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Gipper Girl Rocks

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Everything posted by Gipper Girl Rocks

  1. Good point. I have seen a few turn that way pretty early though. Of course, the douche doesnt fall far from the....... .
  2. I agree with all your points 100%(I'm not calling Postman that, btw....he knows I love him). But, I hate guys like you've described. May I add...the use of the terms "Hotlanta" and "Chillaxin".
  3. This reminds me of a pile up very similar in Tennessee years ago. I believe MANY people lost their lives in that one. There are lights and fog warning signs on that stretch now. I have driven it in a THICK fog and NERVOUS. Very sad.
  4. ROFL!!! Bite marks on the pencil in the glove box!
  5. I'm so glad you're here, Postman! If you really were my Postman, I'd bring you hot coffee, warm homemade cake and then iced tea in the summer! We dont have to agree to have a deep, mutual respect, and I do.
  6. Subby, I'm so very sorry for your loss. I was shocked. I read this early today and have been thinking on it all day long. Me and Will have talked about you both all day. You know, when I lost my precious Mother, a few people said, "I dont know what to say". I realized that it may have seemed general and generic before but when I was in deep grief, not even knowing fully how I felt, that meant a lot. It showed me their genuine "want" to say something- ANYTHING to help in my pain but had no idea what that "thing" was. And they certainly didnt want to stumble through words that would hurt, unkno
  7. I think shipping cats is legit. Put em in a box and tape that sucker up good. Air tight is TSA standard.
  8. NO! John Galt! One of my Libertarian, individual liberty, small government heroes! You know him?
  9. Okay, okay...I'll just go ahead and admit it! I am John Galt! (in a chicks body, of course) . There. Now...where's my royalties for the books and movies?
  10. I have heard from a few of my good friends and they are shocked and so heartbroken. He was their Worship leader. Things like this are so hard to make any sense of . God is Sovereign, though, no matter what.
  11. So sad. I cannot even imagine. I will be praying for this family as well as his Church family.
  12. I had a dark blue 1988 Honda Prelude. I had to find a phone and call my Mother whenever I got to where I was going- even to school every morning... .
  13. Does your silly hat match the bathrobe your husband used to wear?
  14. I learned a trick about how to remove red stains from carpet and it WORKS! Once you've cleaned it as much as you can, lay a damp(not wet)cloth over the stain and use a hot iron to "iron" the cloth. Go over it a few times with the iron. When we had to gut our house before we moved in, a pro carpet cleaner shared this tip with me!
  15. No way I would EVER leave my child in the care of a 13 year old unless,aybe I was walking to the mailbox. I think it is neglectful, irresponsible and just a lack of common sense to not realize that a 13 year old is a kid! Do you remember the things you did and your thought process when you were that age? Even if nothing horrible happened like it did here, no way a kid this young would know how to act in the best interest of everyone in an emergency(outside of calling 911, maybe). Very likely, IMO. Although very extreme in this case, the response of a child in this sort of situation
  16. Yes, Twinkies will survive by selling the brand(due to Capitalism) but this IS b/c of unions, without any doubt.
  17. Do your kids attend government schools, private or homeschool?
  18. Americans are too endoctrinated to see how CLEARLY this sort of action is illegal and anti-Constitutional. Leave it to the government schools to educate....Geeeeze.... .
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