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Everything posted by dawneykids

  1. My Comcast cable has to have a remote, there are no buttons on the cable box, so without the remote you're pretty much SOL at my house.
  2. They have pregnancy tests at Dollar Tree, you should just buy one and leave it laying around for him to see. That would be worth a dollar to see that face!!!!!!!
  3. Yep, that is too much for me also. If a child is doing something they shouldn't be and the parents of that child don't see or are just not handling it, I have no problem with them saying something to 2nd grader. Certainly it depends on how they do it and if their own child is doing it as well. I've done the same thing, especially if a kid is being mean to another kid and no one is calling them on it. My big thing is, 'Excuse me...I don't think so'. That kid knows what they were doing is wrong and the know what I am talking about when I say that. I figure if it is going to keep someone fr
  4. Then I wouldn't expect a water bill over $20.00 per month, probably even less.
  5. It would be so sad not to have a support system at home at a time like this. A pregnant middle schooler is very young, still a child herself, but as a parent, how could you not step up? Hubby was so concerned about what people would think of us as parents when they found out and I told him point, blank...'The people who know us know what kind of parents we are and have always been, everybody else can kiss my $#@'...well, you know!! Luckily he took it to heart. Could the PC Health Dept direct her to the right places?
  6. We use Waste Industries, they are super reliable and we pay $14.00 per month, they bill quarterly. Depending on how many people in your family, I wouldn't expect a water bill over $30.00. We have 4 adults and a child and it's around $35.00 a month for us. We have Comcast high speed internet and if you are a new customer, they usually have good deals for service, not so much for existing customers like me.
  7. That won't work...I did that to Hubby when I was 39 and he thought it was great. (Of course it was true)!!!!!! Now that would work!!!! :lol:
  8. Husbands.....gotta' love 'em!!!! Hubby always honks the horn when I walk in front the car and if that isn't bad enough, I still flinch when I walk past anyway even if he doesn't honk at me. Which is worse?!?!? :lol:
  9. AMEN to that!! When my 17 year old told me she was pregnant, I thought the world had ended. I was a BIT^C!! But for any of you who actually know me, you know that is not who I am. On the third day after this news, there was a story on WSB TV about a 17 year old girl who had been killed in a car wreck from EPHS, my daughter knew her. I realized right then that that mother, grieving for her dead child, would trade places with me in a heart beat...so I straightened my behind up and we all, as a family, stepped up to the plate. And now I don't know what life would be like without my sweet 6
  10. I don't need to defute anything and I didn't say that the vaccines caused her issues...I said that when you draw a clear and defined time line as to when this drastic change occurred in her, that you have to wonder if it could in fact be the cause. And it's not like that there haven't been many drugs deemed safe, used widely and then proven to do more harm than good.
  11. I am so sorry for your loss, prayers and good wishes sent.
  12. I agree with you 100%. My granddaughter was initially diagnosed as being 'developmentally delayed'. She did everything late and still is. She is 6 now and the dr's are now on the verge of labeling her autistic. This is how this played out...the first 3 months of her life she was progressing as any other normal baby would, cooing, smiling, etc. When she had those numerous shots at her 3 1/2 month check up, all that stopped COLD.. They told us at first it was because she didn't feel good and to give her Tylonol. The two may in no way be related, but when you can draw such a clear time lin
  13. Thank Heavens!! What a bitter sweet trip for you, I feel so sad for you. More prayers sent!
  14. This does seem like too much to bear, bless your heart. Good thoughts and prayers sent to you and yours.
  15. At my house we call this 'fear mongering'!!
  16. My mom used to put sugar in a table spoon and pour whiskey into it until it was almost too full and squeeze in a tiny bit of lemon and then warm it over the stove eye for a few seconds.
  17. The one with the really thinly sliced potatoes. My family prefers the Strogonoff (sp). I love HH.
  18. My thoughts too! What a waste! You're right, it's exactly that simple, but don't tape your beliefs on my mailbox...I can think for myself and I know whats best for my child, not anyone else and it offends me that others think they know whats best and need to convert everyone to their way of thinking. It's my understanding that things can be put on the post, but just as you said, NOT the mailbox itself, inside or out. It is a Federal offense.
  19. Exactly...what about Phen-Phen?!?!?!?!
  20. I got it and I was furious!!! I am a parent and I have a brain and I certainly don't need anyone telling me what I should or shouldn't do regarding my child. I have WAY more issues with the letter on my mail box than I do this speech that everyone is having heart palpatations about! We were all outside when this little red car came around putting them out and if I had realized what they were doing, they would have been taking their letter that they had planned on putting on my mailbox right back home with them. This furor is INSANE!!!!! And imagine what a$$es they are going to look like
  21. I agree and why weren't they chasing the girl he'd just dropped of? If they weren't after him, why did they react they way they did? It looked to me like he was trying to get away from a bunch of armed, car jacking criminals. Whether he is guilty or not doesn't justify this shooting, 'He's guilty...lets kill him'. What kind of mentality is that? Police officers are supposed to be trained to deal with these kinds of things, not just shoot willy, nilly at someone they want to 'question'.
  22. Thats what we were thinking too and they are in fact paid up until 8/31. But this man is ill, his wife died no too long ago and he is probably in dire straights too. We're trying to be positive, but they also don't want to be kicked out for being 5 days late on the rent. It does, thank you. Thank you EVERYONE for your advice, kind words and offers of help. Don't be surprised if I call!!!
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