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Everything posted by UnionMom

  1. link ... stop sending cards He passed away Nov 23.
  2. I would suggest trying others before ragsdale for repairs.
  3. I get what you're saying. I do think people tend to be more understanding when there is something cultural that they can look at to explain things, though. They may not understand it or fully agree with it but they can at least understand where the idea/action came from.
  4. The article said nothing of it being a coming of age/cultural issue. They said they did it because the kids wanted to be like them. And if it truly were a coming of age issue, it would not have been all of them at the same time.
  5. Ignorance of the law (two of them, actually) is no excuse/defense.
  6. Not finding any other source that agrees with those numbers but the fact is that it's going to be cold. I believe those single digit numbers are actually referring to wind chill and somebody may have gotten mixed up when writing that article. NOAA Forecast
  7. Oh, he was on the news a number of times. Got another award this year, too. But yes ... he avoided his usual stuff. She is very lucky and I am glad that she and her hubby have learned from it regarding the seatbelts. And how lucky those children were!
  8. I am thankfully for hubby not having any close calls during 2009.
  9. The numbers that I am finding show the actual flight cost per medevac averages $1,200. Now that is actual helicopter operating cost, including use of supplies. That does not include base overhead ... payroll, housing. It does include fuel and required maintenance costs. So if we assume in favor of the providers in the equation, we add (using the 2 flights per day average) $876,000 to your earlier $440,000 for a ballpark number of $1,316,000 in cost. Lets also add a very generous amount for housing costs (rent/lease of space, utilities, etc.) and call it $2,300,000. (And that's very gener
  10. And on some of them they see every penny. Besides ... I'm just throwing numbers out there for folks to consider.
  11. Well if we're going to throw numbers out there for consideration ... $17,000 billed per flight and assuming an average of 2 flights per day ... $34,000 $34,000 x 365 = $12,410,000 So even if assuming an average of only one flight per day ... that's still over $6,000,000/year.
  12. Poor management and profit are two separate issues. But seriously ... theirs would have been run on a non-profit basis. Or so it should have been.
  13. Take profit out of the picture and the number comes way down. Now obviously not all hospitals and/or jurisdictions can afford to have their own helicopters. I'm just saying.
  14. I've got family that is caught up in that mess and they are having to leave doctors they've been with for years. It's a real shame.
  15. Sadly, no. No agreement. Not to worry, they'll be sure to work something out after all of the Kaiser folks have switched to new doctors.
  16. Amazing how such a simple thread could get so unpleasant. Littlefriend ... I think you need to lighten up a bit. As mentioned by another poster, there are nicer ways of responding and getting your message across without alienating people. Ugadawgs98 and wcso ... thanks for calm and rational additions to the discussion. Sure makes it easier for those on the front lines than the aggressive approach does.
  17. But I also know that there are times when it's just not worth getting bent out of shape over. Have people ever been flown that shouldn't have been? Sure. Have helicopters ever taken longer than one would consider reasonable? Sure. Both of those are the exception and not the rule. And I never considered the job "hard enough" to be bothered with misperceptions or people taking the rarity and using it as an example of the norm.
  18. And you put up with that garbage? Nice. What are you talking about? What garbage am I putting up with?
  19. UnionMom


    My son is interested in learning to fence, too.
  20. Perhaps "some of you people" would have been better. Some of us in this thread do know.
  21. Don't just think about the cost ... consider the value per dollar. Fliers on car windshields in the WalMart parking lot is super cheap but very litle business will come from it.
  22. Which is precisely why I feel that private transport has no place in emergency response.
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