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Gipper Girl Rocks

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Everything posted by Gipper Girl Rocks

  1. Will do! I hope you can make use of them. They are yours.
  2. This is HORRIBLE. The "war on drugs" is one the biggest scams in history! I hope these cops are nailed to the wall.
  3. I think it's pretty clear that I am "YES" on legalization. No such thing as "medical" maryjane, BTW...but it is a BEAUTIFUL means to legalize .
  4. Well, since they all would love to kill me, I HAVE noticed. Been "noticing" them my whole life.
  5. Reason #133 that AGG loves Jenilyn. I do love Mommy though........Mimi says it now only whe she's crying................. . Bestie makes me wanna hurl on a baby.
  6. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTT???? Are you suggesting that I live by Muslim Law?
  7. Will do! Dad says he will be happy to tote whatever he can fit in his lil sportscar(dont get me started)up there to PC! It will be the end of November but we will squeeze all we can into that lil vehicle and get it to you, Subby.
  8. Oh no. Too late for "sorries". I was all hyped up for sushi. Now...................not so damned much. Pfft!
  9. You need professional help. I like you.
  10. Oh, yall need to quit. I have to keep SOME food down!
  11. Hey Love(Subby) , I dont have any of those but Will came home yesterday and told me that he has a "truckbed FULL" of used computer stuff(monitors, towers, etc.)from his shop and remembered me saying that you were into repairing that sort of thing. Dont know if you still are and it is TOTALLY fine if not. But, my Dad can bring a carload to you after Thanksgiving when he visits us(he lives in New Hope). Absolutely free. I dont know enough about that stuff to even know if its pure trash or "useable" to someone. Hope you are tearing it up!
  12. DANGIT! i JUST had dinner! :bad: :bad: ....dang you, DANG YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. hahahaaaa! You are exactly right!!! We arent Kosher b/c we think it's a sin or wrong to eat certain foods, etc., we do it out of respect for the tradition our Heritage held so dear. God spoke to Peter in a vision and told him that no food or animal is unclean. IH2Dogs....
  14. Vile animal- the pig. I dont know how you Gentiles do it.
  15. Look at your cute, little baby belly . Love the pics!
  16. My Husband does the opposite of what my parents did. He calls me LauraLee, which is my "real" first name, unless I'm in trouble ...then he just calls me "Laura" . I like to irritate him and call him Wilma(his name is Will).
  17. Grrrrr . I cannot stand that term. I can honestly say I have never said it and have no plans to in the future.
  18. Your babies are gonna have 3 eyes, clear(see thru) skin and 12 fingers.....................but they will smell april fresh!
  19. Fabric sheets are FULL of the funk. Dangerous little thingy's.
  20. Bad "investments", if you can even call them that. DONT DO IT....EVER.
  21. I have a true fascination with laundry . It is my favorite hobby, no kidding. My Mother was the same way. I "baby" our clothing and linens. I do not over-launder. That is something that is very misunderstood in our day of fast, cheap and easy laundering. I dont even want to admit how many things I've read on this subject.
  22. I love this sweet, SWEET pic of you and your baby(well, he USED to be a widdle, bitty baby... ). Post more if you have them.
  23. I think youre right about that. My son was never a dare devil. He didnt even put things in his mouth as a little baby. He has always been laid back and has been pretty good to think before he acts. I can already see that Mimi is not like that at all. We have to keep an eye on her at ALL times...she can move fast and, so far, has little fear.
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