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Gipper Girl Rocks

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Everything posted by Gipper Girl Rocks

  1. let me add too that this family lives a city away and not here in Valdosta. What are the chances?
  2. We do not immunize and for GOOD reason.
  3. That is very much appreciated. Thank you so much on behalf of my family. I am so happy to know that she is with this precious family.
  4. I believe that and agree. I'm just so glad He loved us enough to show off tonight .
  5. I wanted to tell you that youve been on my mind and Ive been praying for you, Momof3. Let this help your faith to grow.
  6. Yes and yes on the chills. I thought I was dreaming or something and he did too. One really great thing about us meeting is that he said they know little to nothing about her life until a couple months ago. We told him what we knew and he said it made a lot of things make more sense. Unbelievable.
  7. I told Will that I had not mentioned anything else about it here on Pcom in a while b/c it was too up and down, etc. and then you asked me about it 2 days ago. Who wouldve EVER guessed something like this?
  8. Thank you, Papi. That is very sweet. I KNOW it sounds too far fetched to be true but it is true....every word.
  9. We are still stunned but in a good way tonight. What I'm about to tell you is the truth, hard to believe, but 100% true. I made a Direct TV appt over the weekend to switch from cable. The tech called and was very mannerly and professional. So much so that I sent Will a text about it b/c we have had nothing but problems with our cable provider for almost 2 years. So, while the tech was in our house setting everything up, it took longer than he had planned so he called to have another person catch his following appointment. I felt really bad b/c cause it is cold and rainy here today and
  10. Mine tried but without a thumb to help turn the key, she could'nt pull it off. Dumb as a box of rocks.
  11. We all live and drive in a (semi)free country. Accidents happen. I feel for the driver as much as the Pray family. What a horrible thing to have to live with. It wasnt done maliciously.From what I've heard and read about Andrew, I doubt that he would feel the way you do. Grace and mercy? We will ALL need it in life at one time or another.
  12. I agree but they are defense attorneys and slimy. Yes, that's correct but, its my understanding that this particular search was done under a different log in that was pimarily used by Casey. It wasnt in the same place as all the other searches. STOOOOPID though, no matter how it happened.
  13. OMG! YES! I have always thought the same thing. Sounds like they have both been smoking since the age of 3.
  14. TRIPLE take. I would dance with you! Can you imagine the conversation?! Lively, to say the least! She really, truly is a BEAUTIFUL bride. You SHOULD be proud and brag, brag, brag.
  15. just looking at that picture again...she's a little, petite thing? Looks like it here for sure.
  16. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! I wish you couldve seen my face when I saw this SWEET picture! Brought tears to my eyes. You look so handsome and you can clearly see the love you have for her in your face. She looks beautiful. You need more GREAT Grandbabies now!
  17. I only wish she could. They deserve each other. O.J. is currently incarcerated. Casey Anthony will be as well at some point, no doubt.
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