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Everything posted by J'smom

  1. He sent a link to his Facebook page offering to help her lose weight. His profile picture shows him flexing his biceps on his mountain bike.
  2. ONLY USE THIS AFTER YOUR DOCTOR (PREFERABLY ASTHMA SPECIALIST) HAS GIVEN THE OKAY!!! Asthma is not something to take lightly and any asthma patient should be under the supervision of a doctor. Please be careful with your asthma and medications. I know the prescription inhalers can be expensive but stick with those. Take your daily maintenance inhaler (Advair, Flovent, etc) as directed daily or twice daily but your rescue inhaler (albuterol--ProAir, Ventolin, Proventil; or Xopenex) just as needed or before exercise if physical activity triggers your asthma. I'd see so many patients take th
  3. And they let you wear the special jacket so you hug yourself all day long. If someone flips me off I say that they're telling me I'm number one. I had a patient that refused to let me give her shot (I mispronounced her name and she copped an attitude after that, but her name consisted of every letter in the alphabet, some twice, and I only got the last syllable wrong) and she'd *sigh* "Is anyone ELSE available?" so when she came in I'd mutter "there's the president of my fan club" and alert the other nurses that their assistance would be requested.
  4. I worked with somebody in Douglasville who moved down here from Cleveland and had Browns season tickets every year and she would leave after work on a Thursday (we were closed on Fridays) and DRIVE to Cleveland for the weekend, watch them lose and drive back down, sleeping in the van overnight and be back at work Monday morning. Her kids got annoyed at having to go straight to school after that long drive, but she did it all the time. That's just crazy, especially for the Browns!! And be nice to the Lions--they have Matthew Stafford, gotta support our former Dawg QB! My husband is from
  5. No, your AD/HD would make cleaning harder. You start by wiping off a counter then get the broom to sweep the floor but when you open the closet where the broom is--hey, there's a mop! I haven't mopped in a few days, where's the bucket? Oh, bucket's in the garage--go to the garage and realize it's cluttered on the workbench so you start clearing the workbench off--there's that screwdriver, now I can finish building that birdhouse. Next thing you know, you've got a half-finished birdhouse (still) and have researched different birds in Georgia. Anyway, I'll volunteer my house anytime
  6. We don't have a land line, just our two cell phones. If I don't recognize the number or if it's long distance I don't answer. If it's local I'll sometimes answer because it could be a job interview or offer, but even if I don't answer they'll leave a message. What bugs me is when I do answer and it's the automated message telling me to call (insert collection agency) at (phone number). If I owe you money why don't you have the canolis to be on the phone when I answer? I also get solicitation texts. Those are easier to stop--just text the reply "STOP" and they have to cease and desist. A
  7. I was wondering where the Falcon love was at. They're 5-0 for the first time in team history, Matt Ryan was MVP for the month of September, and people are still giving them crap. Go Falcons!!!
  8. Sheesh. Any other topics I'll get made fun of for mentioning?
  9. Oh, one more thing. With the iPad you can load iTunes cards to your iTunes account for apps and song and stuff, which is great. The Kindle Fire has the same thing with Amazon.com so you can load Amazon gift cards but you MUST put a regular credit card on file also. They'll pull from your gift card balance but need the credit card in case you go over your limit. I found that out the hard way trying to download a free app and they wouldn't let me until I put a credit card on there.
  10. "Ordinary effort" means not running back to where the left fielder was standing and abandoning your post. So basically an infielder can catch the pop fly and make the out, or can stand there and do nothing and still get the batter out. Sounds fair. I know the intent was to keep a single out (catching the pop fly) from being a double play (letting the ball drop to pick it up, tag 3rd then throw to 2nd for the double play). Heck, in that case I could be an infielder and just stand around and let technicalities make the outs for me.
  11. Call the non-emergency number and have them come out and listen. They'll address the issue. My old neighborhood (in Hiram) had a rooster in it and we'd hear that crow all day long. It was confused.
