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Everything posted by WendyLeCroy

  1. Sone knock, some don't. My kids have grown up in this area and have known some of the children they hang out with since elementary school..these kids generally feel at home here anyway and don't knock if they know the kids are here. They will at times give a cursory knock, then walk in and yell. The newer kids will generally knock, not always. I have an open door/open ear policy. If they need me, I'm here..regardless. I am like that with my own children and every child doesn't have that. I don't always like it, and won't hesitate to let them know, but try to be loving and supportive. G
  2. LOL Lard is what we will have plenty of after we get the hog back from the processors...lol That big boy weighed out at about 300 pounds. It is cooked down pig fat. Daddy and I will cut the fat into cubes and cook it in a big pot. The crispy pieces left are cracklins that he will use for cornbread and the liquid is the lard. It is used to season and fry with. It was a staple in Granny's house when I was growing up.
  3. I have no clue what the O'Charley's recipe is..have never been there. I dice my potatoes (10-12), finely dice about half an onion, 1 T Lard, 1/2 stick butter, enough milk to cream it (make it whitish looking), and about 3 slices of salt pork. Then let it boil away until the potatoes are soft and it starts to thicken. (I do my stewed potatoes the same way except cook them longer.) You can then add bacon bits and/or cheese if you so choose. We don't here, we just pour it over cornbread. yumm
  4. I LOVE the Gators, but also love Georgia..omgosh..what's a gal to do?!?
  5. Thank you for the great deals today!! We found some awesome stuff in the $1 boxes (on sale for.50), but also got some other great stuff on the racks and shelves. My daughter has hardly taken her nose out of the vegetarian cookbook since we left..lol If you guys have not been yet, it is well worth the trip! Thanks again!!
  6. Our family (6 of us) use Dr Rhyant. We are Kaiser Ins (until Jan) and absolutely LOVE him. He also is located on 120 in the Wellstar building.
  7. Only thing missing is some stewed potatoes and cornbread with onions in it..yumm!! That is my fave meal ever! I don't fix it too often here. The kids don't care too much for my "old people's food"...lol
  8. Homemade veggie soup (needed my freezer space back from freezing left over vegs) and cornbread.
  9. I can vouch for the restrooms and food on the visitor's side. I always walk around the field and use the facilities on that side. Always clean, always paper products, and always great food! We will be there Friday, wearing our black as usual. Go Raiders!!
  10. I'm 38 and have yet to get over my fear of needles, even after giving birth to 4 children (3 pregnancies). I chose to go the more natural route and not have an epidural because of my fears. I still get clammy and shaky when I need a shot or an IV. My kids do fine, but I am the biggest baby.
  11. Info, please. Price, days, hours, HOW spooky? Suitable for small children or larger ones only?
  12. Dr. Penny is absolutely wonderful!! It is well worth the drive to D'ville. She also had a location in Atlanta when we went to her, about 8 years ago.
  13. Its only $10 for a 6 month membership..hurry!
  14. Our wedding was super small and very inexpensive, maybe $100.00. We paid for our flowers (my bouquet and 3 single roses for my dad, my hubs, and his best man) and marriage license. I borrowed a pretty white dress from a friend, my hubs borrowed a suit. There was about 12 of us at the church my hubby grew up in. We didn't have a reception, but Daddy did order us a wedding cake. So we had cake after the ceremony at his house. Our honeymoon was a week long camping trip. We renewed our vows 7 yrs ago, after a seperation that almost ended in divorce. Our 4 children were our wedding part
  15. Cleaning, cleaning, and more cleaning. My house has gotten so cluttered and messy with me spending so much time taking care of Daddy the last few months. He has finally (Thank you ,Lord!!) improved so much since the doc gave him Spiriva I have been able to stay home a bit more the last week or so.
  16. As soon as someone finds out what they may need, could you please post? I don't have much, but will gladly give what I can to help out. Her strength and positive faith through all they have been through has been such a blessing to me and if I could help pass a blessing to her, I would do it without second thought.
  17. Does she need anything? change for machines, someone to bring her a change of clothes, toiletries, money for the cafeteria..etc..?
  18. After reading this I just had to pull up and listen to Ragged Old Flag by Johnny Cash. Bored and rambling........
  19. LOL I LOVE to watch him and Tango.
  20. I wish I could help. I always triple my recipe and make dough rolls to freeze for later.
  21. According to a web search, he will be at Cowboy's tonight. The web said at 10:30 pm. I wish I could claim a couple of those tix, but will probably be ready for bed after the Raiders game.
  22. Yep, yep. Thanks for putting out a reminder for everyone.
  23. Martha, Best of luck to you in your newest journey. I want to thank you for all you, and everyone else at CASA, did to help us when we were in the situation of trying to give a child a fighting chance. Wendy LeCroy
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