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Everything posted by UnionMom

  1. Trooper Dennis Engelhard Missouri State Highway Patrol Missouri End of Watch: Friday, December 25, 2009 Biographical Info Age: 49 Tour of Duty: 10 years Badge Number: Not available Incident Details Cause of Death: Struck by vehicle Date of Incident: Friday, December 25, 2009 Weapon Used: Not available Suspect Info: Not available Trooper Dennis Engelhard was fatally struck by a vehicle while investigating a minor accident on I-44, in Eureka, on Christmas Day. Another vehicle lost control due to winter weather conditions and struck him. Trooper Engelhard had served with
  2. It is pretty ugly out there at times.
  3. My son got one around Spring Break. He was having surgery (and his birthday) and it was something that he had been asking for ever since the first commercial. I was embarrassed to buy it but it's amazing what we'll do for our kids.
  4. Fair enough ... spread the "that was stupid" around.
  5. Instead of slamming the PD for attempting to help people see their mistake, why isn't the news the one in the wrong for spilling the beans? How many bad guys are running around looking at the back of parking tickets?
  6. Well poo ... now I want one.
  7. Like on a hook near the top of the door where the child can't get to it. That's why we saved the "regular" ones from the builder, so we can switch out when we sell.
  8. www.lmgtfy.com (lmgtfy = Let Me Google That For You)
  9. I will forever be grateful for having had that last Christmas with Mum before she died. My husband surprised me with a trip home for Christmas that year and he will never know how wonderful a gift it was. For the first and only time, Mum had her kids and her grandkids with her that day. We had such a wonderful time, none of us knowing that she would be gone in a few months. Christmas was her favorite time of the year.
  10. I might be interested in the FL one.
  11. Give it away. j/k You should be able to find what you're looking for here ......... link
  12. Golly, you mean somebody copy/pasted something here that they got off the internet? Say it isn't so!
  13. Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasions and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all...and a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling, and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of t
  14. I've always just preferred making white chocolate/peppermint bark. It's easier and tastes better than the cookies.
  15. Should Smoking Void Warranties? Now this is an interesting case. Late last week news got out that Apple is refusing to repair machines still under AppleCare from customers who smoke, citing health risks from second-hand smoke. Wait, what? Apple's argument basically seems to boil down to this: smoking near your device more or less equates to throwing it in the aquarium, or driving your car over it. In both of these cases, your warranty is void because it is your own fault. These are obviously perfectly legitimate stipulations. The problem with the smoking claim is that the smoking i
  16. Should firm up some when you stick it in the fridge. See if that does the job.
  17. I talked to you on the phone earlier ... waiting on you to call me back with a time.
  18. I believe you've got about 2 weeks left to enjoy it. Too bad, too.
  19. A little guerrilla marketing going on?
  20. If a personal matter inhibits the ability of individuals to do their job properly, it absolutely is the business of the public they serve(d). If a personal matter has created an inhospitable work environment, it absolutely is the business of the public they serve(d). (merely examples ... not suggestions/rumors of what has happened) And Pat ... you could avoid some of the speculation about your reporting by stating that the other parties involved are not answering questions/returning calls/talking/whatever at this time. It's a pretty standard "covering your reporter a$$" addition to a st
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