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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. Would you rather live without electricity? They can't shut these plants down until they build something to replace them. The steam you see coming from the cooling towers in the picture doesn't hurt you. The polutants come from the tallest towers. Since you can't see anything coming from them the picture isn't quite as dramatic. But I do get your point.
  2. Al Sharpton wants the US to honor Michael Jackson with a postage stamp and a national day of mourning. If you want the stamp then go for it. I really don't see anything wrong with it. But he seriously wants a national holiday for us to mourn MJ. Although you never can predict what a politician will do, I just don't see MJ getting his very own national holiday before one is awarded for Elvis, John Wayne, and Dale Earnhardt just to name a few. What will he want next? Edit: I stand corrected. Sharton stops short of calling it a national holiday by calling it a national d
  3. OK, I'm the oddball. Just thinking of that sweet syurpy stuff makes me cringe. Drinkable Jolly Ranchers? I just can't see myself liking it.
  4. Don't you just love Carol Sbarge's new doo!
  5. Of course it's supposed to rain; my daughter has her first tennis tournament today. She's so excited that she's been up since 5:30.
  6. Hey Charlie! Will you take used bookbags or are you only giving out new stuff? I have several lightly used backpacks I would be willing to stuff and donate.
  7. The biggest drawback to mass transit is the inability to have immediate transportation. Having three accident prone children and aging parents/grandparents I just couldn't rely on someone else. If I got a call that someone was hurt or needed me for some reason I would go absolutely stark raving nuts having to wait for a bus, having to change trains, or waiting to find out whether or not my carpool buddy could get off work and take me home. Just the thought of getting the call that my kid was being transported to Paulding ER while I was in Atlanta and had to catch a train, switch to a Ma
  8. Regardless of the class, there are several things always needed. Usually, we buy them and take them in during open house. There's just too much stuff to take on the bus. We always go ahead and buy tissues, paper, pencils, pens, scissors, pencil box, glue sticks, and wipes. Sometimes we even surprise the teachers with a box of staples or sticky notes. By the way, I've discovered that dry magic erasers are far superior at cleaning white boards than baby wipes.
  9. I'm answering for my hubby. He requires immediate acess to his vehicle so public transportation would not be the answer for him. One thing I've heard him say is he would like to see limited travel hours for 18 wheelers and service workers. He thinks things like night time garbage pick up and mail delivery would reduce some congestion on non-highways. Eliminating 18 wheelers from operation during rush hours would reduce accidents and back ups. His biggest pet peeve is sitting in construction delays only to finally get up to the construction site and see the workers standing around looki
  10. Try Staples or Office Depot. If you aren't able to get supplies before school starts you can take advantage of the savings. For the last 3 years Staples has had a great sale one week after school starts. Boxes of Crayons were 10/$1.00, 10 packs of pens, 100 packs of pencils, and 10 packs of 100 sheet notebook paper were all 10/ $1.00. With Cobb County starting a week before us the savings might actually be earlier this year. I've always bought all my children's supplies early but I've been fortunate enough to take advantage of the sales and buy enough to stock my children's whole clas
  11. I detest, detest, detest cleaning! The best thing about using coupons is I save enough money in my budget to pay someone to come clean once a week. Yep, I am a GOOD couponer. Imelda (my new favorite person in the world) does all the cleaning and most of the laundry. I only cook and do daily dishes. Of course, I still have the daily unlimited runs of straightening up after everybody. Friday mornings are my favorite days. I fix my coffee and leave for errands. Imelda comes while I'm gone. When I get home my house is clean, smelling great, and ready for the weekend!
  12. I'm not joking when I say that the bipap machine has saved my marriage. My husband has been using one for about 7 years. Now that he can actually sleep he is far less gtumpy and he is more attentive to all issues. What we thought was adult ADD was simply an effect of no sleep. It has helped my attitude because I can sleep too. No more waking up due to his thunderous snoring or not sleeping at all because I was scared he sould never breathe again. Before the bipap he would stop breathing for 45 seconds or more then gasp for air so strongly that he sometimes fell out of bed. Since he
  13. You may be right about what she said but when I went back and reread RG's post I thought she was referring to herself being sober.
  14. Are you just now figuring this out?
  15. We were parked in the Kennesaw Carpets (former ThrifTown) parking lot. It was the perfect spot. It was almost like the fireworks were exploding right on top of us. I've never missed a fireworks show but this was the first time I was showered with debris and ashes. We had to wear sunglasses to keep all the ashes out of our eyes. It was a great show.
  16. I'll second Colorado. I've never been there but my dad brought back pictures of his hunting trips. The only other state I can imagine would be prettier is Hawaii. I know, they're complete opposites but beautiful all on their own.
  17. hijack: OMG I just had a flashback of my parents listening to John Denver on the reel tape player. end hijack and back on track. At least you know what the problem is. Now it can be treated and cleared.
  18. People are very sensitive about their flags. I completely understand. I only fly my flag when I know I will be home all day and can follow all proper flag etiquette. I wouldn't have been this way if my uncle (vet) hadn't set me down and talked to me about what the flag symbolizes. He was my rock. The day he was buried, I cried rivers as I watched his flag being folded. He was also adament that the flag is not an item of clothing. He absolutely hated the flag bathing suits, shirts, and hats. He thought a flag should be held or waved and never worn. Whether he was right or wrong
  19. It doesn't stop with material things. My three have all been raised the same way, same parents, same friends, and even same foods. You wouldn't believe how different they are. They have diferent goals, attitudes, and behaviors. One is a clean freak, one would be happy living in filth, one is an over achiever, one only does enough to get by, one is into fashion, one is into nothing but camo, etc. I used to see kids acting badly and think to myself, "I wonder what kind of parents they have". Now I know it isn't always the parents. Each child has their own personality no matter what th
  20. If the shirts are linen I wouldn't do it myself. Call around to a couple of tux rental shops or special occasion shops (like CC's of Rome) and ask who they would recommend. Good Luck.
  21. You guys are too fast for me. Yes, Hobby Town is the first place I'd try. When you go there ask for Kirsten and tell her that her favorite red headed gym mom sent you.
  22. I like to take a few vanilla beans and add them to a sugar container and let it sit a while. I use the vanilla sugar for cakes and cookies. The mild flavor adds a little something special.
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