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Gipper Girl Rocks

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Everything posted by Gipper Girl Rocks

  1. I did. I have 2 of them . I kept thinking one felt way too sore to just "be sore" so I finally dragged myself to the ER. This is no fun at ALL. Really crampin' my style! Days from danged 40 and falling apart.
  2. I KNOW ! 15th?! Pfft. That's like getting the grand prize of a carrot, onion and tomato bouquet on the "$1.98 Beauty Show".
  3. I agree with you and your liberal, anti Capitalistic ideas 0% of the time, so we are staying consistent here. You could really use a John Galt biotch slap.
  4. I didnt spend a day in government schools nor did my brother. My parents did anything but "hide" us from society. I had learned more and travelled farther by graduaution than some people will have the chance to do in a lifetime. Again, homeschooling is not sitting at home at the table, whispering lessons to your kids. It is a very busy, time consuming and VERY demanding schedule. It would be a LOT easier to stick my kids on a big yellow bus(or make them walk alone-we have seen how well THAT works), trust the government(a joke in and of itself) and not see them again til 4-ish.
  5. I have the BEST BEST BEST CPA in the world....Richard Wurst in Marietta. I have used him for 15 yrs and referred over 20 people who all still use him today. I'm telling you, I have worked on total commission for my entire career which means LOTS of tax issues, and he has ALWAYS gone way above and beyond and he knows tax law.
  6. holy moly....will it ever end? Who decides where one's life should end?
  7. Well, I dont even live in PC or anywhere close anymore( )but personally, I am glad they are in business and doing well. I am always happy when small business, especially hometown people, are doing well. Rodney's posts here always make me so HUNGRY!!!!
  8. If no one else gets your humor, I do for whatever that's worth(not a lot 'round here... ). Funny tho.
  9. omg. be aware...be aware....yes. Okay. We get it. woot.But I have to say that I dont really want her "unwashed" anything. Just sayin'.
  10. Love you, Postman amd Merry Christmas!!!
  11. I just saw this Mr Dis. You know I am in your corner. I am praying for you, your sweet wife and family.
  12. Okay...allow me to come down to your level. You are obviously not schooled in this subject. Homeschoolers do not sit around the family table and draw cartooned pictures all day. It is a co-op. Look it up. My child had ONLY certified teachers who all had degrees in their field. It is called 'homeschool co-op'. I have a very good education as my parents kept us out of government school and sacrified to give us the very best. They spent thousands while they were forced to pay government school taxes as well, which we NEVER used one day of(thank God Almighty). My brother is a doctor who feel
  13. See, this is what YOU feel is acceptable. To delve into a private citizens life and try to ban them from being a free person. INDIVIDUAL liberty. Ever heard of it? I have already raised one wonderful young man who is well able and capable of doing whatever he sets out to do and have another coming right behind him.
  14. You obviously have no understanding of true homeschooling. We dont sit in the kitchen and play tiddlywinks.
  15. Yes, it can happen "anywhere". However, government "education" is a joke and common sense was ruled out long ago. Dont get me started. My parents never let us spend one single day there and I refuse to let mine either. I'd wash dishes and clean bathrooms to keep them out. My parents SCARIFICED for us. They could have had so much more materially but they believed that WE were more important. THANK GOD for that.
  16. yep. I carry EVERYWHERE I go except for the places where it is illegal to carry(and even those I WANT to carry). No way I'm going without.
  17. Just say NO to government "education". Common sense is gone there. LONG gone.
  18. Say what you all may but THIS is just one more reason that I didnt have my son in government school and I am homeschooling my daughter. YES, it can happen anywhere but common sense in government school is GONE. COMPLETELY GONE. I WANT teachers to carry concealed weapons. I WANT more citizens to carry. This country would be a MUCH safer place. NEVER EVER EVER putting my child in a government school. I didnt attend them one single day and as long as I am breathing, she wont either.
  19. He tried and tried with the CPR....couldnt accept that it was just too late.
  20. You have no idea. I am on the pc way too late and people are trying to sleep. It is all I can do to NOT cackle. THAT is GREAT! Tell her how purdy she is.... . I can see that happening to me.
  21. Thanks. See? More of you should convert. We Messianics get BOTH!
  22. I've had my Festivus pole up since Halloween. I like to get an early start on the grievances.
  23. Ga Famers Market below the Atl airport. Where I get my tree and live wreath every year. They have EVERYTHING canned by local farmers. Open 24/7 except Cmas Day!
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