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Everything posted by mdolph

  1. Hmmm, well my daughter had good protection while she was there No problems for her.
  2. Just started in New Hope!
  3. RaidersRock I thought that was you out for an evening ride Seriously, they started riding them down in our cul-de-sac Christmas Eve around midnight. I thought perhaps it was a parent bringing one home for Christmas that had been hidden at a neighbors. When they continued to ride it for hours that shot my theory. And they have ridden them practically every night very late. It is aggravating because my husband has to get up early for work too. Our youngest has a small one and he is only allowed to ride in our wooded back yard and an every once in a while trip around the circle. No way
  4. Well, my daughter is only 16 and she thinks guys with shaved heads and short mohawks (like some of the football players wear) are hot! Ha! So tell him even the younger girls don't always have a problem with no hair. Some find it very attractive. And my husband had a receding hairline when we started dating. He was 21 and I was 18. Never bothered me a bit and I still think he's the sexiest man alive, hair or no hair. But I truly see where you are heartbroken for your son. We never want our kids to suffer. My 13 year old has very thin hair and when he pulls it back you can see his da
  5. I've been doing the same thing this week. My car is older and takes a while to warm up. I check out the window every five seconds to make sure it's still there. I'm thinking once someone saw how nasty it was inside they'd jump back out
  6. I know my high schooler is in a panic. She is leaving tomorrow night with the chorus going to Disney and had a Lit final today. I told her they would have to make exceptions for the kids who were going on the trip since we've already paid for it. I'm sure they will get to make it up at some point. I'm thinking they could just let tomorrow be a regular day with no early dismiss for high school and get the finals in.
  7. We saw her around 3:30 today on the median in between CVS and The Briar Patch. She looked well and was shaking her stick. The kids were excited because we haven't seen her around in a while.
  8. Definitely nothing wrong with emo girlies! I think all kids are beautiful regardless of how they dress or wear their hair.
  9. Oh yes, the Abercrombie store scares me too! It appears that Barbie has been cloned and sprayed with too much perfume. My kids like their clothes though so I'll order them online when they hit their rock bottom clearance price. I try to stay out of mall stores period if I can help it.
  10. Hot Topic scares me! My 16 year old loves to go in there. I feel like a fish out of water in there and try to hurry us out every time! And RaidersRock, my girl is a bit creepy too! She adores The Nightmare Before Christmas and went through a phase of wearing shirts, jackets, etc. with it on there. She looked very emo for a while. But now she's back to the all-american beauty that she is
  11. Hmm, maybe our kids should trade lists. My daughter has a car, she just wants us to let her get her license! She turned 16 in October and we're holding out for a little longer. We just don't feel like she's ready to be set loose by herself yet. The car was a gift from Nana and Pop. They bought a used car a few years back and decided they liked their van better so guess who got it? It was a very generous gift. Otherwise there would be no car.
  12. Hmmm, 16 year old is going to Disney with chorus the days right before Christmas so the bulk of her's is spending money (Nana and Pop paid for the trip). We are thinking about a new stereo for her car to surprise her though. I guess if we actually let her get her license that would mean more to her:) 13 year old originally wanted a I-Pod touch. Now he will tell us nothing. Doesn't want the I-Pod anymore. Mentioned a new phone so that might be his gift. 9 year old wants airsoft guns, fireworks and a trip to go turkey hunting with his Pop. I don't think Santa can "legally" transpor
  13. And where might this bountiful feast of a clothing store be found? I've never heard of it before. Is it local?
  14. Thank you for sharing this. I am in tears as I type. Last night I had a hissy fit because my kids don't help around the house. After reading this I realize how truly blessed I am that they are healthy and able to live normal lives.
  15. And our 7th grade Junior Raiders will be playing North Paulding at 11:00 a.m. for the championship as well! These boys rocked this year and we are so proud of both teams! Our 8th grade team was undefeated and our 7th grade boys lost twice. Once to North and once to Rome, but also beat both teams quite soundly once as well.
  16. You are right! I noticed that this week. My kids love those crazy things and they were 1.15 for a small six pack. You used to could get a big box of 12 for $1. Still a cheap food though. I adored them when I was pregnant. I don't like the seasonings though. I would cook them and put tons of pepper on them. Yum!
  17. Good luck tonight guys and girls! Know it's going to be another great show
  18. Hope you can make it! It was wonderful! This was my daughter's second time performing in it. She got to go see it at the Fox this summer with a friend and loved it! It's a great show. Hope your son can come. He would enjoy it.
  19. East Paulding High School Theatre presents their annual One Act play. This season they are performing selections from the Broadway hit CATS. The group performed CATS for their spring musical back in April and it was wonderful, but this production is ten times better! The costumes are fabulous, the cast is small and very talented and it is a great show of about 55 minutes. If you're looking for something entertaining for the weekend join the cast of CATS at 7:00 p.m. Friday evening or 3:00 p.m. Sunday afternoon. Admission is $5 per person or 2 for 1 if you bring two cans of food. Openi
  20. The key is "still love my Falcons"! I'm with them win or lose. Just love our hometown guys!!
  21. Awesome game between East and Hiram! Very proud of our Raider boys, but equally proud that both teams were able to shake hands at the end and walk off with their heads held high! Excellent sportsmanship makes for great games!
  22. Congrats Hiram! It's great to see some Paulding County schools getting positive recognition. Should be a great game Friday night!
  23. That's why I always liked Kurt Warner! Not only was he good looking he seemed to be a genuinely nice man and faithful husband. Of course I'm sure someone could dig up something on him if they tried. I love Brett Favre as well, but it's time for him to hang it up. Once you become a grandpa the hotness factor goes waaayyy down.
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