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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. Welcome. If you don't have kids in school just ignore the school stuff. It's the season. We're all good people around here. Well, most of us.
  2. ^^ Famous last words. I thought so too. Then, I learned my lesson.
  3. Don't you just hate it when you call out the wrong guy's name? Sorry, I couldn't resist.
  4. Sorry for the hijack. MCMM did it pain you to see a Toyota win at Michigan yesterday? It did me. I'm happy for Vickers but man, it was a bold statement.
  5. Sounds like a plan. Make sure you enjoy several adult beverages for me.
  6. I tried to post earlier but it got deleted. Don't know why. There's nothing risque in fleas. Oh well.
  7. ......I'm Singing.... One on the first bus as we speak. Now, let's see what time the MS bus gets here. By the way, Donald Newton is the best bus driver in the County!!! I'm so happy we got him again. I hope he enjoys his cinnamon roll.
  8. They're in bed but I'm sure they're not asleep. They're probably staring at the ceiling. My youngest is starting 5th grade. I bought her a bunch of new "young lady" type clothes. When she was trying them on she said they made her feel magnificent. When she showed me what she's wearing tomorrow I couldn't believe it was one of last year's outfits! Oh well, I'm not saying a word. She probably just wants to wear something she knows she feels comfortable in. We'll see what she chooses tomorrow night.
  9. My grandmother has three dead push mowers. She is in Mableton. If you want to talk to her about them you can PM me for her number. My mother also has a backpack blower that she can't get started. Do you work on those? If you do, we can bring it with us when we pick up the other push mower from you.
  10. Fetuccini alfredo with chicken, peas, garlic bread, sweeeeet tea.
  11. Well..... you shouldn't have any traffic on the way down.
  12. That is classic! This needs to be Foxworthy material.
  13. It's a shame it wasn't metal. That way you could have used a magent.
  14. Good night. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Most of us moms have all been there before. We know what it's like to be scared for your child. One Sunday night my daughter was sucking on a cough drop when she sneezed. Yep, it went right up her nose. We did everything we could to get her to sneeze it out. Finally after all sorts of pepper and powders, hair spray did the trick. She sneezed it right out. She went to school the next day with puffy eyes. The genius at the school sent her home saying she had pink eye. I tried to explain what happened but instead of listening they stare
  15. Flip side... (I'm not defending the teacher in any way) The last thing a parent wants to hear when they pick up their child is a long list of every thing the child did wrong. After a long day at work and an hour or so fighting traffic a parent wants to walk in the door to a smiling teacher and a clean, happy child. I was a childcare director in my past life and I instructed my employees to only report incidents that involved injury, destruction, or major offences. When a parent asks how the day went I encouraged the teachers to rate the child's day on a 1-10 scale and to refrain from
  16. I agree. If you limit it to only one decade it will make it hard for you to compare and contrast. Maybe you could explore 20th century art and music as it compares to that of the 21st century.
  17. If the teacher asked for a ring binder that you can slide paper in the front, the kids can use the binders as wipe off boards. The dry-erase maekers work great on them. Kids can slide in lined or graph paper and use the front to practice. All you need is a tissue for an eraser.
  18. Remember, the kids don't need everything the first day. My sixth grader's supply list calls for 21 folders with prongs. Yes, 21. The teacher said they were for the entire year. For example, math would use one folder per unit so you would only need one to start the year. We're not sending in anything until they get their locker. Since the kids aren't allowed to have backpacks there is no way they will be able to keep up with all the stuff. She will go to school with a notebook and paper. Pens and pencils will be in her purse.
  19. The only thing that surprises me is that the Mack truck's hood looks buckled.
  20. My MIL may have some tomatoes. I'll check with her later. She doesn't get up until 10:00.
  21. Are you kidding me? Boo hoo? I think it's time for a celebration. I told my kids that after they get on the bus I'm heading to the pool. A group of ladies are joining me there to celebrate the re-gaining of 8:00 to 2:00 ME time! I'll be having a morning of coffee, poker, and gossip. Before it's over someone will definitely be thrown in the water. Singing-->> It's the most wonderful time of the year...
  22. I always tried not to post in a topic Lesley71 was in or had started. She scared the Bejeezes out of me! It seemed like part of the PCom initiation ritual was to be on her chit list.
  23. Venti non-fat, no whip, peppermint mocha at 7:00 am, 2:00 pm, and 7:00pm.
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