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Everything posted by UnionMom

  1. Going by what you've said here, that's nuts.
  2. Still considered too far for road transport in many cases.
  3. I saw her vehicle parked at Paulding Hospital yesterday ... I was wondering what was up.
  4. We had strict criteria for calling them. Maybe some of the area agencies need to revisit their SOPs.
  5. Disregard my above suggestion. As for home tanks/refills ... I got nuttin'. Sorry.
  6. Oh ... are you talking about home use or portable?
  7. Give Hitch and Gear a call ... 770-445-1100
  8. Different jurisdictions have different SOPs on the matter. I would guess that Paulding uses them more than other "metro counties" because of the lack of "quick" access to trauma units.
  9. The situation here is so different from "back home." The county I lived in had 4 helicopters of their own that were used as needed for medical or police needs. There was no bill to patients for transport. It was just part of the services the county provided.
  10. The false alarms is different than the charges for ambulance/helicopters. The false alarms are considered an abuse of the system. I'm just saying ... there are lots and lots of areas around this country where people do not get billed for ambulance/helicopter emergency transportation. I was floored when I realized it's is billed here. Of course, I was also surprised to see private ambulance companies providing emergency response. I don't agree with charging for specific services within an emergency response but if it is a way to help them stay afloat, not have to lay people off a
  11. It's funny to me to see folks getting worked up over paying to be extricated yet y'all have no problem with paying for ambulances or helicopters for emergency transport.
  12. We do ... they just apparently aren't as much into news as some would like.
  13. The pay is based on the average income within those areas.
  14. Paulding currently is under $11.__/hr but that is apparently changing to $13.__ very, very soon. And the hiring process has begun. Most of the jobs don't start until March but the hiring process has already begun.
  15. Glad to see this posted. I applied/tested for census jobs today. fingers crossed
  16. I was going to suggest the donation route, too.
  17. I need a new "pillow" for mine.
  18. No. Walk her around loose on her leash near the flags and let her work out what they mean. The flags and chalk/paint line will give her a visual cue to help her understand what makes that weird feeling happen on her neck. It makes the training go much faster and smoother. Keep in mind that you must have her on a loose leash, not at a heel. And when you advance to testing her across the fence line, do NOT call her across. That's not fair to her.
  19. Darlene, did you get my voicemail a few days ago?
  20. Spend the money for some extra flags and plan on putting down either a chalk line or a spray paint line well within the fence border. It will make the learning faster and easier for her. Start her off working on a short lead then a long lead then no lead. Do NOT call her across the line. That's conflicting and cruel. And when you're working with her on the fence, do not have her at a heel. Again, conflicting. edited to correct to read flags, not fences
  21. Invisible fence type containment systems are wonderful but you need to be sure to put in the proper time to train her to it. Much better a few uncomfortable jolts than being run over or shot or whatever else.
  22. I'm tempted to take it down today or tomorrow. I really would like it out of the way but it's a bit early for my usual.
  23. In the tradition of the day (Boxing Day), I'm going to be getting my pile of donations ready for Goodwill, The Thrift Store, Etc.
  24. There are plenty of people who do not celebrate Christmas ... and lets not forget the people who consider the extra hours and holiday pay to be a real Christmas miracle in these current economic times.
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