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Everything posted by mhparker92

  1. I just don't think they look good on anyone. Very few women have the breasts that can pull that look off without the "hanging basket" look down at their waist.
  2. Oh, I forgot - Scarlet's Indulgence(s)? - she is always so kind to me and my boys. Her products are soooo wonderful. And, she's such a sweet person. Just LOVE her!
  3. The hippie dresses that you have to have amazingly perky boobs to wear???
  4. LGM and I have two dogs - keep me soooo entertained with their stories. 1Novella - she's got a special place in my heart All my Boy Scout folks on here - well, they're Boy Scouts - what do you expect - we're a pretty loyal bunch. There are many others on here - I'm just generally entertained and informed or I wouldn't stick around.
  5. As someone that works at home and tends to go out in public in a Boy Scout uniform, what the h**l is a maxi dress?
  6. Nope - that's what that x box in the top right hand corner is for. ! Those that I know on here - I generally like. I definitely don't agree with all my friends - that's almost a job requirement for being my friend. I don't generally want to hang out with people that just agree with me - it's just boring. !
  7. Certified or certifiable???? I'm a fully trained committee person as well as having completed all my scoutmaster training (just for knowledge purposes - have no ambition on that side). I'm not sure which is a more appropriate word sometimes. ! If you're ever interested in getting involved again, let me know - I can put you to work very, very quickly.
  8. My oldest is that way - but he needs more like 8 hours a night. Then, about once every three or four weeks, he'll crash at about 3pm and sleep until 10 or 11am the next day. Been that way all of his life.
  9. I can put you in contact with alot of folks from the Boy scouts if that would help - there are many different aspects of scouting that would give you different perspectives - unit level, district level, council, regional, and national levels. And, they all have little quirks and kinks that make the management end very different. Or, you could look at the school district. While probably not a traditional non-profit, they still are not making a profit. Also, any of your local churches (or your church) might be a good place to look. To me, the biggest issue would be what assign
  10. So, in other words, your Johnson is getting jacked up tonight. Or you're going to jack your johnson tonight until it works. Or, you're going to start playing with your jacked johnson on you jack it correctly.
  11. Nope, we know for a fact that's true -- youngest tried, mom's tried, it's a really puckering experience. They are full of alum until the frost starts turning the starches to sugars.
  12. Your fig lady may be interested in these also. We have a permission tree in our yard - but the squirrels always get them before the frost makes them edible.
  13. I can only imagine. If what he cooked then is even close to what he cooked at home, that was some good eating!!!
  14. Prayers for her. My hubby has been getting that procedure done at least once a year for 22 years now. It's not fun. He's never had to deal with this complication - but I also know that it's just a matter of statistics before we do. Good luck. Hope mom gets better quickly. Hopefully it's an easy fix. Keep us posted.
  15. pm jcsmom - she's walked this exact path you're on.
  16. So, you got the new camera, eh??? Congrats!~!
  17. mhparker92


    Gave my mom your number - she should be calling this evening. She's really wantin' some figs.
  18. PM me your email address - I'll send you a copy of our dutch oven recipe book that we've been putting together.
  19. They were a subprime lender - huh? Didn't know that. But, I don't think they've owned our loan for a few years now - not sure how long - but quite a few year.s
  20. Our mortgage was originally owned by them - never had any trouble with them. They sold our mortgage to GMAC - that's been an bi-annual nightmare ever since. Every other year - they screw up our home owners insurance paperwork. I'll never have another mortgage with GMAC.
  21. Which IE are you using? I'm getting messages that my IE is outdated (it's a 2000 machine). My xp machine has the latest version of IE and it runs farm town much faster. And, Safari is horrible with farmtown.
  22. Check on that - I know with state farm if they only are with you a certain percentage of the time, then they are considered a guest driver of your vehicle instead of a full time and you don't have to carry them at all. When I was in college, and when my brother was in college, my parents were able to drop both of us and not pay anything because we didn't have cars at school with us - we only drove when we were home for the summers and Christmas.
  23. I would never have only collision on a vehicle -- no matter the cost. We've had two situations that drove that home with us. 1. A friend was hit at the left hand turn at WalMart before the light. Originally the accident was charged to her as a failure to yield. Both of her kids were life flighted to scottish rite and she was sent to Cobb hospital by ambulance. They were billed over $250,000 for the medical bills. And, the insurance company says that it was their problem - they only had liability insurance. The insurance company wouldn't help them at all. At the end of the day, t
  24. mhparker92


    I'm here - enjoyed the day - got alot done (though not near enough) - time to get some paying work done.
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