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Gipper Girl Rocks

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Everything posted by Gipper Girl Rocks

  1. Everyone knows what "blessed" means. KIDDING. Gah...what happened to humor 'round these parts?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!
  2. WOW! How ironinc. I have been fussing at and with our city trash company ALL week. They are idiots and do a beyond lazy job every other week on average. The manager even told me today that "they are ridiculous!". Re: last week I propped a broken mop against the trash bin that was left beside the road in the place they asked us to leave it. I gift wrap my trash. They threw it further up into our yard and it laid there until I got home. I love good people with good morals. In business, it is especially notable!
  3. glad they seem to be okay. Could have been really bad.
  4. Absolutely. I stated earlier that I do not like pranks and have never thought they are funny. However, my boss for almost 20 years, and one of the most influential people EVER in my life, LOVED practical jokes AGAINST HIM. I was so nervous and just sick the first time my co workers pranked him. HE LOVED IT. He sent us actual "thank you" cards in the mail to our homes. He told each and every client that day and many days to come all about it. Well, I love humor and I have a pretty good imagination so every single year we would pull off a somewhat elaborate prank on him(everything from ha
  5. I'll add a couple of my best, tried and true recipes. I LOVE recipe books like this.
  6. Are you talking about private messages?
  7. I agree. Leaves me wondering what other circumstances this woman had going on in her life. I realize this was a big deal and a worldwide embarrassment, but with the hospitals support and nothing negative from the Royals it seems very extreme. VERY sad. I have never liked pranks. I can't even watch any of the shows on tv about them. It's just not funny to me unless everyone involved is laughing.
  8. Occasionally but not often enough.............................. Donny Osmond!!! :wub:
  9. ROFL! Made me laugh so hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I do agree with that. Suicide is so deep and complicated. I just hate for that little child to be without both parents.
  11. Nothing works better in the bathroom...I use bleach like its a drug, too. I use a lemon wedge and kosher salt to clean my iron skillets and my copper pots, too.
  12. They pulled him/her over for THAT? Hayell to the no. I need to just hush up then in this thread lest the "police are saints" mafia will attack :wacko: :wacko: .
  13. IDK! Wish I did though. Like you, I'd much rather give my money to people in my community. I KNOW there has to be a few Pcommers who can help you!
  14. She is gorgeous. I know you are crazy over her and you should be! I love this picture.
  15. I feel so much for the 3 yr old. What a senseless, selfish act.
  16. IDK, I think it's a thumbs up to Capitalism. Supply and demand. The market drives the price. I cannot stand the thought of them but I hope they make a BUNDLE on 'em!
  17. Yep....peroxide gets blood out of anything. Mix 2 parts vinegar, 3 parts water and 3 tblsps Dawn dish soap(Dawn is way better than the others)to use as a soap scum/bathroom cleaner. It literally melts the soap scum off. I keep a bottle in both bathrooms. Windex- 3 parts rubbing alcohol, 1 part water, 1 tbls. ammonia. Use a cotton cloth to clean. Squeaky clean and shiny. I use Murphy's oil soap on all the wood in my house. There is nothing better, IMO.
  18. Blaze is a great dog name. You can see he loves Jordan. I bet he would protect her, if need be. Mimi is 8 months old. How old is Jordan? This is a recent picture. I was about to put Mimi to bed and found THIS!....Mimi has Daddy wrapped around her little finger in a big, bad way! She looked at me like, "ummmm, I dont think so, Lady...".
  19. So sweet! I do love babies, kids and elderly people. Most of the people I spend the most time with are decades older than me. I've just always been that way. Jordan is a doll. You can easliy see that she is very well loved and taken care of. I love the look on the dogs face! He knows who's boss and it's not him!
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