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Everything posted by J'smom

  1. I'm hoping they go all the way!!! It will suck because that means Tony Gonzalez will definitely retire, but he's more than earned it. Let's Go Falcons!!!!!
  2. There is nothing wrong with a technical school. I went to a technical college, got my tech diploma, passed my boards, and started working as a nurse before some people could even start the BSN nursing program at a bigger university. I get annoyed when people assume that you're a loser for not going to a big 4-year school. I worked with someone who is forcing all four of her kids to go to college. Her oldest, who's now a junior in college, has a passion and flair for cosmetology; a friend owns a hair salon and she's worked there for several months and is very good at it. The mom REFUSES to
  3. J'smom


    At the other end of that same Kroger shopping center the same car parks in the yellow striped area at the end of the parking lane, not in a space. One time I was getting out of my car when the idiot did that and I yelled to him "Nice parking spot" and he told me I was #1. I guess ordering and picking up his pizza and Chinese and Subway gave him preferential treatment. Guess if you spend enough money in that shopping center you can break the law.
  4. Something to consider is FMLA doesn't kick in until you've been there a year, so even if you were to get hired they do not have to guarantee your job when you go on maternity leave. I'm not saying it's right, but it's how the world works. I had to check the FMLA laws when I was pregnant and wound up having to take intermittent FMLA during my pregnancy, and even being covered under that I was still given a bad review for my attendance. I'd missed 3 weeks in one month but then hadn't missed a single day since and was still given a low grade on it. :/
  5. Amen! I was always taught to reduce your speed according to the driving conditions. No, the roads aren't frozen over, but the rain was heavy at times and that reduces visibility. Personally, I'm not going to use excess speed when I'm driving with limited visibility. Plus, you've got to watch out for the idiots who drive in the rain with no headlights or taillights on. Just be careful everybody.
  6. I know and I truly do appreciate the drivers and all they do. It's frustrating when it's cold or rainy and everybody's standing out there 30 minutes instead of just 5. One neighbor had to drive their child to school and was late for work because of the bus running late. Middle and high school kids can handle it a little better, but the elementary kids can't (and don't need to) be waiting alone, yet parents that have to work can't be late 3 times a week waiting on the bus and we can't drop the kids off until 7:30 so it's frustrating all the way around. We're not trying to whine, there are l
  7. Mushrooms are fungus--just lick between your toes for the same effect. Yuck. Raisins look too much like dead flies. Yuck. Oatmeal--can't eat something that looks like it's already been eaten. Yuck. Blueberries/raspberries/Tidal Wave gum--anything that bursts open in the mouth with a gush of juice. Yuck. And no perverted comments. I HATE the smell of ketchup and don't add it to anything (I'm probably the only person who makes meatloaf with barbecue sauce) but if it comes on my $2.99 double cheeseburger value meal I'll eat it. Mayonnaise--so very bad for you, not to mention gross.
  8. Off Ridge Road and it's mostly raining but I saw one flake--ALERT THE AUTHORITIES!! PANIC!!! FROZEN FLAKES OF DOOM ARE FALLING FROM THE SKY!!!
  9. Same here. Usually between 7:17--7:20, but hubby left at 7:35 and never even saw the bus. Neighbor stayed at the bus stop with ours and her kid. Right before Christmas break it was almost 8:00 before the bus came--and that was after every kid at our stop had been driven by another parent because we had to get to work. Never gotten a call, and it's probably 50/50 being on time.
  10. My 5th grader knows about US history and they've done many projects on it. Middle school is usually when they branch out to world history and I remember 8th grade having a class on Georgia history. High school was US History/US Geography, then world history/geography, then economics and something else (bear with me, it's been a long time). I don't think schools are skipping US history, they're just expanding to world history and the US history gets stored in the "don't need to know that until after my test" file. Although some people say the US history books are filled with inaccurate in
  11. I've NEVER gotten a call about a late bus or split route and it's a VERY regular occurrence. We (all of us at the bus stop) leave at the same time every day and there's days the bus is coming down the hill as we're all walking up, and we've waited up to 40 minutes. Usually it's closer to a 10-minute window, yet the kids are being told they'll be written up if they're late for the bus. I mentioned this topic a while back and got slammed for it, so it's nice to see someone else having the same concerns.
  12. What she said and lots of onesies, washcloths, towels, clothes, bibs, blankets (swaddling blankets--K-Mart has some that have a built-in pouch and velcro strips which I called swaddling for dummies), and lots of patience. Comfy blanket for you and mom for naps on the couch while baby is sleeping! And a good camera--lots of cute pictures to take!!!