  12. There are jobs out there but employers don't want to pay. I saw a posting for a nurse with a salary of $10/hour. For all we have to go through to get our license that's almost and insult. I've had several interviews (and yes, I dress appropriately wearing a black suit with a nice dress shirt, showered, appropriately groomed, no perfume or nail polish, nails short, hair neat, etc) and of those that mentioned salary, the highest was still a $3.50/hour pay cut from what I was making. I've got 5 years experience and the average starting salary is what I made 5 years ago--or less. There is a c
  13. My prayers for this family and her friends and classmates.
  14. Depends on your wants and needs. The iPad and most other tablets are basically mini laptops except you don't have MS software and you can't print from them (more like oversized iPhones I guess). The Kindle and Kindle Fire are better for books and reading but do have internet access, Facebook, games, and other apps available. My husband has an iPad 2 and I have a Kindle Fire and we use both. I use the Kindle more because I read more than he does. The iPad is great for needing quick internet access. iPad is heavier than Kindle and has a bigger screen; Kindle's touch screen isn't quite as s
  15. The jobs that are out there aren't paying jack. I've been looking and of those jobs where salary was mentioned in the ad or interview, the highest I've heard was $3.50/hour less than what I was making when I left my job 8 months ago. There was one job ad for a nurse with salary $10/hour. That's almost an insult. The highest offer I've heard was the same as what I started making 5 years ago with no experience--it's frustrating.
  16. It was bad, but defense held SC for a while and we did get on the board. I wish Murray had been on his game tonight--his numbers will be HORRIBLE after this.
  17. Well, Bobby Cox wasn't at the game the majority of the time--he was the most ejected coach in MLB! LOL. Anyway, Chipper was a great player and he will be truly missed by many Braves fans. It was sweet to see him cry when he hugged his parents at the last regular season game. I was at the Braves game last Thursday (of fall break) and every time Chipper got up to bat there was a standing ovation. True, they weren't playing well after the 4th inning but that call did affect the flow of the game. They easily could have rallied with bases loaded and one out and gone into extra innings.
  18. I was going to post earlier "Go DAWGS, choke those chickens" but realized that wouldn't be appropriate. Oh, and Spurrier is an @$$. He said that he wished the game was earlier in the season because "most of the GA players would be suspended". How rude. True, but rude.
  19. My ex just lost his house in a short sale. We bought it for $72000 (HUD home) in 2001, he had to refinance it when we divorced to get my name off the loan so his payments went up (his credit sucks) and the winning offer on his house now was $28000. 3/2 split-level ranch with garage/basement combo on huge corner lot in Hiram. The asking price on the real estate's website is $21000. There's a lady in our neighborhood who's a real estate agent and has had her house on the market for 2 years (wondering about her skills if she can't even sell her own house!) and I got nosy. She's got her h
  20. Excellent point. I, too, lost a friend to suicide when we were 16. I'm glad this woman spoke out.
  21. It was Quayle. Gore invented the internet.
  22. I want to know if the new landowner ever watched Poltergiest. If you recall, the subdivision was built on an ancient cemetery and they moved the headstones but didn't move the bodies. Also, what kind of cold-hearted person would want to build on a cemetery? If I bought a piece of property and it turned out to be a historic cemetery I'd sell it back for the same price (or give it back if the family couldn't buy it) and find somewhere else to build.
  23. And kudos to the Cedartown PD for being so quick to respond and take action! Small town PDs seem to get a bad rap but it seems like they were on top of things and stuck to it! God bless you and the cops!!
  24. My dad and his brother would have to cut the switches off the tree for each other, so they would remember how big a switch the other one cut when it was their turn. My aunt actually asked a cop about that. Today your story would be considered abuse. If it's not done on the butt and/or leaves a mark it crosses the line from discipline to abuse, especially in the heat of the moment and in anger. I try not to spank my oldest because it just fuels his fire so we've switched to grounding him from his electronics. He can still ride his bike, play on his trampoline, play with his other toys
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