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Everything posted by mhparker92

  1. Don't know yet. I"ll figure it out before it's on the table.
  2. Had no idea that you had a home phone line. ! Guess I don't need to worry. I'll be doing the same sometime this week.
  3. I find it funny that we, as a society, have reached this point. When bottling water came on the market - it was a healthy alternative to soda. They were selling it in the convienence (sp?) stores next to the soda as an alternative. It has become such a main stay in our lives that now is a expendable item that can be cut from the budget. It's amazing how that kind of consumer choice evolution has occured. !
  4. Pick up line - I thought it was more like there should have been a price at the end.
  5. I figured this was a who farted thread? It's always the dog at my house, unless the monster is loose.
  6. Getting a meatloaf together for when everyone is home from soccer and school night for scouting. 1novella - the troop's newest ASM is going to be there. !
  7. Harley Science and Technology gave $$$. Glock donated a bunch of great stuff (no gun, though). Auto Buffs in Hiram donated free car washes. Jim and Nicks donated a $25 gift certificate. GA National Guard donated all kinds of cool goodies. Another donor gave 5 $30 gift certificates to a golf supply website (don't have them in front of me to tell you which one). Lots of great stuff that you can only get when you come join us. It's going to be a blast!!!
  8. Our youngest is the same way - I have about two hours from the time under his eyes turns dark to start getting medicine in him or he ends up with a full blown sinus infection - and that's the only symptom. He never runs a fever, never is sick, just kinda clingy and has dark circles under his eyes. The next step - about 8 hours later - is him turning gray becuase he's got a deep wheeze - but we've never heard it. Totally get the down hill crash as I call it.
  9. Hubby's had one at least once a year for the last 22 years. And, this experience is about right. If you're lucky, your "movi prep" comes with flavor packets. Whoo, hoo!!
  10. Are you searching for the suzuki method? That's really about the only thing that's appropriate at this age. My brother started cello at four. Some of the same problems. mom move him to piano and then he re-started cell at age 8. Good luck. They are so cute.
  11. sinus infection - start doing saline flushes of her sinuses - we use simply saline from the store. It's the easiest for youngest to use and it's designed such that the bacteria doesn't contaminate the whole container. I would put her on sudafed if she can tolerate and have it. It's works great in combo with the sinus flushes. And, finally, with youngest and his allergies, I would throw a benadryl or two on top just to calm down whatever it causing the additional drainage. The ragweed is horrible right now. All if she can tolerate it and have it with whatever else she is on. A
  12. I'll be there. I'll be walking by myself with my ipod on. It's the time that I spend ALL alone with no one around. I throughly enjoy it!!!
  13. mhparker92


    Most of our street has had a new roof put on. And we've had some hail. But, I've been amazed. I think it's a combo of the storms we've been having and the age of our neighborhood. We haven't dealt with it yet. We're just getting done with the warranty on the siding (just the warranty party - we haven't dealt with getting it replaced yet).
  14. Most voicemail systems will send you directly to leaving the message if you press 1. I ALWAYS try that with any vm system. Rarely does it not work. And, yes, I think it's irritating and they probably didn't do it because it used up your minutes, but I'm sure they're not anxious to change it. Call it an unintended consequence.
  15. We've always had dressing. Like Alton Brown says - stuffing is evil. (I love that show). We make cornbread that morning. Let it cool a little. Then add sauted onion, celery, and whatever else the mood hits my dad - sometimes carrots, sometimes parsnips, Then he pours in the giblets and the juices that he's been boiling with the neck bone all morning. He mixes it with his hands (very important) and then he seasons with salt, pepper, and lots and lots of sage. We add chestnuts. I really like it. As a kid, it was a sign that the year was doing well or someone we knew had a tree. N
  16. I absolutely refuse to rinse dishes before I put them into a machine that is supposed to wash them. ! Call it my personal line in the sand. Why wash them before I wash them???? Pour some ammonia in the bottom of the dishwasher - in a pinch, windex will do.
  17. Harry's has them almost always.
  18. I think Checker's are better - they are still fried - McD's bakes their's now.
  19. I tried that recipe and was very disappointed. Our dishes were not clean and I soooo wanted to use it. I ended up turning it into laundry detergent - oh so happy with that. If you find something that works well, please let us know. I would really like to quit buying commercially prepared dishwasher detergent.
  20. I'll be honest. I HATE tap water. I grew up on well water and this stuff that comes out of a tap is awful. I love a very cold dasani water. But, alas, I have put a filter on my frig dispenser and it makes the water good enough to drink. The dasani is now a treat only.
  21. I love your staff. I've been cleaning house and have brought several loads over there lately. They've always been so helpful and so polite. I really appreciate it. And, your staff was so amazing when we had an oops donation. My youngest had cleaned out his stuffed animals to get rid of. I packed them up and brought them to you. The bag had come open and he saw that his Curious George was in the bag. He didn't say anything. The young man took the bags and we went on. About an hour later, tears are streaming down his face. I don't hear him crying, but I can see the tears. I ask
  22. My brother had many of the same teachers as me - all of them commented that my mom really had two TOTALLY different children. We are like night and day. My two have only had one teacher that's been the same. Her reponse was kinda like above - different personalities but she could see the consistency in parenting. I think it's only human to have some expectations of siblings, but I also think that most teachers are professional enough to get past that and deal with each child as an individual.
  23. mhparker92

    NC 17

    If you have any extras, I sure would like to try my hand at making hot pepper sauce. Plus, we make salsa all winter and use hot peppers out of the freezers. Just remember to use gloves when you cut them.
  24. Nachos - probably homemade salsa - may get some guacomole (sp?) out of the freezer. NC-17 - if you had any more peppers, I sure would love to have some. I think I'd like to try to make some pepper sauce.
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