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Everything posted by WendyLeCroy

  1. My summer time fave is Strawberry Fridge Cake. Need: Duncan Hines strawberry cake mix and ingredients listed on directions 16 ounces frozen strawberries in syrup, thawed and pureed 4 serving package Jello vanilla pudding 1 cup milk 2 cups thawed cool whip Bake cake mix as directed in 9X13 pan. Cool. Poke holes in cake with handle of wooden spoon. Pour pureed strawberries on top of cake, making sure you get them into the holes well. Mix vanilla pudding with 1 cup milk as dirceted on box. fold pudding into cool whip. spread on cake, cover and refridgerate for at least 4
  2. I make about $15.50 an hour, I'm not sure if I'm classified as a 2nd or 3rd year driver. Yes, Paulding County. I absolutely LOVE my job!! I get to spend a few hours a day with someone else's kids and send (take) them to school/home. I get holidays off to be with my kids and family. I work with a bunch of great men and women. I am also fortunate enough that I live in the area where I drive, so I even get to see my "other kids" out and about during holidays and breaks. There are times, like when my clock goes off at 4:30am, that I moan and groan, but when that 1st smiling kiddo steps on,
  3. Georgia Mud Fudge Blizzard at DQ Vanilla at home, but it is much better with a slice of warm brownie and hot fudge sauce.
  4. Thank you SOO much. I have missed this game terribly the last two weeks and am looking forward to it tomorrow. Have a great night! Wendy
  5. Just to make sure I am completely clear on this.... Wednesday at 7pm Use existing July cards that have the 7X7 grid with numbers on it this week, but the new name cards next week? Its been a long day and wanted to make sure this is correct, since I havent gotten to play the last 2 weeks.
  6. Did you try any local paint stores? Also, there is a plaster/dry wall company by the plaza, it may be Northwest??? I am just trying to come up with ideas. The bakery at the plaza, Sugar bakers. Ingle's bakery used to sell their extra buckets in the store, but i haven't seen them lately. They get their frostings in buckets, I just can't remember what sizes. Best of luck!! It took a couple of weeks for my hubs to find me one to make my laundry detergent in.
  7. Does anyone have the JV and V schedules, too? Thanks for the freshman schedule!
  8. A friend of my Daddy's blanches his by running it through a dishwasher cycle (no detergent, of course) after he shucks it, then he does the ice water bath and freezes it. He says it's the easiest thing he's ever done. Granny would shuck it and lay it out on a screen table to dry. Then us kids would "get" to rub all the corn of the cobs and she would store it to use as feed for the chickens and hogs.
  9. It really depends on the situation for me. I am a hugger. If it is an absolute stranger, meeting on the street, a handshake is fine..no problem. If it's at church, I generally hug. My hubby gets a hug and a kiss. My kids mostly hug, every now and then my 3 younger kiddos will kiss me on the cheek and sometimes I sneak a kiss in. My 19 year old son likes to come up behind me and hug me around my shoulders and kiss the top of my head, because he's taller than me and can finally do that, I guess..lol My sis and I mostly hug, every now and then a kiss on the cheek. My Daddy alw
  10. I too think it depends on the circumstances and how you think your children will cope. When my aunt and uncle passed, I didn't take my children to the funeral service. We all went to visitation to pay respects, but they didn't have alot of memories of them. When my best friend, Their "Mama Stacy", passed on in Feb 2007 we all went to the visitation and service. My children were 17, 16, 12, and 12 then. Our families became close when my oldest was 5, so it hit them VERY close to home. It was like them losing a parent. They all 4 dealt with it differently. I like to think it helped with
  11. I have gotten some good prices on produce and have tried a few of their other items. The saving wasn't enough to cover a trip to it though. I live in New Hope and I went to the one at Jim Owens Rd/ Blue Springs Rd? and Hwy 41. If I am out that way already, I will stop int o see what they have. They have a website too, check that out.
  12. Check around downtown Dallas. Hubby's aunt rents a duplex back behind the super thrift (or whatever the name of that little hole in the wall grocery store is called). She is also on disability and that was all she could afford. Some of the neighbors are not exactly "ideal" if you get my drift, but you have to take the good with the bad, I guess. Maybe that would work until she found something more suited to her tastes. Best of luck!!
  13. Thanks, I got this in e-mail also. Nixle rocks!! For anyone wondering, there is a picture of this..umm..person in the full details link.
  14. Do you have plans to set up a website so we can get more info on your trade in policies, inventory, etc...? ETA: OmGosh, how rude of me. Welcome to Pcom!! Wendy =)
  15. Perotta all the way. If I ever have need of an attorney, Tony is the one I call. He will give a free consult, go talk to him. It will be worth yoru time to see if you guys agree and your personalities mesh.
  16. TOW, I have a SilkMaster brush that you hook onto your hand mixer that you can borrow, if that is the kind you're talking about.
  17. I've always heard it is the second time being stung you have to really be cautious about being allergic. **shrug** I sure hope he is feeling better. Stings hurt no matter where they are, but the nose is an extremely sensitive area.
  18. LOL I tried to vote, but got an error message that said I wasn't recognized as a human..and some jabber about javascript error.
  19. I have been having probs with my phone and internet this week. We use Comcast, though.
  20. LOL I'll have to remember that one.
  21. Have you checked Lost Mountain on Hwy 92 @ East Paulding Drive? Hubby got a front end, hood, and two doors for our Dodge for $500 from them. I dont know what all they have back in their "graveyard", but it might be worth a call. Good luck!
  22. Ok, I should know you...you'll have to PM me or something to let me know who I am talking to...LOL Everyone is doing very well. We are enjoying our last few weeks of summer before we get back on schedule. I am. I love my route and can't even imagine dropping it, I just hope there aren't many changes for this year.
  23. My hubby had horrible back pain for years. It would get so bad he could hardly walk, much less work. he went to a chiro who told him his pelvis was out of wack. he went back weekly for that..it did help some and for short periods of time. He found out about a book from military.com. It is called "Pain Free" A revolutionary method for stopping chronic pain by Pete Egoscue. He paid about $25 for it online less than 6 months ago. It has worked miracles for him. I don't know if his results are typical for everyone, but it has literally taken 10 years off of him. He walks/runs a mile arou
  24. There is an elderly gentleman off of Dabbs Bridge Road ( closer to hwy 61 end) that sells produce from his garden. He sent me 4 tomatoes home the other day. They were yummy!!
  25. WendyLeCroy


    I am a smoker. I don't smoke in my home and think cigarette smoke stinks horribly! I like that there are restrictions. I don't want to go into a stinky restaurant with my children and have someone at the next table blow their smoke in our faces and food. If I wanted cigarette smoke, I'd light my own..thank you very much. When I smoke outside, I try to keep my smoke away from others, it's the respectful thing to do. I have been known to throw my butts out of the window of a car if I don't have a bottle or can to put them in. I do not like doing that though. If I am at home, I have an as
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