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Everything posted by dawneykids

  1. You're not just kidding. My daughters fiancee doesn't even like country music and he has been downloading her songs and listening to them simply because of this incident...it's actually pretty funny!
  2. You hit the nail on the head.
  3. I think it's at the Burnt Hickory Fall Festival.
  4. I hope they threw his a$$ out, that was sooooo NOT cool and there should be consequences if you act like that. Thats why people do crap like that because nobody ever says anything to them and they just get away with BAAAAD behavior.
  5. The site would crash if I put EXACTLY what I thought of that D*^K H*%D!!!
  6. It's sad isn't it that people take this kind of 'information' for fact?
  7. Thanks for the info. I'm not sure when we will get back to DC to see the real thing and I would really like for 2nd grader to see it.
  8. Amen to that! The closer I get to 50, I believe it is the new 30 too!!! Have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY, I hope you have lots more!!!!!!!!
  9. The man who was killed was my SIL's boss. I won't say where he works, if you want to know PM me. SIL said he was the nicest, most helpful guy you'd ever want to meet. He was 39, married and had 6 children. Everyone is super upset. This is awful. Prayers to his family and all involved. It was at 278 and 61. According to the info SIL has, a truck pulled out of the Waffle House right there and hit him.
  10. TV Land was our escape as well. If I remember correctly, they were on a loop because they had to evacuate NYC as well and and for a few days the same programs played over and over...Mannix being one of them.
  11. Thats HORRIBLE! Prayers and best wishes sent.
  12. I remember very clearly where we were. We were at our first dr appointment with 2nd grader, he was 5 days old. His appointment was around 9:00 and we had been listening to the classical cd they give you at the hospital when you have a baby, so we hadn't seen the TV or heard anything on the radio. As we got into the office, we kept hearing people talking about things blowing up, cars on the side of the road in Atlanta, the Federal building in Atlanta and for a second we thought they were talking about some new movie. After about 10 minutes, Hubby went out to the car to listen to the radio,
  13. Wonderful post! I agree about the lights on 278. Hubby gets off at 11:00 pm and often comes out I-20 and through Hiram to come home. It drive him crazy when he has to stop a red light and there isn't another car in sight anywhere, it make s the 36 mile drive seem like 46. Good luck and best wishes to you on your new adventure and I sincerely hope that if you ever have to leave there, you can write a piece just as positive as this one was. Best wishes!!!
  14. Good vibes sent your way for the trip and the event after you arrive.
  15. I love these stories!!! I always think, 'Well, maybe she just wants to hear his voice'. Then I think, 'No, maybe she just likes torturing him'.
  16. It's about 5 hours to Savannah, she and her boyfriend are going. He is from Paulding, he graduated from EPHS in 2007.
  17. Yesterday, the day he was hit, was his 21st b'day! And he's beautiful!! When they were graduating high school she wanted to go to a Japanese restaurant and take several friends, including him. I told her he couldn't go because it hurt my eyes to look at him because his eyes were so blue. Of course she told him and it has been a running joke ever since. He's a sweetie!
  18. Yesterday Biz got a call that her long time, very very close, friend had been in a bike accident in Savannah. His skull is fractured in 3 places, the left side of his face, including his eye socket and nasal cavity is crushed. They have a shunt in to help relieve pressure because of brain swelling. He also has broken ribs, and broken collar bone. Please send prayers or whatever it is you do. This is a great kid and all his friends and family are beside themselves. She is heading to Savannah tomorrow even though he is in a medically induced coma...she just wants to be there in case hi
  19. MY niece has gone wild and is always posting things about being drunk at breakfast, drinking too much or being too hungover to go to class etc., and when her dad called on it, she unfriended him as well. Now my SIL calls and says, 'OMG, have you seen what so and so posted'? So here I am knowing what shes saying and BIL and other SIL have no clue.
  20. We had the same thing told to us as well. Have all of your paperwork, bill of sale, etc., and if you get pulled over just explain what you are doing and it should be fine.
  21. This will be awkward, but someone needs to look out for this child. Where are the parents at the house he is having sex in? I don't think you could let this go and even if it ruins your friendship, but helps the situation in the long run, at least you may have prevented him from a worse fate.
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