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Everything posted by J'smom

  1. Yes, it was good for me, too.
  2. The bank bailout was supposed to help secure home loans for home owners so the bank wouldn't collapse if the home owner defaulted. What did the banks do instead? Buy smaller, struggling banks. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
  3. Kickbacks are illegal, so I doubt that. Drug companies can't even give offices ink pens or note pads with their logo on it anymore to prevent any possible hint of wrongdoing. The drug reps can bring lunch to an office but they sit and talk to the staff and doctor about the changes to the drug, like if it's now a tier 2 coverage on UHC and got approval for Aetna. Drug companies can only take doctors and/or their staff to dinner if it's an educational seminar, such as new research on a condition and steps that are being taken for treatment (and not just "take our drug!"). Also, just because
  4. That's what happened in October 1996 when two car loads of girls from Sprayberry HS went joyriding. They all spent the night at one friend's house and snuck out to roll a freshman girl's house. The dad woke up and saw his house being rolled and yelled out the window. The girls jumped into their cars, the dad jumped in his truck and started chasing one of the cars to get a tag number. The car he was chasing hit a curve too fast and three of the girls were killed, one was critically injured, and one had minor injuries. The dad left and went back home and the uninjured girl climbed out of th
  5. Contrary to popular belief, doctors don't make up or add unnecessary tests just to pad their own pocket. Yeah, there's probably a couple of shady ones out there, but most doctors still have integrity and do what's best for their patients. A lot of stupid decisions come from insurance companies and their requirements before certain things will be paid. If someone has recurring sinus infections (a new infection every time they finish antibiotics or more than 5 infections a year) and allergies are well-controlled the patient has to be on antibiotics for at least 4 consecutive weeks and tried
  6. I didn't think an employer could legally hold your last paycheck? Anyway, call channel 2 consumer reporters and they'll have it fixed within a day. I'm sure the daycare won't relish the negative publicity. My grandmother swore by the word of God and the word of Clark Howard so that was always her answer--call Clark Howard.
  7. Parents have no excuse about not knowing the passenger restrictions for new drivers because it's part of Joshua's law, and that requires a TON of parental participation and supervision. I know, I know, a lot of parents just sign the paper and don't pay attention, but they should. As for dropping kids off at the skating rink, I don't even leave my son at sports practice. Drives me up the wall being one of only two or three parents when there's 9-10 kids and I know the three of us didn't have all those kids!!
  8. Just remember Jeff Foxworthy's definition of redneck--a glorious absence of sophistication, which can be temporary or permanent.
  9. 104.7 The Fish does a thing on Mondays called "Drive Through Difference" where they encourage their listeners to pay for their meal and the meal of the person behind them in the drive-through line. You can go to their website and print off cards to give to the cashier, the cashier can keep it or give to the other car, with words of encouragement and hopefully it will be passed along. Seems like a great way to motivate each other in this crazy world!
  10. I was 8 months pregnant, and like MomOf3, I too wondered what kind of world I was bringing my baby into. I was at work and heard people whispering but couldn't get any real info. My mom called and asked if I'd heard about planes crashing into the Twin Towers. I was stunned; I'd visited NYC 5 years earlier and stood on the observation deck of the towers and made sure to get a picture of the NY skyline. I sat back down at work and they were talking about scrambling jets to shoot down the last plane. A coworker's daughter was a flight attendant and she had switched schedules that day and was
  11. They're idiots too. I was sitting at a red light, in the left turn lane, and saw a blur from my right. A stupid motorcyclist had pulled out of the gas station on the right and pulled in front of me instead of waiting on traffic to clear. The problem--he had to go SIDEWAYS to get between me and the car in front of me. I wasn't blocking the intersection, either, since there was a straight lane and right turn lane between me and the gas station and I was a little ahead of the driveway. He never once looked at me or waved "thank you" but sat there sideways. When we got moving I wound up behi
  12. Legend has it that at midnight you can hear echoes of cannon fire outside New Hope Baptist Church--sure it wasn't that ghost story? LOL
  13. Legend has it that if you're outside in the front of the church yard at midnight you'll hear the echoes of cannon fire. There was also the plane crash very near there in the late 70s!
