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Everything posted by J'smom

  1. They need to redo that entire intersection and close the entrances to some of those shopping centers. The area in the video is bad for turning left, but also people getting into the right turn lane that's supposed to be for K-Mart only, to get to 278. I hate 92 with a passion and avoid it, especially the stretch between Hiram Sudie and Macland, at all costs. I hate when I'm trying to turn right out of Wal-Mart onto 92 and there's an idiot trying to turn left out of Wal-Mart (Aaron's, whatever). How are there not more accidents there?
  2. We wound up moving in with my parents.
  3. All I can say is I can't wait!!! I HATE going through Hiram and that will help cut that out!
  4. It's funny, when I tried to get on Medicaid a few years back I was denied because I made too much money. At the time, I was a single mom, going to school full-time (nursing school was 40 hours/week), and working part-time (waiting tables 2 nights a week). I was not getting child support from my ex at that time and was paying daycare expenses also. I cried and begged to get approved because I knew that one illness or injury would wipe me out financially and just wanted the coverage if needed--I wouldn't have time to go to the doctor for non-emergent issues anyway! My son was approved for We
  5. Um, nice tomato? That one probably shouldn't have been the first one--people get the wrong idea!!! LOL
  6. Dadgum it! (Oh, s@$#) Dern your hide!! (D@#$ you) Bless your heart has multiple meanings, it's all in the tone and context. It's a sweet sentiment (You made dinner for the family--bless your heart), sad (your kitten died?--bless your heart), cold and mean (you don't like the Dawgs?--well, bless your heart), and full-blown b (you think I'm fat and ugly--bless. your. heart. {spoken with a frozen smile and gritted teeth}), and you bless someone's heart after you've talked about them behind their back to make it okay (her dress is so tight it looks like two pigs fighting under a blanket--bles
  7. I thought illegal aliens didn't pay taxes and that's what the whole controversy was about. Anyway, I'd get my bi-annual credit report and keep a careful eye on things!
  8. Could have been a UFO if it was heading down toward Douglasville. You know how they pick the "cream of the crop" for alien abductions!! LOL
  9. My mom loved (loves) him and she was pregnant with me when he died. There's a guy in Pigeon Forge, Matt Cordell, that is the best Elvis tribute artist you'll ever see. Check out his website for concert info. He comes to Walker county a few times and Etowah, TN a good bit. He's a great artist and person. His mom and daughter are his backup singers, his dad does the lights, and his wife does the sound.
  10. Can't believe I forgot the biggest one of all--Eddie Rabbit/Crystal Gayle "Just You And I"!! How could I miss that one?!?
  11. Had somebody run me off the road on 61. I turned onto 61 north in New Georgia and was getting up to speed when the truck behind me came up so fast I had to tap my brake lights to make sure he saw me. He flew past me blowing his horn. I blew mine back and he SLAMMED on his brakes. I stopped, let him get ahead a little bit, then continued driving. We got to the light at Hiram Sudie, he waited for me to catch up to him (it had changed from red to green), started to go, I started to go, and he SLAMMED on his brakes in the middle of the intersection. He had his back window open (pick up truck
  12. Need to add a stop sign on Austin Bridge Rd where it runs into Mein Mitchell. If you're on Mein Mitchell you can't see cars coming from the left until they're right on top of you and I promise people aren't doing 35 either, because it's going uphill and curves slightly. To the original topic, people just need to pay attention. If you're turning left and the driver going the opposite way is turning right I thought the left-turner had to yield because he is cutting across the other driver's path. If the right turner has a yield sign, is that for cross traffic or for the oncoming traffic
  13. If they were happy then they wouldn't be "angry" Muslims. Maybe they'll stop being angry when the pigs stop stealing their eggs. (Sorry, when I saw the title of the thread I had a mental image of Muslims flinging across the sky from a slingshot).
  14. Forgot to add Lonestar--Amazed.
  15. Aren't there supposed to be Ewoks running around that thing?
  16. It's not a country thing, but all wedding songs are sappy. And to all those talking about trains and trucks, name one song that actually sings about it besides David Allen Coe's "You Never Even Call Me By My Name" Kenny Rogers--Through The Years George Strait--I Cross My Heart Kenny Chesney--Me And You Big and Rich--Lost In This Moment Garth Brooks/Trisha Yearwood--Where Your Road Leads Tim McGraw--Not A Moment Too Soon Elvis Presley--The Wonder Of You Elvis Presley--Can't Help Falling In Love I actually walked down the aisle to this one Randy Travis--Forever And Ever, Amen Tr
  17. Let me know, too, please. My ex is losing his house, short sale, and has to be out in a month. He'd prefer a house but needs to keep it around or under $800/month. He has two kids but they're only with him every other weekend, so a two-bedroom could work for now. Thanks!
  18. I had a lady come by and say she was in the neighborhood cleaning another home and she could vacuum my carpet for free--she has to clean a certain number of homes to get paid and was running short, so she could vacuum me for free, I'd sign off that she vacuumed, and she'd get credit. What kind of company makes their sales people do free work in order to get paid? I pointed to my hardwood floors and she was STILL trying to vacuum my floors!
  19. My dad used to tell us that we'd only get one speeding ticket while on his insurance. The reason for only one? "It's hard to get a speeding ticket on a bicycle!" Neither one of us got a single speeding ticket--we were afraid he'd yank our license or keys! My sister was being argumentative and was going to leave, grabbed her keys, and headed to the door (she was 17). My mom asked where she was going, she said she was leaving. My mom told her to be careful and watch your rearview mirror. She was going to call the cops and report a stolen car--the car was in mom's name--and they'd bring he
  20. But it's open to the public and serves the public.
  21. That person is the principal of a school and has issues with PB&J?! I guess that won't be served in their cafeteria!! If the teacher had used tacos as an example, wouldn't that have been seen as stereotyping? If you're living in Portland you're going to be exposed to "American" foods--guess they won't get American cheese on their Subway--and should be used to a flippin' sandwich.
  22. Place an anonymous call to whoever regulates that and maybe they'll "remind" them of the law. I'd be scared to smoke at a gas station anyway! As a life-long non-smoker I was thrilled that the indoor smoking ban was passed. I heard a smoker say they were going to sue because it infringed on their civil rights and they were discriminated against. I told him that his smoking around me is far worse for my health (and his) than my not smoking around him. It's not a matter of civil rights or discrimination, it's a matter of public health and safety. He actually shut up--I was surprised!
  23. I'll listen to their spiel so they do all that talking and then say no. We had a security system guy come by and offer their product (it wasn't that late at night!) and I politely told him no, we can't afford it, new baby and I've been out of work since February. His reply, and this ticks me off, is "Well, you sure you can't find it in your budget? Maybe if you skip Starbucks once a week or cut out McDonald's once a month it could happen." Who the $#@% is he to tell me how to budget my household? For one thing, I don't even drink coffee so I'm not paying $5.00 for a cup to begin with, and
  24. Bullying should be looked into and kids need to be educated about what to do if they're a victim, if they witness it, or if they themselves is the bully. It's not always the kid taking someone's lunch money or knocking their books down or shoving them, it's also the social discrimination and name-calling and snide remarks. A friend of mine was teased and picked on for her weight in middle and high school. One kid came up to her at a school dance and said her crush was going to ask her out that night. Well, needless to say, the group of kids he hung out with (the "cool" kids) all came up to
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