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Gipper Girl Rocks

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Everything posted by Gipper Girl Rocks

  1. thats my specialty! She is still a brunette with red tones. Personally, I dont like burgundy tones in dark hair but lots of people do.
  2. Glenn has so much talent. I could listen to him play alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll night.
  3. Yes, this is why my Glock stays at home and I do not carry it.
  4. I have had Kimber products and they always live up to the "hype".
  5. Got it right yet again. I was almost wrong once................................ .
  6. He probably likes her... . I do what I can to help.
  7. I have both. I favor the Taurus but not really b/c of the brand. I do love it though. It's a 6 shot .38. I just feel safer carrying a revolver than my Glock...its a baby Glock. I throw my purse around way too much... .
  8. Yep....mine stay in my purse, car and various places at home. Never on the street... .
  9. Sweet fancy Moses. People who say things like your last paragraph scare me and make me wonder where all the common sense has gone.
  10. I gotz my Nikes on! I'm READYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!
  11. I think we should have anti-hand laws too then. Too many people are being suffocated by other peoples hands. Good gosh...common sense is dead.
  12. Read a story last week of a family suffocating themselves by accident after wrapping their entire house in plastic just after 911/anthrax scare. Thinning the herd.
  13. Didnt claim they ALL did. However, everyone who supported him ARE enabling redistribution of wealth which has brought every society who used it to ruin...and in a hurry.
  14. I said I would protest wearing ribbons. I do have some strong opinions on the supposed "cancer research" though...especially the quazi- womens lib movement called "breast cancer awareness". Thanks. I have not read this one but I love Andy Andrews. Gonna order it. When you put food on peoples tables(even when that food is taken from other's), they succumb fairly easy.
  15. Dont you know that men know more about your uterus than you do??? Real authorities on what goes on in there.
  16. Yes, I know. I am not a ribbon wearer of any sort. I think I would wear a clear one to protest all other ribbons.
  17. Yes, it is "Western-ized, American-ized Christianity" and it is way off, IMO.
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