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Everything posted by mhparker92

  1. My palm pre has something similiar - they call it a touchstone. I had to put the magnetic receiver as the back of the phone and you just put it near the touchstone - it charges itself. It is absolutely awesome. Glad I spent the money for it. (And, I'm loving the palm pre!!)
  2. Orange roughy, brown rice, spinach, and boston cream pie
  3. Yea, well, what can I say - I ask for the world!!! If I can find it digitally, I will post it. Ginger took a photo of my oldest when his hand was broken and in a pink cast (dare by a teacher). I thought she had sepied the photo and then colored certain elements of the photo. The cast, the logo on his shirt, his eyes, and his jeans just popped out of the photo. She swears that she didn't color it. But, I have my doubts. She manipulated something - the light or the photo. Either way, it's my FAVORITE picture of him ever (until she takes the next great photo of him).
  4. D&&n woman. You're good. We've got to start thinking about our Christmas pictures this year - it's got to be all of us this year - left out me and hubby last year. I know that we need updated scout photos. But, other than that, I'll leave it up to your artistic abilities. Tell me what we should wear, where they should be, etc. Oh, yea, and when.
  5. To be honest, it could have been ALOT worse. I look at the gas station and the car repair place and see their damage. I just can't imagine how Scarlet and Bruce didn't get more damage. They were just quite fortunate that their building was up just high enough.
  6. I'm going to have to go back through the school calendar. It seems that I didn't transfer the school dates to my new calendar when I set it up. UGH!
  7. I stopped by Scarlet Indulgences yesterday. I needed some more bubble bath and bath bombs. I'm in love with the new lemondrops that she makes for the Ragsdale Inn. They faired quite well through the flood. I was really worried about them. The water only came up high enough to ruin the carpet through the first floor. But, they didn't lose any product. They've got the place cleaned up and folks are still coming in to buy stuff. They both look exhausted. But, judging by the remodeling going on, I'd say that they are making lemonade out of lemons - taking this time to do some
  8. Thank goodness you reminded me - I would have totally left youngest at school today. That kinda screws up my plans.
  9. You can make the body of the volcano from flour/salt homemade play do - use a paper towel roll tube in the middle. Paint accordingly. Then, if he wants to do the lava flow - baking soda in tube - dump the vinegar in - and boom you have a volcano eruption.
  10. Were you all providing the food or was the troop? And, how was the profits being divided? I might be able to get you some help either from a troop local to your area or from ours. But, those will be the first two questions asked.
  11. We had the chili that 1Novella was wanting.
  12. When we went - I got each boy a artist sketch book. Then, I copied some of the more important characters to include in the scrapbook page itself. I put the book itself into the back of the album with heavy duty double sided tape.
  13. Sending this on to our PTA president. Great idea!!
  14. My heart hurts for all of them. No one ever means to do something like that to a child. Giving a bath at 3am makes me wonder if something was bad wrong and everyone was working on fewer cylinders from being asleep. We've had to do 3am baths when diapers fail or someone is sick.
  15. Like the avatar change - hated that other one - gave me the creeps. Don't know what it was actually of - too many times I p.com without my glasses on - but it looked like a girl zombie covered in blood. Change isn't bad. Change is positive if you are leading it. But, it does make it confusing sometimes. So, whatever you feel is best for you. !
  16. Grilled pork tenderloin, mac -n- cheese, homegrown green beans, asparagus - chocolate chip cookies for dessert
  17. Most places you DONT pay for an ambulance - this is the only general location that I"ve seen that. And, I really disagree with it. No one should have to make that kind of financial decision during an emergency or be saddled with the cost when they didn't want to have it called. Just my two cents from a former firefighter/rescue person. Of all the garbage that we pay for as a society, rescueing a fellow human being (or animal for that matter) should be something that we pay for. In my mind, it is a sign of our civilization in how we treat those in emergency need, downtrodden, etc. I d
  18. Fingers crossed here as well. I assumed that plaquenil was expensive as well because they have a cost reduction program for it as well discussed in the humeria package that he got. He got his first shot today - not sure how long it will take. Youngest immediately asked if he felt better. ! But, we'll see. Hope all is going well with you all - how is Dragon Boy's GI tract doing? Hadn't read any updates lately (but I haven't really been reading lately).
  19. Having to pay for rescue services is actually quite common - my mother hasn't returned to the Grand Canyon because she's not sure she can get back out. It's very, very common for businesses to be assessed the cost of rescue operations when they (or their reponsibilities) have been the cause - tractor trailer accident - that bill goes back to the business, etc., etc. I was involved in an accident that resulted in the owning company to be assessed a $187,000 bill because one of their trucks full of dish detergent overturned on an interstate and, because they didn't have the proper bill of ladi
  20. I've got a big bag of okra for you.
  21. Unrelated -but related - RA doc just put hubby on humeria - even with insurance our cost was going to be about $500 - turns out the manufacturer of humeria has a great patient assistance program and it will cost us $5 a month. And, they also have an assistance program for this med as well - if cost is an issue (don't know if it is or isn't, just sending on the info) - ask your doc about it. Good luck - hubby started the humeria today. Cross your fingers.
  22. Up - you all are going up - don't let anyone stand in your way. I'll help you with all the paperwork. I'll be your right handed engineering bitch that will deal with the feds, etc. I can do a mean southern nice bitch on the phone. This is the time to depend upon your friends and neighbors. If we could get the funds together, would your mom and dad go to a hotel? I can try to get at least that much taken care of.
  23. 1Novella - the story is in the middle. There are going to be folks that take advantage of the situation to make a profit - they fall in the covered areas and get what they can. When my grandmother's house flooded years ago, there were "city folks" coming into the backcountry of KY showing them how to make money off the "feds." My grandmother wouldn't participate. Her sons (my dad included) convinced her to take the legitimate help that she needed - but they brought out the shot gun for the "city folk" that kept coming by. But, you have shown us exactly why we have these programs. You
  24. I just starting www.sparkpeople.com. Haven't really discovered all the ins and outs yet - but I think this is going to be it for me. And, I walk or do something 4 days a week - wii fit - stairs at the hosue, etc. It's a two part problem - I ate too much and was inactive - and it'll take a two prong approach to take it off - eating less (or better) and exercising. I'm discovering through spark people that I don't eat too many calories in general - but, man, I eat alot worse than I thought.
  25. I will do that - my favorite is to pay for someone to go through the toll booth on the highway. I remember once in MD panicing because I had gotten into the tunnel (with a $1 toll) and having to dig up pennies because I didn't have a dollar bill in my purse.
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