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Everything posted by mdolph

  1. I saw these at a craft festival and SO wanted some for the little tree in my boys room! My younger son is a hunter/fisher/outdoorsman and it would be adorable! I think they are cute for the right person. If the girls can have their princess trees then the boys can have shotgun shells on theirs
  2. Lucky her that she has a job! My daughter is 17 and she interviewed for a job with American Eagle. She was told it is very, very difficult for kids under 18 to get jobs in retail because of the strict child labor laws. She didn't get the job and is still looking. Evidently if you are under 18 there have to be a certain amount of over 18 workers with you? Not sure exactly, but she hasn't had any luck finding a job.
  3. I keep checking the brackets to see if they've listed the home team yet, but nothing. I sure hope we can keep it at the Boneyard. Easier on the wallet gas wise and such a great advantage to be the home team. RaidersRock just posted on FB that East won the coin toss! Warner Robbins is coming to the Boneyard Friday night!!!! WOO HOO!!!
  4. We got stopped in it coming back from the East Paulding/Northgate game tonight. We had a nice little chat with the officer about East winning Took maybe ten minutes tops to get through and there were several cars pulled over including one with a guy and girl standing beside it and the guy was pouring out a couple of beers.
  5. You win best mom award for taking them! I'll be snoozing in my warm bed about the time it starts! Thanks for taking my girl with you though. She is so excited I'm going to see it Saturday with a friend when I can actually stay awake.
  6. Hey, you could have grandkids in ten years (notice I said TEN years and not a second before). Then the fun starts all over again My parents enjoy buying for my kids way more than they did my brother and I. Of course they can afford more now then when we were little.
  7. She's one of my best friends there! We went to high school together. I'm pretty sure I know who you are too. I remember seeing your Deep Green stuff on your FB a long time ago. I was a Partridge in a Pear Tree back in high school
  8. Good luck! Our 8th grade East Paulding Raiders are headed to the State Championship Saturday night against Northview! We are currently 12-0, the only undefeated team in the GMSAA! We are beyond excited so I totally share your enthusiasm for your little guys!!!! GO HORNETS and GO RAIDERS! Make Paulding County proud boys!
  9. mdolph


    I teach at a private preschool and this is exactly what we are trained to do. I could lose my job if I went to the police instead of reporting it to my superior. We have a class every year that teaches us the correct "chain of command" for reporting child abuse. Having said this, if I personally witnessed anyone molesting a child I would not think twice before screaming bloody murder and throwing the nearest heavy object at them. No way would I walk away and leave that poor child. And heaven forbid something did ever happen that I had to report, but if it did you can bet I would stay on t
  10. My boys both want the big trucks too. Well, middle son turns 15 next year. We told him he could have our 1997 GMC pickup with 220,000 miles on it free of charge. He can work and pay for the paint job, tires, etc. that he wants and by the time he's 16 he should have a nice truck. Once he found out how much tires cost and saw what it takes me to fill it up with gas he started thinking a little smaller Now he says he'll just hitch a ride with big sister in her paid for PT Cruiser. And of course the Cruiser got tons of grief for being an "old persons" car, but when Nana and Pop give it to y
  11. The way the brackets are set it would be possible to see an East/Pope rematch at the Dome! Now that would be awesome! I would be willing to bet our Raiders would not be burned a second time. But it's a long, hard road for both teams to get to that point! A whole lot of hard fought wins must take place between now and December, but I think it could happen! GO RAIDERS!
  12. I forgot they were out of school the next day so you're right, there may be some late goers. Unfortunately Cobb schools didn't get the memo so I have to work that day. But I AM out the following Tuesday for election day. Wonder why Paulding is out a week earlier. Is there no voting out here this year?
