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Everything posted by UnionMom

  1. And laying his finger aside of his nose, And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose;
  2. Instead of searching your posts through your profile do a regular search using the search box near the top right corner. Of course, that won't help if you don't recall anything from the post/thread that would come up in a search.
  3. No names, obviously ... male/female not even needed. I am curious about age, though ... if you don't mind sharing that.
  4. There's a closer LZ that they usually use. If there was one at that church I would think that might indicate more than one bird used for this wreck. They cut the top off the white sedan. The full size PU had the entire front end crushed in. That takes pretty serious impact. It did look like two other vehicles involved but I could not pay any more attention without becoming a hazard on the road.
  5. I was going to ask the same thing until I figured it probably had something to do with the drug situation. I imagine the child is being removed from the home, as much as the mother's care and custody. (But that's just a guess.)
  6. SE corner of the intersection. There's currently a house there ... I believe it is white. Drove through there today and saw the sign.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVQNt64PxfE
  8. I have a friend in Ohio who say folks setting up a tent in front of Best Buy at about midnight last night. Gee, what a way to spend Thanksgiving.
  9. There was a radio station back home that played it Thanksgiving Day at noon every year.
  10. I now pronounce you husband and what?! In another sign that the world is about to collapse, multiple blogs are reporting that a fan of the Nintendo DS dating sim Love Plus (you know, the really creepy one) liked his virtual lady so much that he decided to marry her. For real. Apparently, a Japanese gamer known as 'Sal9000' was officially wed to Nene Anegasaki, one of the game's three virtual girlfriends, in what must have been the weirdest ceremony in the history of ceremonies. We can only assume that Ms. Pac-Man was the maid of honor... link to full article
  11. What area in "S. Paulding" ... 92, 61, Rose's Store?
  12. My brother's family (in NC) uses them and love them.
  13. holiday weekend + sinking dollar = higher gas prices
  14. Looks like it might be a ... Northern Slimy Salamander another web page
  15. And for those wanting to help but don't have any extra coats around the house ... it seems Old Navy will have all children's coats on sale this Friday ... $15. Or, you could check out the local thrift and consignment shops for inexpensive, good condition used coats and jackets.
  16. Or he could let the authorities go check them out and they would be better prepared, better suited for the task. If help is needed, they'll be able to get it to them. If there is a problem, the authorities will be able to handle it.
  17. I believe Hardy charges $85 to hook up and read codes.
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