  13. I had to get to Fayetteville from Hiram. Hubby's GPS took me down 92 to Brownsville, right on Hiram-Lithia Springs, then to Lee Rd in Lithia Springs and down some other roads and even cut through a cemetery. It took me an hour and a half to get there. On the return trip I put my work address in (Douglasville off Prestley Mill) and made two turns and was on Chapel Hill Road. I was SOOOOO mad that it took me so far out of the way, both distance and time, and made me late for my appointment. It only took 45 minutes for me to get back.
  14. It's HIPAA--Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. Sorry, it just bugs me when I see it wrong.
  15. “We tell infertile couples all the time … ‘Don’t be so tense and uptight because all that adrenaline can cause you not to ovulate.’ So he was partially right, wasn’t he?” said Gingrey. “But the fact that a woman may have already ovulated 12 hours before she is raped, you’re not going to prevent a pregnancy there by a woman’s body shutting anything down because the horse has already left the barn, so to speak.” It sounds like he was trying to defend his fellow politician, that his opinion would help offset the damage already done since he knows more about the vagina than Akin, but he also cont
  16. A FB friend shared a 30-minute long video "proving" why it's all a hoax. She doesn't think it is (and neither do I) but it's out there. The video is so heavily edited that it's not even funny. The video even says that the London bombings, 9/11, and Sandy Hook were government conspiracies and FEMA was conducting "drills" at the exact same time as the tragedies happened and they're all actors. Um, hubby worked in a paper mill for YEARS and they did disaster drills and they don't bring in actors for it, it's the real employees used for the drills. He was on a gurney in the hall of the hospit
  17. I'd say it's not flirting, especially since you didn't start it. If someone nods and smiles and says hello, it's good manners to reply the same way. If he starts with "so, come here often?" then it's okay to call that flirting and not egg it on. There's a fine line between polite conversation and flirting, but if it's just being polite in YOUR heart and mind, then that's all it is. Is hubby insecure maybe?
  18. Just make sure the courses are through and accredited school, especially if you need to get any certifications later on. Check out Chattahoochee Tech since they have a campus right here in Paulding. They may offer some courses online, although when I took medical terminology for nursing I was thankful to have it in a classroom because our teacher gave helpful hints. Med term is very cut and dry so the little tidbits helped a lot!
  19. Yeah, I've got a few bald patches and one heck of an ulcer, but GO FALCONS!!!! Hopefully next week the defense will play the entire game and remember Tackling 101!
  20. Four months was recommended by my pediatrician for both boys (and they had different peds due to their age difference) as long as they can sit and hold their head up. Introduce solids (baby fruit/veggies) closer to six months AND only one new food at a time. Don't give regular food before six months.
  21. Stephanie at the small building just off Dixie Street, and I forgot the two people (one was in training) at the hospital, and the office managers of the different offices. One was the vascular surgeon's office and one was the cardio office with Dr. Rogers. I haven't seen any new LPN postings on Tanner's website, just the cardio office I've already been turned down for and the occupational medicine. Thanks for the input. I'm going to make a test run this weekend and see how it goes. I've just never had to drive in that morning traffic and am not looking forward to it, plus my mom is s
  22. Sounds like something my 5th grader would do. My oldest got a Target gift card ($10) for Christmas 2011 from his dad. The day after Christmas I took him to Target and he got himself a small toy and got his baby brother a set of the teething car keys. The really sweet part--I was still pregnant! He bought his unborn baby brother a Christmas gift with his own money!
  23. The sound was off, brought back memories of watching Godzilla movies, so when you were talking about the face she made, the video just showed your regular face. And the laughter with no matching video reminded me of the end of Michael Jackson's Thriller video, when he's looking over his shoulder with the yellow eyes and all you hear is Vincent Price's laugh. Cute story though.
  24. I strongly think it's an increased awareness and broadened spectrum of autism disorders. They just interviewed a Ms. America contestant, Ms. Montana, who is 18 and has a high-functioning level of autism that was diagnosed at age 11. She described being ridiculed for a speech impediment and overwhelming shyness and would spend hours in her room not wanting to talk to anyone. Ten or fifteen years ago that wouldn't have been categorized as a form of autism. She didn't talk about any other issues, just that her family helped her feel comfortable in her own skin and she tried running and cheerl
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