a major part of their support? Very few. If you want happy employees, you work with them and the govt handouts to peak their income. If Walmart was forced to pay $12 a hour, all it would mean would be those employees would have their hours cut by 30% to maintain their food stamp availability. So Walmart ends up with many more part time employees to do the same work with not only a 30%
  19. As far as the general budget, I feel there has been a reasonable amount of restraint of spending since the administration change just after the economy crash. Have I agreed with *every* decision they have made in the budget? No, but we all have our sacred cows we don't want touched or want increased funding for. I realize I'll never be totally happy. The 1.1 mil increase in the Fire Tax was probably the biggest increase, but since my Mother in Law is up and walking around thanks to the Paulding County EMTs that came out, I feel it's insurance money that is well spent.
  20. Found the 2014 Proposed PC budget on the govt Website. Did a quick search, but didn't see where it got discussed here. Of course, it's subject to change up to it's approval, but right now, the rates are about the same. County Bond..2.05 to 2.22 (slight increase) County M&O...8.29 to 8.22 (Slight decrease) Fire Tax.....3.10 to 3.10 (stays the same) Total.......13.44 to 13.54 (0.7% increase) Since my value went down about the same percent, I guess it will be close to revenue equal for me this year. (Assuming this sticks) That would be nice after the 17% hike last year.
  21. Yep I don't know how all the legal descriptions were written for the SPLOST, I'd prefer they use the money to purchase maintenance equipment to help with the upkeep and update of existing parks if they can, but they have to use the money per the description. It's been a year or two since I was there, so they may have done it already, but we could really use a fence around the lake at Taylor's Farm Park to keep the soccer balls out of the lake.
  22. Wow, some interesting comments. They are leaning towards too much dependency on automated systems and lack of cockpit communications. A couple of scary comments: Think I'll pay whatever the US airlines want to fly them overseas than the local airlines. Dang.
  23. For a state where things that go "BOOM" are illegal, I heard an amazing amount of Booms in Kennesaw last night at my Dad and Mom's place. Alabama and South Carolina must have racked up this year.
  24. I would think that lightning could play havoc with the fireworks control systems too once they are armed for the show.
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