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Everything posted by dawneykids

  1. I just now read on Comcast that 'the Jackson family needs more time to prepare and that he will not buried on his birhday, 8-29, as planned'. WTH?!?!?!?!?!? How much more time do they need and for what? He died in June for heavens sake. What could they possibly waiting for? This just seems very disrespectful to me and he wasn't my favorite guy, but c'mon.
  2. They itch. ACK!! That is according to my daughter who is in the hair business.
  3. Prayers and good wishes sent for you and your family.
  4. I think it was a joke, but I could be wrong.
  5. He was probably there with his lights on so people would know that there was a problem. At an intersection with a non working light, it is supposed to be treated like a 4 way stop, anyone driving should know that and not need a policeman to direct traffic. At least he was doing something.
  6. I am totally addicted to TV. Not that I actually watch it, I just like having the background noise. There have been times when 2nd grader was younger and Hubby would have him outside playing and they would come in 2 hours later and PBS and Clifford would still be on and he'd say, 'Ya know, you don't have to watch Clifford'. Not watching it, just don't like the quiet.
  7. We went about a month and it was really good. Hubby has the filet mignon(sp) and I had steak and chicken, 2 teas and 2 drinks and it was around $70.00 with tip. These places offer great specials for lunch and you get almost the same food, that's our plan from now on.
  8. I saw her cart in the Walmart parking lot on Saturday, but I didn't see her.
  9. If a consumer shops at a salvage store, it is THEIR responsibility to check any and all expiration dates before they buy anything. With the volume of merchandise that comes through, it is past unreasonable to think the owners could check every date. That's why it is a salvage store. As stated above, it's not just salvage stores that sell expired merchandise.
  10. 2nd grader is in bed, all set and excited for tomorrow. He thinks it's cool because he's going to be in a trailer this year...me...not so much. We are looking forward to a great year!! Good luck everyone!!!
  11. I realize that they get educational benefits etc, but not food stamps or actual welfare benefits. When my daughter and I were at the health dept getting my granddchildrens shots, we were told that ssn's were required for any kind of assistance and since an illegal doesn't have the proper documentation unless they are forged, then they weren't eligible.
  12. I don't believe that you are eligible for any kind of public aid if you are here illegally. It is my understanding that a green card is required to apply and receive any benefits. If a child is born here they may be eligible.
  13. I think it is the gym next door having some kind of 'ultimate fighting' thing.
  14. Am I your wife?!?!?! I NEVER replace it either and it drives my husband crazy....he is the one that does it in our house too!
  15. You and me both, I have been doing this for 12 years as I stated in another post. What are they doing with all that money?
  16. You can pay just the the past due amount and that will keep it on. Also, since I've been with Greystone, I've participated in something called 'Operation Round up' that claims to help with just this type of thing and that has been for 12 years.
  17. I'm lucky, we met 2nd graders teacher yesterday and she didn't have a list at all. Pencils and paper and a pocket folder for her to send things back and forth in is all she requested. I'll get my chance in the coming years to go broke for school supplies.
  18. You're very welcome, if you need one for you moms house or the shop, it's here.
  19. Get a gun and know how to use it, I agree. That would bother me too.(We really do think alike)!!!
  20. I have the bassinet all ready if you still need it. I could deliver it to you next week, just let me know. Congratulations...what a cutie!
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