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Everything posted by Stonewall

  1. Schizophrenia- a mental disorder characterized by separation between thought and emotions, by delusions, bizarre behavior.
  2. Pubby though I practically never agree with you I have never attacked you. This may be the stupidest interpretation of this situation I have ever heard. I do agree with the street theater analogy, absolutely perpetrated by the left. You and a few others on here really need professional help when it comes to wealth envy and class warfare. If it were not for "Wall Street" we would have no economy. Sorry just my opinion.
  3. I have kept my opinions on the "Gentle Giant" pretty much to myself mainly because it raises my blood pressure to discuss it. The real people responsible for the unrest and escalation of violence is the "Liberal Left Wing Hypocritical Media." They have done everything in their power to taint and distort the situation by using bias/prejudicial descriptions in their reporting of this and practically every other story they cover. Every description I have heard leading up to the Grand Jury decision has described the "victim" as an "Unarmed Black Teenager" or "Gentle Giant". I have yet to hear him
  4. This is a horrible tragedy. A kid is dead and that is awful. I was not there so I do not know the exact circumstances and neither do any of you. I have had run ins with Barney Fife cocky cops and we have had heated arguments face to face when I thought they were over stepping their authority. However it is a thankless, low paying job that most of us would not or could not do. I would do it if I had to support my family but I could not do it because I do not have the temperament to deal with the dumb asses/ thugs/ losers these people deal with on a daily basis. When I was this childs age I shot
  5. Clifford I always enjoy the stories you post about local events. I was a little disappointed that the author seems to talk more about himself than the first officer. Still an interesting read keep them coming.
  6. Spell check did not even attempt Kadiddlehopper.
  7. Chief Womack is very politically connected in Douglas County almost to the point of the old Earl Lee network. His job is safe believe me. Not the first anger issue he has had won't be the last.
  8. Governor Sanders is quite possibly the reason Atlanta did not have the devastating race riots (Detroit, Watts, Birmingham, etc.) in the sixties that some other cities endured. While a little too central for me he was none the less a great leader and superb politician. Atlanta really started getting noticed on the national map during his tenure. Yes I know he was a Democrat. Everybody in the South was a Democrat back then before the party left them to pursue liberal agenda. A giant in Georgia politics RIP.
  9. Man I am stoked for you Tom Petty and Paul Simon together, WOW!
  10. As Clem Kiddlehopper (Red Skelton) said about his wedding "it will be a military wedding" well "there will be guns there."
  11. OK if UGA was to only get one win a year I would take a win over the some what mascot confused Auburn War Eagle/Tigers/What Evers. I guess everybody has a least favorite team in the SEC and these guys are mine. They cannot get beat bad enough or lose enough games for me. OK I digress. Offense played very well especially the run game. Mason actually played a solid game with the return of Gurley and the consistently solid ground game of Nick Chubb. The O-line played a very good game. If there was a down side to the offense it would be our brick handed receivers (wtf). Mason kept hitting them in
  12. If you have ever seen the solar farms in Cedartown, Rockmart or Aragon my company wired them last year. They are rated at 1 megawatt and cost roughly $2-$2.5 million per sight to install. They are privately owned. Payback including government subsidies and tax breaks is calculated at 7-10 years with a twenty year lease. The PSC commission told GP if they are built you WILL purchase the power so yes there is a lot of politics involved. On the other hand Southern Company and their lobbying bunch have and are still to my knowledge making it hard to obtain permits and commission sites. So yes eve
  13. MIL called and told us about this. We used to go church with this young lady and MIL still goes to the same church as her mother. Very tragic she was a beautiful young lady from a good family. Our hearts are broken for her mother. They are in our prayers.
  14. Well I was leaving the deer woods so I listened to the first quarter on the radio and watched the other three on ESPN. Good win but I am still nervous about the Auburn and GT. Mason played probably his best game this season and I will give him props on that. I still have concerns with him and did not form my opinion over one game so I won't gush about him over one game either. He did play very solid today after a really bad game last week and that shows character. Offense played solid including the line, backs and receiving corps. Defense played average still very suspect against a higher cali
  15. Why is that little boy wearing a dress? Is it part of the act? Sorry I am pretty much a square and don't get it.
  16. I know someone who currently has 6 DUI arrests (none involving accidents) on record. Two a week apart. Spent 72 hours total in jail, still has a license (though restricted). Don't get it.
  17. I am far from a Keselowski fan but I agree he was racing that is what he gets paid to do. It amazes me the fans who whine about Keselowski, Busch, etc. Dale Earnhart(not JR)would wreck his mother to win. The dust up was actually the most entertaining part of the race.
  18. This may have been the ugliest game UGA has played this year. Georgia showed up flat and never got on track. Really lackluster play against a poor Florida team. I have beat this horse all year and it ain't getting up but, we have a really mediocre QB. Once we were behind and Dodo decided to play drop back with Mason Jar we were screwed. I am sorry Mason looks like he is lost and playing in slow motion. He was pressured some but even when the play action worked and rolled out he looked bad. Yeah I guess maybe their coverage was good at times but he never makes anything good happen. There is no
  19. One in twenty years. It was my niece about 18 years ago. None since.
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