  14. I had a coworker who used the "that's not my job" line all the time. All four of us had to rotate jobs daily and we'd also help out if one was busy and someone else wasn't. She would look around, see the other girls backed up, and say "I'm not doing that job today so I'm going to sit down" while the rest of us were running around. I asked her to help one time as I had 5 patients show up at the same time, she looked at the waiting room and told me I could handle it, and sat down to get on the phone. She also emailed the clinical director (over all the offices and had 200 people under her) b
  15. I'd avoid AT&T, especially cell service, like the plague. They're horrible and don't treat their customers, especially those with a lower plan, well at all. My parents had them and they'd refuse to upgrade their phone, even when they were within a month of the contract date, and when they DID upgrade their phone it was a horrible one that they couldn't hear on. AT&T refused to do anything about it, either. I'd had them back when they were Singular and they disconnected both our phones and charged us a $180 (each phone) contract termination fee when their payment processing center d
  16. You can change your address as needed and I'm pretty sure there's no fee unless it's within a certain time frame of being renewed. I know the voter ID has been proposed and shot down many times for discrimination but I swear I had to show my ID when I voted a few years back. I had my voter card and they looked at that and my ID and had a master log with everyone registered to that precinct and checked off those who had voted so the same "person" couldn't vote again.
  17. College students vote by absentee ballot for their home state. My best friend does that for every election--she's a doctoral candidate and has been attending college out of state for years--and plans accordingly. If you move to a different precinct you should have a change of address filed with the postal service and can get your driver's license updated for free, unless it's within a certain time frame of expiring anyway, so that shouldn't have any impact. If you move too close to election day to make the necessary changes you go to your assigned polling place. Better yet, do early votin
  18. I always thought people overpaid for organic produce to avoid the pesticides that are sprayed on regular produce, not for any added nutritional value. An apple's an apple, inside and out, regardless of how it's protected from bugs. I had heard that there's no reason to buy organic produce that has a removable skin, like bananas, since the actual fruit that you consume is never in contact with pesticides anyway. I told that to someone, who was telling me I was wrong for not eating organic during my pregnancy, and she said she eats every bit of her fruit, skin and all. Anybody else eat banana
  19. At least the son cut the grass! The Marietta Square used to have guided ghost walks around the square in October, not sure if they still do or not, but it was a spooky kind of fun when I went on one as a teenager (many years ago). Google and see if it's still around and check it out!
  20. That was heartbreaking and the mom was facing a longer court sentence than the driver who killed her child! I guess if CCT dropped only at crosswalks and red lights there'd be complaints about being too far from their destinations. Who knows? At least Cobb has public transit!
  21. Ben Strickland is on 92 and Oak Street (I think it's Oak Street), the red light at the water tower just north of downtown Hiram. It's across 92 from the water tower. You know, where you turn to get to Hiram Elementary school. Don't know if that helped or not!! LOL
  22. Texas Roadhouse. They sing and you can stick a candle in it. LOL. They also dance to certain songs. They have certain weekday meal specials so it's not too expensive and they have call-ahead seating if needed!
  23. We were hit so hard by the housing collapse. I'm in a neighborhood that's about 6 years old and there are several empty lots because the builder (finally) realized they needed to stop building when people weren't buying. There's one new house, built within the past 2 years, that's never been occupied, and a few others up for sale. The builder kinda abandoned the subdivision. There's nice houses but the empty lots look like crap because they only get mowed every 6 months and even then they only cut the first 10 feet of the property. There's HOA fees every year but I don't know what it's fo
  24. I try to help my 5th grader with his homework and I get "Mom, you're doing it wrong!" I wonder who figured out a different way to do 3-digit multiplication than the way I was taught. I did my way, my son did his way, we both got the same answer, so why change a good thing? LOL
  25. Yeah, Pretty Boy does get the beauties! Then again, Jimmie Johnson's wife isn't ugly, neither is Kevin Harvick's wife or Kyle (gag me with a fork) Bush's wife. Well, how was it? Did you have fun? It's much better at the race than on TV!!
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