  13. Started doing it back in June and LOVE it! I've lost ten pounds, but I moved from just Zumba classes to TRX, Body Attack and some other classes as well as eating a balanced diet. I will say that on our trip to Disney last week I only gained two pounds and that is with eating all sorts of nonsense. Two days back and it's gone again. I think the muscle I've built helps burn the fat faster. It's a fantastic way to get moving and some of the ladies in my classes wear calorie counters and burn upwards of 700-900 calories an hour. I go to In Tune Fitness in Darby Crossing over on 92. Fanta
  14. Just an FYI that those jerseys in the spirit booth are HUGE! I was trying to find my daughter's boyfriends number but it was not there and I was amazed at how long they were! I think they would look adorable with leggings and worn like a cute dress! You could really make it an adorable costume.
  15. Holy cow! Ours went down almost $500 from last year! I'm quite sure we won't get a refund from our escrow though due to the crazy way they figure how much you've got to have as a cushion. Once they pay our tax bill we will have nearly a $1000 cushion in our escrow. Seems like it should not be legal for them to hold on to that much of our hard earned money.
  16. I saw that flyer in the cup they gave us! I bet they lost some money tonight
  17. I wanted to second the kudos to the South Paulding folks! This was our first venture to a varsity away game other than the Starr's Mill game last season. I was very, very pleased with the facilities and the general attitude that seemed to surround the school. Fans were fantastic and cheered till the very end. It was awesome to see both sides of the house packed. And your band rocks! Loved listening to them! Thanks for making our visit from the East so great I loved the $1 cokes as well. We usually end up wasting half the bottled ones because they get hot before we drink them al
  18. BUT, if your child wants any chance at playing in high school NOW is the time to get on one of these teams and make a name for himself! This is my son's fourth year of football, second year on the high school feeder team. He is consistently one of the top three for his position, but he has worked his tail off to earn that. What is in a lot of these boys favor at this point is how quickly they are growing. Some that might not have been star material are really shooting up height wise and catching the coaches eyes. This is the case for my son. If your son wants to play give him a chance.
  19. Wow! Little Harry Potter is all grown up! He's definitely a cutie, but I still prefer Johnny Depp The movie does look interesting though. Maybe it will be PG13. I can handle that, but rated R scary movies are just too intense for me usually!
  20. Yep, I hear "I guess he fell asleep" most nights around 10:30ish.
  21. 5th grader in bed by 10:00 8th grader in bed by 10:30 (but they don't let them out of football practice until 8:45 and by the time he eats and showers he has little free time. Sometimes I let him stay up until 11:00 to watch the Braves. 11th grader in bed by 11:00. She has been told to stop texting at 10:00, but I have a feeling that's not happening. Let me know if it's causing a problem on your end and I'll confiscate the phone at 10:00 I think most nights they both fall asleep before 11:00 though.
  22. I am pretty sure they can start going in around 8:00 and school starts at 8:35 I THINK! I would just call the office and double check.
  23. And that is why we are going this year when he is in middle school because there is NO way we would pull him out in high school. I understand at that level it's a different ballgame. Not that it's not important at the junior level, but in my opinion it's a little less "end of the world" than at the high school level. The family time my kids will spend with their grandparents is priceless in comparison. I'm willing to bet that one day my son will tell his kids about that fantastic trip to Disney with Nana and Pop, but I highly doubt he'll remember that he missed the game against Northsid
  24. From what I could tell as long as you show up at practice all the time and on time he wouldn't have a problem with it. I guess if we were habitually late and missed a lot it might cause an issue. But if he makes him run I'll tie up my Nike's and run it with him I'm with you though! Family time is much more important at this stage in life. It's a trip that we won't be repeating for several years and includes my parents and brother's family as well. My daughter is in high school and there is no way she could miss a week of school to go at another time and we just will not go during
  25. Yep! I've loved Mickey since I was a little girl. I've only fallen in with the Raider clan in the past few years! By the way I brought up our week absence during the parent meeting last night and was informed my kiddo would only have to run for four days instead of five to make up for it I'm guessing if he were the star QB or WR we'd best be changing that trip! As he's not the Matt Ryan of the team I think we're o.k.
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