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November Rain

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Everything posted by November Rain

  1. Oh, Halloween time. At first, I thought this was gonna be a thread for the women's forum...
  2. c:geo is in violation of Term #5, as it does not have authorization from Groundspeak to query the data. "5. Access and Interference Much of the information on the Site is updated on a real time basis and is proprietary or is licensed to Groundspeak by our users or third parties. You agree that you will not use any robot, spider, scraper or other automated means to access the Site for any purpose without our express written permission. Additionally, you agree that you will not: (a) take any action that imposes, or may impose in our sole discretion an unreasonable or disproportionately large l
  3. Motor oil eh? I think my mom would put cooking oil on the cast iron pot to keep it from rusting.
  4. I spent the summer Geocaching, and there were a few times when I gave up the search because it was just too hot. I'm looking forward to cooler weather and hopefully a season free of mosquitoes and poison ivy. The hardest caches for me to find were the first ten, when I was figuring out the various ways that geocaches are hidden. Now that I'm almost at 200 finds, I can usually find the caches pretty quickly. When y'all want to get started, I'd be happy to take you out and break you into the activity. I had a great day Geocaching with a friend around Carrollton last Sunday. It was her first
  5. Hotmail gets a bad rap. Just because it's a free, anonymous online email account doesn't mean that the United Nations Compensation Commission wouldn't use a for their million-dollar communications, even if it is a Chinese account. Funny that the email appears to be from: From: Angelena.Reynolds@ky.gov Reynolds, Angelna Deputy Special Representative (UNCC) Not only is her name misspelled in her signature, but a Google search reveals that the email address Angelena.Reynolds@ky.gov is used by Angie Reynolds, the Breathitt County, Kentucky USA health department director. Even more a
  6. I don't have an Android phone, but I have read on the Geocaching forums that c:geo ("the DOS prompt looking one") violates the Geocaching.com website Terms of Use. The name is filtered out of any posts and threads are closed if it is talked about. There are other free apps, such as GeoBeagle as well as the just-released official $10 Groundspeak's Geocaching for Android Application I am currently using BasicGPS on my Windows Mobile phone Geocaching Software
  7. The Georgia Department of Revenue website states that sales tax must be paid when purchased from a dealer or business: Sales Tax – Click here to read State Regulation 560-12-1-.07 regarding sales tax. [...no sales or use tax liability will be enforced against either the sellers or the purchaser in a casual sale transaction...] When applying for a Georgia title for a vehicle that was purchased form an out-of-state/country dealer or business or a Georgia business, Georgia sales tax must be paid at the time of application or proof must be submitted that the sales tax has already been paid. Sa
  8. A search of the forums reveals a few old topics about Geocaching, but I don't think any of those members are still active on here. Is anybody else into Geocaching? I started in June and became instantly addicted. I had no idea that geocaches are hidden everywhere1. Now, every time I go anywhere, I check the map to see where geocaches are along the way. I'd like to get together with other geocachers for caching runs. 1. Take a look at this map of Geocaches in Paulding County What Is Geocaching? Geocaching is a high-tech treasure hunting game played throughout the world by ad
  9. You do not pay sales tax on purchases from private parties. I bought a private party vehicle in Texas with no tax. If you were to buy from an out-of-state dealership as I did last year, you will have to pay sales tax to the dealership at time of purchase and then pay tax again to the State of Georgia. You will have to pay the difference between your county's sales tax and the 4% credit that Georgia allows. I wound up paying 6% to the Florida dealership and another 3% to Georgia.
  10. The Douglas County landfill/recycling center also has a place for computer equipment in their free recycling section, but I'm not sure if they take other electronics. Perhaps your county does as well. CedarcrestPC posted earlier this year about wanting used computers: Looking for used or broken computers As did A Friendly Geek: Computer Recycling A list of locations to recycle TVs is in this thread: Where to donate broken TV
  11. The crankshaft position sensor works with the engine and does not affect the transmission. In my experience, the crankshaft position sensor either works or it doesn't; when it goes out, the engine will not run or will cut off (has left me on the side of the road twice in two separate vehicles.) Bad Crank Sensor Symptoms If then engine will not crank, one possibility is the neutral safety switch, though this only keeps the engine from starting if the transmission is not in Park or Neutral and would not affect the operation of the transmission. The car definitely seems to be having issu
  12. Ah, I just remembered about this as I was going to lunch today and figured I'd call my agent before I bumped the thread. Of course I forgot about it by the time I got home from work... Most homeowners insurance reduced after 9-1-2010 Thanks for the info CC!
  13. The goats in that photo look like their throat has been slit. Chupacabras suck blood like vampires, leaving just puncture wounds, not a beheaded goat.
  14. Hmm, I don't think my blender is big enough.
  15. Sorry to hear that you've been having a rough year with work, I didn't know that you weren't still at your previous job. Several years ago, I got talked into being the local union steward at my office. During the years that I served as steward, I learned that when faced with the option to quit or be fired, you should always opt to be fired. You can file a grievance on disciplinary action (being fired) and possibly have the discipline rescinded, but you can't file a grievance when you choose to quit. Hope things will work out for your employment and bills.
  16. In the break room at work we have the bunny ears and the digital converter box. It is normal for the signal to get scrambled when the microwave is in use?
  17. It was nice to meet you and have a little chat! I'll see about compiling a list of books that I'd be interested in and let you know to see if you can get them. Thanks for all the kind words ladies I eat a lot of dessert to stay this sweet
  18. Groovy. I was just about to PM naturegirl telling her that she could come get the several bags of cans I have because I don't want to drive back up to the recycling place next to Pates for just a couple of dollars but I do want the cans to go to an organization needing money. Bethel UMC is close enough for me, I'll probably just have to make a couple of trips. I've never been to the Paulding landfill/recycling center because it is way too far away for me. I've been taking my recyclable paper to the Douglas County landfill/recycling center, however I don't see any mention of plastic on thei
  19. LOL the brother is a laughing stock. It's almost hard to believe that it isn't a fake video! Man, there's even a doll on eBay?! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrWu13Uh2Yw
  20. I occasionally get a bunch of bounced email after a spammer does a dictionary attack using one of my domain names. Anybody can setup an email account to spoof an email address in Outlook Express or any other email program.
  21. I saw Aerosmith (with ZZ Top) at Lakewood last summer. They performed only a couple of the songs that everyone knows them for. Hopefully their 40th Anniversary concert will be better.
  22. I was shocked when I heard talk radio on 95.5 today. I am a constant station changer, but 95.5 The Beat was the only station that I could leave it on and hear 3-4 songs in a row that I liked.
  23. Hehe. Yep, the ratings indicate that Taylor likes this album (but not necessarily that her mother does.) Music is a very opinionated thing. Nirvana was very popular in the 90s but I never liked them. There was a big debate on whether or not Kurt Kobain shot himself, but I figured he just finally died since to me it sounds like he's dying every time I hear him sing. Nonetheless, I am a big lover of 90s music and am glad that Taylor enjoys music from the 90s.
  24. This is venturing off topic, but I don't see anything in pubby's post that imposes guilt onto anyone.
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