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Everything posted by Stonewall

  1. Micro Center-Marietta by far the best geeks in town. They can guide you through if you just give them the details of what your needs are.
  2. I have no problem with law enforcement having as good or better weapons than the criminals. I think with the aggressiveness of terrorist cells, drug cartels and criminals in general first responders need access to serious weapons. You don't bring a knife to a gun fight unless you want to get shot. The argument about this being a job for the national guard is a logistical one as has already been brought up. The NG is not patrolling the streets 24/7 like first responders and the damage is likely already done before they could mobilize. I think the same is true about citizen gun rights. If your f
  3. The American Dream, The Tower of Power to Sweet to be Sour. I have not watched wresting since I was a kid but my grandparents lived for it. They never had a color TV or air conditioning. I remember watching the black and white RCA with the front door and windows open in the summertime. Every time Georgia Championship Wresting came on they were in front of the TV. Nanny was a hard core fan if she liked a wrestler he could do no wrong and if she disliked a wrestler he was the scourge of the earth. She started out disliking Dusty and used to jeer at the TV when he was on. Somewhere down the road
  4. Rude dumptruck driver? Is there any other kind?
  5. Little River Canyon. Dallas to Cedartown to Cave Springs to Ft. Payne (Little River Canyon).
  6. Impressive win against a small weak but rested field. Admittedly I was a naysayer because of the extreme difficulty in achieving the Triple Crown. I had been burned by FunnyCide and California Chrome both of who I thought had the right stuff. Over all a very impressive horse. Congratulations to everyone involved on a successful campaign with a deserving horse. Ran second fastest Belmont ever (behind "Big Red") that is how you gauge greatness. You may not have seen the last of him yet. Breeder's Cup anybody? Now that would put him with or ahead of the greats. Great day for the sport of kings b
  7. Here is the problem with laws and too much government intervention in our daily lives. There is no gray area. Here are two perfect examples of the lack of common sense in government and the stupidity of most people. On the one hand you have Gestapo like screenings that consider a nail file a deadly weapon. On the other side you have a crack pot trying to prove a point and making those who support carry laws look like idiots. Both sides will go to the grave screaming they are right. No compromise, no common sense, both supported by the law of the land. Full disclosure I am pro second amendment
  8. We have two different debates here. Scientifically, genetically Bruce Jenner is a male of the Homosapien species. DNA will prove this today and 1000 years from now. There is absolutely no debate about this unless you just want to spout out nonsense based on BS. Mentally,emotionally from all appearances he thinks he is a female of the Homosapien species. The debate is does this make him female. I say he is male. Does he have the right to change his appearance, live as a woman, change his name, be a media whore (see Kardasian), live as he pleases? According to the Constitution of the United Stat
  9. I worked with Danny in 2001-2002 at Plant Bowen as well as being friends with his son for many years. He was a good man with a good sense of humor. He was a devoted husband and father as well as a hard worker and good provider. He will be missed by me and many others. RIP Danny.
  10. That is the descriptive term that I hear from the mainstream media most of the time when they are discussing the gay community. I did not coin the phrase so unfortunately I cannot fully define it for you. I can only suppose it applies to the gay communities preference in entertainment, dining, living arrangements, transportation, social causes as well as sexual attraction to the same sex. If it offends you please contact MSNBC (or any media outlet) and ask them who started the phrase.
  11. Dana point taken, perhaps the use of "it" was a bit confrontational and I amend the vernacular to "he". LPPT I do not see where tolerance has anything to do with my statement. I tolerate a hell of a lot more than I did in my youth. I do not fear any alternative lifestyle. I just do not agree with the practice of homosexuality. I have friends and family who are gay. I treat them with respect and in some cases much more respect than their other so called friends. Without going into great detail I had a family member who had his mother pass away a couple of years ago. This young man is gay. At th
  12. I hope everyone will afford me the same right to an opinion as the one's that are gushing about this situation. It was born a man, it is a man. I will reserve my true feelings about being force fed life styles that I personally do not understand or agree with. I hope he is happy, I wish him no harm but I am sick of being treated like a caveman because I do not agree with certain life styles. I have the right to my opinion just as much as the alternative lifestyle crowd has. This is not directed at anyone on this board but at the media and activists in particular. I do not flaunt my heterosexua
  13. O'tay Buckwheat, O'tay Spanky. I love the Little Rascals and frankly never really cared what color their skin was. I may or may not be a lot of things but I am not a hypocrite. I have used the "N" word, I occasionally still use the "N" word as well as redneck, rube, dumbass, white trash, idiot, towel head, dot head, nerd, dork, moron, etc. I use them as descriptive words based on some ones actions or appearance. I frequently refer to myself as a fat southern redneck. Big whoop they are just words and I really don't pay any attention to them. I have bigger fish to fry and do not tolerate drama
  14. You want to show your kids/grand kids a hero don't take them to see the Avengers take them to see Mr. Beavers.
  15. Got a nephew graduating from EPHS with honors in the morning. Straight A's, honors program,marching band, perfect attendance, college bound, very well mannered, really good kid. Very proud of him but dreading the crowd.
  16. May god send his comforting angels to her loved ones. RIP Kittycat you are missed.
  17. Love the song. NGDB is the best cover but the best version is Jerry Jeff Walkers original. He don't come around often but if you get a chance put JJW on your bucket list. Have seen him numerous times and in a honkytonk venue no one is better (as good live as Merle or Willie and I am a Merle Freak). Last time I saw him he played 4 hours.
  18. Thanks for the explanation Mo3 I seriously have never heard of him. It does not sound like I have missed much.
  19. OK I am dead serious who is Josh Dugger? Why is he famous? I am guessing some kind of reality show nobody famous for being famous.
  20. Yes there will be more blood shed. These 1%er clubs fight all the time over turf. Don't be surprised if Local 81 (Hells Angels) gets involved or was involved in the original event at Waco. The Bandidos are all aligned with the Outlaws (the predominant 1%ers in Georgia), Mongols, Vagos and Pagans among others. All are sworn enemies of Local 81. I don't really know much about the Cosacks that were involved at Waco, but I think they are regional to Texas and the surrounding areas. Someone on this site mentioned possibly seeing black members in the carnage at Waco. I know of no black 1%ers. There
  21. I drove past it and later saw the little Chevy on a roll back. Appeared to be a pretty high speed collision as others have stated. The entire back of the Chevy was gone but the driver/passenger compartment was still pretty much in tact. Not pretty but intact.
  22. Yes this particular time was at the Mable House. He was not healthy at all so I definitely wanted to see him while he was still around. I know he wasn't at his peak but who cares he was a legend and earned the respect I showed him. I saw George Jones a couple of years before he died and he wasn't the Jones of the sixties and seventies but he was none the less still Jones.
  23. I sat front row at his concert about three years ago. They rolled him to the edge of the stage in a wheel chair but he got up and walked to the microphone. It was not the BB of twenty years ago but there were moments of brilliance when his voice and Lucille's almost made me cry. At the conclusion he walked to the edge of the stage shook my hand, smiled and handed me a guitar pick (probably because I was the fat redneck white boy standing the whole show and cheering him on). It is in a small frame and I am staring at it now. Very nice man and a very gifted musician. I can't help but think of h
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